All Poems

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The Priest’s Brother

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

Thrice in the night the priest arose

From broken sleep to kneel and pray.

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Swifts (2)

© Boris Pasternak

At twilight the swifts have no power,

to hold back that pale blue coolness.

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The Botanic Garden (Part V)

© Erasmus Darwin



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Street Song

© Thom Gunn

I am too young to grow a beard
But yes man it was me you heard
In dirty denim and dark glasses.
I look through everyone who passes
But ask him clear, I do not plead,
Keys Lids acid and speed.

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An Unfortunate Likeness

© William Schwenck Gilbert

I'VE painted SHAKESPEARE all my life -
"An infant" (even then at "play"!)
"A boy," with stage-ambition rife,
Then "Married to ANN HATHAWAY."

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The Lily Has A Smooth Stalk

© Christina Georgina Rossetti

The lily has a smooth stalk,

Will never hurt your hand;

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Witchery Knows!

© William Henry Ogilvie

Witchery knows what it means

When the oats and the barley, the wheat and the beans,

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New Year

© Julia A Moore

Farewell to the old year forever,
  And all its sorrows and care
We'll bury in our hearts, and endeavor
  New troubles and trials to bear.

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Earth And Man

© George Meredith

On her great venture, Man,
Earth gazes while her fingers dint the breast
Which is his well of strength, his home of rest,
And fair to scan.

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Love's Almsman Plaineth His Fare

© Francis Thompson

O you, love's mendicancy who never tried,

  How little of your almsman me you know!

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The Creek-Road

© Madison Julius Cawein

CALLING, the heron flies athwart the blue

That sleeps above it; reach on rocky reach

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© Francis Ledwidge

Once more the lark with song and speed
Cleaves through the dawn, his hurried bars^;
Fall, like the flute of Ganymede
Twirling and whistling from the stars.

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To A Gentleman, Who Shew'd A Fine Poem As His Own.

© Mary Barber

No more at Criticks, Ned, repine,
Who say those Numbers are not thine.
I own I was suspicious too,
And thought the Verse too good for You:
But since you say those Lines you writ,
The Proof is full, and I submit.

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© Arthur Symons

There are grey hours when I drink of indifference; all things fade
Into the grey of a twilight that covers my soul with its sky;
Scarcely I know that this shade is the world, or this burden is I;
And life, and art, and love, and death, are the shades of a shade.

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Kampala Beggar

© David Rubadiri

Dark twisted form

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a world of dew

© Kobayashi Issa

The world of dew is, yes,
a world of dew,
but even so

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Don Juan: Canto The Ninth

© George Gordon Byron

Oh, Wellington! (or 'Villainton'--for Fame

Sounds the heroic syllables both ways;

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To Longfellow (On Hearing He Was Ill.)

© Paul Hamilton Hayne

But past the poet crowned I see the friend--
Frank, courteous, true--about whose locks of gray,
Like golden bees, some glints of summer stray;
Clear-eyed, with lips half poised 'twixt smile and sigh;
A brow in whose soul-mirroring manhood blend
Grace, sweetness, power and magnanimity!

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Buckle In

© Edgar Albert Guest

JUST about the time the clouds are blackest

Let your thoughts go roving to the sun,

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The Sydney International Exhibition

© Henry Kendall

Now, while Orion, flaming south, doth set

A shining foot on hills of wind and wet—