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© Henry Timrod
Rich in red honors, that upon him lie
As lightly as the Summer dews
Fall where he won his fame beneath the sky
Of tropic Vera Cruz;
© Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
Glittring balls and thoughtless revels
Fill up now each misspent night
The TigerLily
© Robert Laurence Binyon
What wouldst thou with me? By what spell
My spirit allure, absorb, compel?
The last long beam that thou didst drink
Is buried now on evening's brink.
A Vagrant Heart
© Dora Sigerson Shorter
O to be a woman! to be left to pique and pine,
When the winds are out and calling to this vagrant heart of mine.
Fourth of July
© Julia A Moore
Fourth of July, how sweet it sounds,
As every year it rolls around.
It brings active joy to boy and man,
This glorious day throughout our land.
© William Henry Drummond
"I'd tak' dat leetle feller Dominique,
An' I'd put heem on de cellar ev'ry day,
An' for workin' out a cure, bread an' water's very sure,
You can bet he mak' de promise not to play!"
A Eunuch Complains Of His Fate
© Confucius
A few fine lines, at random drawn,
Like the shell-pattern wrought in lawn
To hasty glance will seem.
My trivial faults base slander's slime
Distorted into foulest crime,
And men me worthless deem.
The Angels of Buena Vista
© John Greenleaf Whittier
Speak and tell us, our Ximena, looking northward far away,
O'er the camp of the invaders, o'er the Mexican array,
Who is losing? who is winning? are they far or come they near?
Look abroad, and tell us, sister, whither rolls the storm we hear.
Horace I, 31.
© Eugene Field
As forth he pours the new made wine,
What blessing asks the lyric poet--
What boon implores in this fair shrine
Of one full likely to bestow it?
The Red Box at Vesey Street
© Henry Cuyler Bunner
Past the Red Box at Vesey street
Swing two strong tides of hurrying feet,
And up and down and all the day
Rises a sullen roar, to say
Le Pont Mirabeau {French}
© Guillaume Apollinaire
Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine
Et nos amours
Faut-il qu'il m'en souvienne
La joie venait toujours après la peine.
Der Sonderling
© Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Sobald der Mensch sich kennt,
Sieht er, er sei ein Narr;
Und gleichwohl zuernt der Narr,
Wenn man ihn also nennt.
Our Ship
© George MacDonald
Had I a great ship coming home,
With big plunge o'er the sea,
What bright things, hid from star and foam,
Lay in her heart for thee!
"The thick golden stream of honey took so long"
© Osip Emilevich Mandelstam
1: The thick golden stream of honey took so long
To pour, our host had time to say:
"Here in the dismal Taurides, where fate has brought us,
We don't get bored at all" -- and she looked over her shoulder.
Sea-ward, white gleaming thro' the busy scud (fragment)
© Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Sea-ward, white gleaming thro' the busy scud
With arching Wings, the sea-mew o'er my head
Posts on, as bent on speed, now passaging
Edges the stiffer Breeze, now, yielding, drifts,
Now floats upon the air, and sends from far
A wildly-wailing Note.
Father Death Blues
© Allen Ginsberg
Hey Father Death, I'm flying home
Hey poor man, you're all alone
Hey old daddy, I know where I'm going
To His Little Child Benjamin From The Tower
© John Hoskins
SWEET Benjamin, since thou art young,
And hast not yet the use of tongue,
Make it thy slave, while thou art free,
Imprison it, lest it do thee.
The Child an' the Mowers
© William Barnes
O AYE! they had woone child bezide,
An' a finer your eyes never met,
Twer a dear little fellow that died
In the summer that come wi' such het;