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La Araucana - Canto III

© Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga

Valdivia con pocos españoles y algunos indios amigos camina a la casa de Tucapel, para hacer el castigo. Mátanle los araucanos, los corredores en el camino en un paso estrecho y danle después la batalla, en la cual fue muerto él y toda su gente por el gran esfuerzo y valentía de Lautaro

¡Oh incurable mal! ¡oh gran fatiga,

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The Wonderful Aussie Waler

© Arthur Henry Adams

When Allenby's Army smashed the Turk
Who was the bloke who did all the work
The Aussie knows and he'll tell you straight

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Aaj Jaane Ki Zid Na Karo

© Fayyaz Hashmi

Aaj jaane ki zid na karo
Yunhi pehloo mein baithe raho
Aaj jaane ki zid na karo
Hai mar jaayenge, hum to lut jaayenge
Aisi baatein kiya na karo
Aaj jaane ki zid na karo

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The Princes' Quest - Part the Ninth

© William Watson

And passing through the city he went out

Into the fat fields lying thereabout,

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The Roaring Frost

© Alice Meynell

A flock of winds came winging from the North,
Strong birds with fighting pinions driving forth
With a resounding call!

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In Memoriam A. H. H.: 131

© Alfred Tennyson

  O true and tried, so well and long,
  Demand not thou a marriage lay;
  In that it is thy marriage day
  Is music more than any song.

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Modern Athens

© Richard Monckton Milnes

If Fate, though jealous of the second birth
Of names in history raised to high degree,
Permits that Athens yet once more shall be,
Let her be placed as suits the thought and worth

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The Meadow Brook

© Paul Hamilton Hayne

GURGLE, gurgle, gurgle,
Over ledge and stone;
How I'm going, flowing,
Westward, all alone;

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Gordon Of Khartoum

© George Meredith

Of men he would have raised to light he fell:
In soul he conquered with those nerveless hands.
His country's pride and her abasement knell
The Man of England circled by the sands.

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The Kalevala - Rune XXXIV

© Elias Lönnrot


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The Broken Drum

© Edgar Albert Guest

There is sorrow in the household;

There's a grief too hard to bear;

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The Last Ode

© Rudyard Kipling

As watchers couched beneath a Bantine oak,
 Hearing the dawn-wind stir,
Know that the present strength of night is broke
 Though no dawn threaten her
Till dawn's appointed hour-so Virgil died,
 Aware of change at hand, and prophesied

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Kalmuck Bride

© Padraic Colum

I HAVE saddled your white steed, and I have burnished them-
Your belt with crystal clasps, your lance, your scimitar,
Your carbine silver-chased; now ere you mount and ride
Across the sky-wide steppe, a horseman to the war:

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The Great War

© Vernon Scannell

Whenever war is spoken of

I find

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Mother Of Five

© Edgar Albert Guest

She mothered five!

Night after night she watched a little  bed,

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The Pressed Gentian

© John Greenleaf Whittier

The time of gifts has come again,
And, on my northern window-pane,
Outlined against the day's brief light,
A Christmas token hangs in sight.

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To Lucasta Ode Lyrick

© Richard Lovelace

Ah LUCASTA, why so bright?
Spread with early streaked light!
If still vailed from our sight,
What is't but eternall night?

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Au Lecteur (To The Reader)

© Charles Baudelaire

La sottise, l'erreur, le péché, la lésine,
Occupent nos esprits et travaillent nos corps,
Et nous alimentons nos aimables remords,
Comme les mendiants nourrissent leur vermine.

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Spring Time Is Coming

© Julia A Moore

Beautiful Spring is coming,

 Ah, yes, will soon be here,

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To Dr. Thomas Shearer

© Sidney Lanier

Since you, rare friend! have tied my living tongue
With thanks more large than man e'er said or sung,
So let the dumbness of this image be
My eloquence, and still interpret me.