All Poems
/ page 440 of 3210 /May, 1918
© John Jay Chapman
Again my eyes upon the night were turned.
The central darkness bloomed, androbed in state
While her great works about her burned
Sate France enthronèd and incoronate!
Ceux qui vivent, ce sont ceux qui luttent
© Victor Marie Hugo
Ceux qui vivent, ce sont ceux qui luttent ; ce sont
Ceux dont un dessein ferme emplit l'âme et le front.
Ceux qui d'un haut destin gravissent l'âpre cime.
Ceux qui marchent pensifs, épris d'un but sublime.
What The Traveller Said At Sunset
© John Greenleaf Whittier
The shadows grow and deepen round me,
I feel the deffall in the air;
The muezzin of the darkening thicket,
I hear the night-thrush call to prayer.
© Charles Godfrey Leland
In a field of goldnen parley
Goot King Gambrinus shlept,
Und treamin' pout de dursty volk,
Abram Morrison
© John Greenleaf Whittier
'Midst the men and things which will
Haunt an old man's memory still,
Drollest, quaintest of them all,
With a boy's laugh I recall
Good old Abram Morrison.
Song Of The Many
© Edgar Albert Guest
This is the song of the many
Who seldom are mentioned in praise,
The Grain Tribute
© Bai Juyi
There came an officer knocking by night at my door
In a loud voice demanding grain-tribute.
To A Bigot
© George Essex Evans
My soul went out amid the ways of men,
By land and sea, and to the stars oerhead.
I deemed it lost when it came back again.
Is there a God? I said.
A Wreath Of Sonnets (11/14)
© France Preseren
As over them malignant storm clouds flew,
Your poet's days were but disgust, despair;
By all the furies harried, he nowhere
Could find release nor any rest he knew.
© Edward Thomas
The last light has gone out of the world, except
This moonlight lying on the grass like frost
© Sheldon Allan Silverstein
Talk about a hit! They're packed in and linin' up
A cover and a minimum--coffee $2 a cup
Lucy's pullin' down a thousand a week with tips and all
Workin' double shifts while startin' to bitch how
Her arches are beginning to fall.
Margaret To Dolcino
© Charles Kingsley
Ask if I love thee? Oh, smiles cannot tell
Plainer what tears are now showing too well.
Had I not loved thee, my sky had been clear:
Had I not loved thee, I had not been here,
Weeping by thee.
I Know You Little, I Love You Lots
© Sheldon Allan Silverstein
I know you little, I love you lots,
my love for you could fill ten pots,
fifteen buckets, sixteen cans,
three teacups, and four dishpans.
© Alfred Austin
Joy! Free, at last, from vulgar thrall:
No longer need my voice be dumb;
And quicker far than thou canst call,
O Italy, I come!
The Lost Statesman
© John Greenleaf Whittier
AS they who, tossing midst the storm at night,
While turning shoreward, where a beacon shone,
Meet the walled blackness of the heaven alone,
So, on the turbulent waves of party tossed,
Thule, the Period of Cosmography
© Thomas Weelkes
Thule, the period of cosmography,
Doth vaunt of Hecla, whose sulphureous fire
Doth melt the frozen clime and thaw the sky;
Trinacrian Etna's flames ascend not higher:
These things seem wondrous, yet more wondrous I,
Whose heart with fear doth freeze, with love doth fry.
Sonnet 15
© Richard Barnfield
A[h] fairest Ganymede, disdaine me not,
Though silly Sheepeheard I, presume to loue thee,
It's spring, I leave a street where poplars...
© Boris Pasternak
It's spring, I leave a street where poplars are astonished,
Where distance is alarmed and the house fears it may fall.
Where air is blue just like the linen bundle
A discharged patient takes from hospital,