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In the Garden the Chrysanthemums Were Dying...

© Kostas Karyotakis

In the garden the chrysanthemums were dying
like desires when you came. Calmly
you laughed, like little white flowers.
Silent, I made a sweetest song
out of the darkness deep within me
and the petals sing it up above you.

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"I hoped, that with the brave and strong..."

© Anne Brontë

I hoped, that with the brave and strong,
My portioned task might lie;
To toil amid the busy throng,
With purpose pure and high.

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A. D. Nineteen Hundred

© Madison Julius Cawein

War and Disaster, Famine and Pestilence,

  Vaunt-couriers of the Century that comes,

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To Mrs. Frances--Arabella Kelly.

© Mary Barber

To Day, as at my Glass I stood,
To set my Head--cloaths, and my Hood;
I saw my grizzled Locks with Dread,
And call'd to mind the Gorgon's Head.

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A Spanish Love Song

© Henry Kendall

From Andalusian gardens

 I bring the rose and rue,

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The Borough. Letter XVII: The Hospital And

© George Crabbe


AN ardent spirit dwells with Christian love,

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The Railway Station

© Archibald Lampman

  The darkness brings no quiet here, the light

  No waking: ever on my blinded brain

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Ossian's Hymn to the Sun

© John Logan

O Thou whose beams the sea-gift earth array,

King of the sky, and father of the day!

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A Sonnet Occasioned by the Bad Weather Which Hindered the Sports at New-Market in January, 1616

© William Henry Drummond

The earth ore-covered with a sheet of snow,
Refuses food to fowl, to bird, and beast;
The chilling cold lets every thing to grow,
And surfeits cattle with a starving feast.
Curs'd be that love and mought continue short,
Which kills all creatures, and doth spoil our sport.

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An Evening Thought

© Oliver Wendell Holmes


IF sometimes in the dark blue eye,

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The Kalevala - Rune XXI

© Elias Lönnrot


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Watching The Crows

© Henry Lawson

A BUSHMAN got lost in a scrub in the North,
And all the long morning the searchers went forth.
They swore at the rain that had washed out the tracks
And left not a trace for the eyes of the blacks;
But, trusting the signs that the blackfellow knows,
A quiet old darkey stood watching the crows.

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The Rose And The Bee

© Sara Teasdale

IF I were a bee and you were a rose,
Would you let me in when the gray wind blows?
Would you hold your petals wide apart,
Would you let me in to find your heart,
If you were a rose?

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New Prince, New Pomp

© Robert Southwell

Behold, a seely tender babe

 In freezing winter night

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A Query —

© Edgar Albert Guest

I wonder have you ever known
Or heard of such a thing
As paperhangers in the house
Who didn't try to sing?

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Bitter For Sweet

© Christina Georgina Rossetti

Summer is gone with all its roses,
Its sun and perfumes and sweet flowers,
Its warm air and refreshing showers:
And even Autumn closes.

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Yaddo : The Grand Manor

© Sylvia Plath

Woodsmoke and a distant loudspeaker
Filter into this clear
Air, and blur.

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To The Queen

© Alfred Tennyson

O loyal to the royal in thyself,

And loyal to thy land, as this to thee-

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Elegy XII. His Recantation

© William Shenstone

No more the Muse obtrudes her thin disguise,
No more with awkward fallacy complains
How every fervour from my bosom flies,
And Reason in her lonesome palace reigns.

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To A Cape Ann Schooner

© John Greenleaf Whittier

Luck to the craft that bears this name of mine,

Good fortune follow with her golden spoon