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Blue Stone

© Larry Levis

Someday, when you are twenty-four and walking through
The street of a foreign city...
Let me go with you a little way,
Let me be that stranger you won't notice.

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A Woman’s Sonnets: IV

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Should ever the day come when this drear world
Shall read the secret which so close I hold,
Should taunts and jeers at my bowed head be hurled,
And all my love and all my shame be told,

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To Two Bereaved

© Katharine Tynan

Now in your days of worst distress,
  The empty days that stretch before,
When all your sweet's turned bitterness;--
  The Hand of the Lord is at your door.

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Out From Behind His Mask

© Walt Whitman

As on the road, or at some crevice door, by chance, or open'd window,
Pausing, inclining, baring my head, You specially I greet,
To draw and clench your Soul, for once, inseparably with mine,
Then travel, travel on.

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Esse Quam Videri

© Charles Mackay

  The knightly legend on thy shield betrays

  The moral of thy life; a forecast wise,

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Getting There

© Sylvia Plath

How far is it?

How far is it now?

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In War-Time: A Prayer Of The Understanding

© Sydney Thompson Dobell

Lo, this is night. Hast thou, oh sun, refused

Thy countenance, or is thy golden arm

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© Paul Laurence Dunbar

I AM no priest of crooks nor creeds,

For human wants and human needs

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A Child's Fancy

© Mathilde Blind

"Hush, hush! Speak softly, Mother dear,
So that the daisies may not hear;
For when the stars begin to peep,
The pretty daisies go to sleep.

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Sonnet VII: Supreme Surrender

© Dante Gabriel Rossetti

To all the spirits of Love that wander by

Along his love-sown harvest-field of sleep

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Frithiof's Homestead. (From The Swedish)

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Three miles extended around the fields of the homestead, on three sides

Valleys and mountains and hills, but on the fourth side was the ocean.

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My Happiest Dream

© Victor Marie Hugo

I love to look, as evening fails,

On vestals streaming in their veils,

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Ballade On The Mysterious Hosts Of The Forest

© Theodore de Banville

  Prince, let us leave the din, the dust, the spite,
  The gloom and glare of towns, the plague, the blight;
  Amid the forest leaves and fountain spray
  There is the mystic home of our delight,
  And through the dim wood Dian thrids her way.

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Robert Browning

© Madison Julius Cawein

MASTER of human harmonies, where gong
And harp and violin and flute accord;
Each instrument confessing you its lord,
Within the deathless orchestra of Song.

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Go Away, Death!

© Alfred Austin

Go away, Death!
You have come too soon.
To sunshine and song I but just awaken,
And the dew on my heart is undried and unshaken;
Come back at noon.

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The Little Dog

© Jean de La Fontaine

'TWOULD endless prove, and nothing would avail,
Each lover's pain minutely to detail:
Their arts and wiles; enough 'twill be no doubt,
To say the lady's heart was found so stout,
She let them sigh their precious hours away,
And scarcely seemed emotion to betray.

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"I had not tried the wine..."

© Osip Emilevich Mandelstam

I had not tried the wine that ancients made,
And had not heard of Ossian’s old tune;
So why, on earth, I seem to see the glade,
And, in the skies -- the bloody Scottish moon?

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A Border Burn

© Alfred Austin

Where Autumn runnels fret and foam
Past banks of amber fern,
Since track was none I chanced to roam
Along a Border burn.

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The Ballad Of The Emeu

© Francis Bret Harte

Oh, say, have you seen at the Willows so green--
  So charming and rurally true--
A singular bird, with a manner absurd,
  Which they call the Australian Emeu?
  Have you
  Ever seen this Australian Emeu?

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© Paul Laurence Dunbar

Will I have some mo' dat pie?

  No, ma'am, thank-ee, dat is--I--