All Poems

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I Think Of You...

© Nazim Hikmet

I think of you
and I feel the scent of my mother
my mother, the most beautiful of all.

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An Epitaph On The Late Lord Mount--Cashel.

© Mary Barber

Children are snatch'd away sometimes,
To punish Parents for their Crimes.
Thy Mother's Merit was so great,
Heav'n hasten'd thy untimely Fate,

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The Old-Timer

© Arthur Chapman

He showed up in the springtime, when the geese began to honk;
He signed up with the outfit, and we fattened up his bronk;
His chaps were old and tattered, but he never seemed to mind,
‘Cause for worryin’ and frettin’ he had never been designed;
He’s the type of cattle-puncher that has vanished now, of course,
With his hundred-dollar saddle on his twenty-dollar horse.

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Hark! The Vesper Hymn is Stealing

© Thomas Moore

HARK! the vesper hymn is stealing

O'er the waters soft and clear;

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The Kalevala - Rune VIII

© Elias Lönnrot


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An Emerald Is As Green As Grass

© Christina Georgina Rossetti

An emerald is as green as grass;

A ruby red as blood;

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Billy's Alphabetical Animal Show

© James Whitcomb Riley

A was an elegant Ape
  Who tied up his ears with red tape,
  And wore a long veil
  Half revealing his tail
  Which was trimmed with jet bugles and crape.

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© Archibald Lampman

To the distance! Ah, the distance!
Blue and broad and dim!
Peace is not in burgh or meadow,
But beyond the rim.

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A Rose Will Fade

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

You were always a dreamer, Rose - red Rose,
As you swung on your perfumed spray,
Swinging, and all the world was true,
Swaying, what did it trouble you?
A rose will fade in a day.

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Sweethearts Wait on Every Shore

© Henry Lawson

SHE SITS beside the tinted tide,
  That’s reddened by the tortured sand;
And through the East, to ocean wide,
  A vessel sails from sight of land.

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Sonnet XXXII. To Melancholy

© Charlotte Turner Smith

Written on the banks of the Arun, Oct. 1785.
WHEN latest Autumn spreads her evening veil,
And the grey mists from these dim waves arise,
I love to listen to the hollow sighs,

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On Ink

© Jonathan Swift

I am jet black, as you may see,
  The son of pitch and gloomy night:
Yet all that know me will agree,
  I'm dead except I live in light.

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"I am no mystic. All the ways of God"

© Lesbia Harford

I am no mystic. All the ways of God
Are dark to me.
I know not if he lived or if he died
In agony.

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A Woman’s Sonnets: III

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Where is the pride for which I once was blamed,
My vanity which held its head so high?
Who would believe them, seeing me thus tamed,
Thus subject, here as at thy feet I lie,

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Mother's Kisses

© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

Baby was playing and down he fell, down he fell, down he fell,
Mama will kiss him and make him well,
Oh! what a miracle this is!
Baby was running and stubbed his toe, stubbed his toe, stubbed his toe,
If mama will kiss him the pain will go-
Magical mother's kisses.

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© James Whitcomb Riley

Because her eyes were far too deep

And holy for a laugh to leap

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Fertile Lands and Mammoth Cheese

© James McIntyre

In barren district you may meet
Small fertile spot doth grow fine wheat,
There you may find the choicest fruits,
And great, round, smooth and solid roots.

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Through the Dark Sod—as Education

© Emily Dickinson

Through the Dark Sod—as Education—
The Lily passes sure—
Feels her white foot—no trepidation—
Her faith—no fear—

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© Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

I said to Lettice, our sister Lettice,
While drooped and glistened her eyelash brown,
"Your man's a poor man, a cold and dour man,
There's many a better about our town."

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Sonnet : To Eva

© Sylvia Plath

All right, let's say you could take a skull and break it
The way you'd crack a clock; you'd crush the bone
Between steel palms of inclination, take it,
Observing the wreck of metal and rare stone.