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/ page 401 of 3210 /The House Of Dust: Part 03: 11:
© Conrad Aiken
What shall we talk of? Li Po? Hokusai?
You narrow your long dark eyes to fascinate me;
You smile a little. . . .Outside, the night goes by.
I walk alone in a forest of ghostly trees . . .
Your pale hands rest palm downwards on your knees.
The Nobler Lover
© James Russell Lowell
If he be a nobler lover, take him!
You in you I seek, and not myself;
"He looks in my heart and the image there"
© Lesbia Harford
He looks in my heart and the image there
Is himself, himself, than himself more fair.
And he thinks of my heart as a mirror clear
To reflect the image I hold most dear.
Eastern Song
© Louisa Stuart Costello
By the brightness of the morning ray,
By the deepest shades of night
Thy beauty has not pass'd away;
'Tis ever in my sight.
© Bliss William Carman
When April winds arrive
And the soft rains are here,
Some morning by the roadside
These gipsy folk appear.
The Ring And The Book - Chapter XII - The Book And The Ring
© Robert Browning
HERE were the end, had anything an end:
Thus, lit and launched, up and up roared and soared
On The Death Of The Same Revered Nun, The Venerable Mother St. Madeleine , Ten Years Later
© Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
In Memoriam.
Grief reigns now within the convent walls,
The Suicide
© Louis MacNeice
And this, ladies and gentlemen, whom I am not in fact
Conducting, was his office all those minutes ago,
© Pablo Neruda
Nights with bright spindles,
divided, material, nothing
but voice, nothing but
naked every day.
© Sara Teasdale
WE will never walk again
As we used to walk at night,
Watching our shadows lengthen
Under the gold street-light
Heinelet I
© Gamaliel Bradford
The huge old earth shook and quivered,
When it heard my passionate cry.
Why, even the little stars shivered
And almost went out in the sky.
Norman and Saxon
© Rudyard Kipling
My son," said the Norman Baron, "I am dying, and you will be heir
To all the broad acres in England that William gave me for my share
When we conquered the Saxon at Hastings, and a nice little handful it is.
But before you go over to rule it I want you to understand this:
Ye Jacobites By Name
© Robert Burns
Ye Jacobites by name, lend an ear, lend an ear!
Ye Jacobites by name, lend an ear,
Ye Jacobites by name,
Your fautes I will proclaim,
Your doctrines I maun blame - you shall hear, you shall hear!
Your doctrines I maun blame - you shall hear!
The People, Yes
© Carl Sandburg
"I have not willingly planted a thorn
in any man's bosom."
I shall do nothing through malice: what
I deal with is too vast for malice."
Black Mousquetaire: A Legend Of France
© Richard Harris Barham
No triumphs flush that haughty brow,-
No proud exulting look is there,-
His eagle glance is humbled now,
As, earthward bent, in anxious care
It seeks the form whose stalwart pride
But yester-morn was by his side!
A Lamantation For The Death Of Sir Maurice Fitzgerald
© James Clarence Mangan
THERE was lifted up one voice of woe,
One lament of more than mortal grief,
The Passer-By
© Isabel Ecclestone Mackay
WE are as children in a field at play
Beside a road whose way we do not know,
Save that somewhere it meets the end of day.