All Poems

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Not A Money Debt

© Edgar Albert Guest

YOU can't pay back in dollars what your father does for you,
You can't repay in kindness all the tenderness he shows;
You little know the perils he has safely brought you through,
And the wealth of Rockefeller this account would never close.

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On the Baptized Ethiopian

© Richard Crashaw

Let it no longer be a forlorn hope
 To wash an Ethiop :
He's wash'd, his gloomy skin a peaceful shade
 For his white soul is made :
And now, I doubt not, the Eternal Dove
 A black-faced house will love.

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The Golden Rose

© Edith Nesbit

A POOR lost princess, weary and worn,
  Came over the down by the wind-washed moor,
And the king looked out on her grace forlorn,
  And he took her in at his palace door.

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The Columbiad: Book II

© Joel Barlow

High o'er his world as thus Columbus gazed,
And Hesper still the changing scene emblazed,
Round all the realms increasing lustre flew,
And raised new wonders to the Patriarch's view.

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Pieter Marinus

© Marjorie Lowry Christie Pickthall

So, when my time comes, send no angels down
With lutes, and harps, and foreign instruments,
To pipe old Pieter's spirit up to heaven
Past his tall namesake sturdy at his post.

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© John Wilmot

Absent from thee, I languish still;
Then ask me not, When I return?
The straying fool 'twill plainly kill
To wish all day, all night to mourn.

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The Lover Pleads

© Jean Ingelow

The shadows wax, the low light alters,
Gold west fades, and false heart falters.
The pity of it!-Love's a rover,
The last word said, and all over.

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To My Friend - Ode III

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

BE void of feeling!
A heart that soon is stirr'd,
Is a possession sad
Upon this changing earth.

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To A Friend

© John Greenleaf Whittier


How smiled the land of France

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Hug O'War

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

I will not play at tug o' war.

I'd rather play at hug o' war,

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Tubal Cain

© Charles Mackay

OLD Tubal Cain was a man of might

  In the days when earth was young:

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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

© Franklin Pierce Adams

There was a man in our town who said that he would share
His profits with his laborers, for that was only fair,
And people said: “Oh, isn’t he the shrewd and foxy gent?
It cost him next to nothing for that free advértisement!”

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The Domestic Stones (fragment)

© Jean Hans Arp

The feet of morning the feet of noon and the feet of evening
walk ceaselessly round pickled buttocks
on the other hand the feet of midnight remain motionless
in their echo-woven baskets

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Rain In The Woods

© Madison Julius Cawein

When on the leaves the rain persists,
  And every gust brings showers down;
  When all the woodland smokes with mists,
  I take the old road out of town
  Into the hills through which it twists.

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On A Picture

© Jean Ingelow

As a forlorn soul waiting by the Styx
  Dimly expectant of lands yet more dim,
Might peer afraid where shadows change and mix
  Till the dark ferryman shall come for him.

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He Makes An End

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

What shall I tell you, dear, who have told all,
What do, whose wish, whose will is manacled,
What dare, whose duty at your festival
Is but to light the candles round Love's bed?

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The Cliffs

© Henry Lawson

They sing of the grandeur of cliffs inland,
But the cliffs of the ocean are truly grand;
And I long to wander and dream and doubt
Where the cliffs by the ocean run out and out.

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It Is Good

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Eve near him,-she, too, fell asleep.
There lay they now, on earth's fair shrine,
God's two most beauteous thoughts divine.-
When this He saw, He cried:-'Tis Good!!!
And scarce could move from where He stood.

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When the Bush Begins to Speak

© Henry Lawson

They know us not in England yet, their pens are overbold;

We're seen in fancy pictures that are fifty years too old.

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If I Were In Charge of the World

© Judith Viorst

If I were in charge of the world
I'd cancel oatmeal,
Monday mornings,
Allergy shots, and also Sara Steinberg.