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Doctor Major

© Lionel Pigot Johnson

Enough, Sir! Let us have no more of it:
Your friend is little better than a Whig.
But you and I, Sir, who are men of wit,
Laugh at the follies of a canting prig.
Let those who will, Sir! to such whims submit:
No, Sir! we'll to the Mitre: Frank! my wig.

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His Ally

© William Rose Benet

He fought for his soul, and the stubborn fighting  

 Tried hard his strength.  

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Telemachus Versus Mentor

© Francis Bret Harte

Don't mind me, I beg you, old fellow,--I'll do very well here alone;
You must not be kept from your "German" because I've dropped in like
  a stone.
Leave all ceremony behind you, leave all thought of aught but
And leave, if you like, the Madeira, and a dozen cigars on the shelf.

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Tell Me

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

Tell me I'm clever,
Tell me I'm kind,
Tell me I'm talented,
Tell me I'm cute,

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© Andrew Lang

That hides all fair things lost, and things unborn,
  Where one has fled from me, that wore thy grace,
  And that grave tenderness of thine awhile;
Nay, still in dreams I see her, but her face
  Is pale, is wasted with a touch of scorn,
  And only on thy lips I find her smile.

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Praise the Lord, God's Glories Show

© Henry Francis Lyte

Praise the Lord, God’s glories show, Alleluia!
Saints within God’s courts below, Alleluia!
Angels round the throne above, Alleluia!
All that see and share God’s love, Alleluia!

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Tuesday's Child

© Julie Hill Alger

All the babies born that Tuesday,
full of grace, went home by Thursday
except for one, my tiny girl
who rushed toward light too soon.

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The Inn-Keeper Makes Excuses

© Edgar Albert Guest

"Oh, if only I had known!"
  Said the keeper of the inn.
"But no hint to me was shown,
  And I didn't let them in.

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The Lay of the Last Minstrel: Canto II.

© Sir Walter Scott


If thou would'st view fair Melrose aright,

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© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

Why do we grudge our sweets so to the living
Who, God knows, find at best too much of gall,
And then with generous, open hands kneel, giving
Unto the dead our all?

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Hymn of Sovereign Grace

© Augustus Montague Toplady

Formed for thyself, and turned to thee,
Thy praises, Lord , I show;
No more, with sacrilegious pride,
I rob thee of thy due.

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Zebra Question

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

I asked the zebra
Are you black with white stripes?
Or white with black stripes?
And the zebra asked me,

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© Edith Nesbit

I WANDERED in the enchanted wood,
  And as I wandered there, I sang
A song I never understood,
  Though sweet the music rang.

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Feelings of A French Royalist, On The Disinterment Of The Remains Of The Duke D’Enghien

© William Wordsworth

DEAR Reliques! from a pit of vilest mould
Uprisen--to lodge among ancestral kings;
And to inflict shame's salutary stings
On the remorseless hearts of men grown old

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The Two Laws

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

He was the son of a hunting squire

And heir to a fair estate,

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A Dream

© Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore

  To one same tune, but higher, ‘Bold,’
  The maiden sang, ‘is Love! For cold
  On Earth are blushes, and for shame
  Of such an ineffectual flame
  As ill consumes the sacrifice!’

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A Gage D’Amour

© Henry Austin Dobson

Charles,—for it seems you wish to know,—  

You wonder what could scare me so,  

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The Brook

© Alfred Tennyson

I come from haunts of coot and hern,
I make a sudden sally
And sparkle out among the fern,
To bicker down a valley.

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Billy of Queensland

© Henry Lawson

“QUEENSLAND,” he heads his letters—that’s all:

  The date, and the month, and the year in brief;

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"In ocean waves there's melody..."

© Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Est in arundineis modulatio musica ripis

In ocean waves there's melody