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/ page 378 of 3210 /Life's Mighty Flood
© Shams al-Din Hafiz
WHAT is wrought in the forge of the living and life--
All things are nought! Ho! fill me the bowl,
For nought is the gear of the world and the strife!
One passion has quickened the heart and the soul,
To E.G., Dedicating a Book
© George MacDonald
A broken tale of endless things,
Take, lady: thou art not of those
Who in what vale a fountain springs
Would have its journey close.
Rich & Poor; or Saint & Sinner
© Thomas Love Peacock
The poor man's sins are glaring;
In the face of ghostly warning
He is caught in the fact
Of an overt act--
Buying greens on a Sunday morning.
A Story Of Doom: Book I.
© Jean Ingelow
Niloiya said to Noah, "What aileth thee,
My master, unto whom is my desire,
The father of my sons?" He answered her,
"Mother of many children, I have heard
The Voice again." "Ah, me!" she saith, "ah, me!
What spake it?" and with that Niloiya sighed.
At Twilight
© Guy Wetmore Carryl
Was it so long? It seems so brief a while
Since this still hour between the day and dark
Was lightened by a little fellows smile;
Since we were wont to mark
© Robert Browning
Sing me a hero! Quench my thirst
Of soul, ye bards!
Quoth Bard the first:
"Sir Olaf, the good knight, did don
His helm, and eke his habergeon ..."
Sir Olaf and his bard----!
Untitled 1
© Owen Suffolk
I gladly would sing in a joyous strain,
But my heart of its joy is bereft;
A Confession
© Madison Julius Cawein
These are the facts:--I was to blame:
I brought her here and wrought her shame:
She came with me all trustingly.
Lovely and innocent her face:
And in her perfect form, the grace
Of purity and modesty.
Song. What Boat Is This That Bears
© Robert Laurence Binyon
What boat is this that bears
My soul on an ocean, fanned
By new arriving airs
From an undiscovered land?
Is this Love's magic boat, and these
The waves of his unsounded seas?
At the Church-Gate
© William Makepeace Thackeray
Although I enter not,
Yet round about the spot,
Ofttimes I hover,
And near the sacred gate,
With longing eyes I wait,
Expectant of her.
Hazel Blossoms
© John Greenleaf Whittier
THE SUMMER warmth has left the sky,
The summer songs have died away;
And, withered, in the footpaths lie
The fallen leaves, but yesterday
With ruby and with topaz gay.
California Madrigal
© Francis Bret Harte
Oh, come, my beloved, from thy winter abode,
From thy home on the Yuba, thy ranch overflowed;
For the waters have fallen, the winter has fled,
And the river once more has returned to its bed.
Our Little Ghost
© Louisa May Alcott
Oft, in the silence of the night,
When the lonely moon rides high,
Esther, A Sonnet Sequence: X
© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
An instant, just an instant, and no more,
And it was gone, and I with eyes unsealed
Saw the bald pageant stripped to its thought's core,
And naked there to my scared eyes revealed.