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Cloris, it is not thy disdaine

© Sidney Godolphin

CLORIS, it is not thy disdaine
Can ever cover with dispaire
Or in cold ashes hide that care
Which I have fedd with soe long paine,

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Wisdom And Prudence

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Wouldst thou, my friend, mount up to the highest summit of wisdom,
Be not deterred by the fear, prudence thy course may deride
That shortsighted one sees but the bank that from thee is flying,
Not the one which ere long thou wilt attain with bold flight.

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© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Many are good and wise; yet all for one only reckon,
For 'tis conception, alas, rules them, and not a fond heart.
Sad is the sway of conception,--from thousandfold varying figures,
Needy and empty but one it is e'er able to bring.
But where creative beauty is ruling, there life and enjoyment
Dwell; to the ne'er-changing One, thousands of new forms she gives.

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Two Descriptions Of Action

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Do what is good, and humanity's godlike plant thou wilt nourish;
Plan what is fair, and thou'lt strew seeds of the godlike around.

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To The Spring

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Welcome, gentle Stripling,
Nature's darling thou!
With thy basket full of blossoms,
A happy welcome now!

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To The Muse

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

What I had been without thee, I know not--yet, to my sorrow
See I what, without thee, hundreds and thousands now are.

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To Proselytizers

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

"Give me only a fragment of earth beyond the earth's limits,"--
So the godlike man said,--"and I will move it with ease."
Only give me permission to leave myself for one moment,
And without any delay I will engage to be yours.

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To Mystics

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

That is the only true secret, which in the presence of all men
Lies, and surrounds thee for ay, but which is witnessed by none.

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To My Friends

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Yes, my friends!--that happier times have been
Than the present, none can contravene;
That a race once lived of nobler worth;
And if ancient chronicles were dumb,

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To Minna

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Do I dream? can I trust to my eye?
My sight sure some vapor must cover?
Or, there, did my Minna pass by--
My Minna--and knew not her lover?

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To Laura (Mystery Of Reminiscence)

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Who and what gave to me the wish to woo thee--
Still, lip to lip, to cling for aye unto thee?
Who made thy glances to my soul the link--
Who bade me burn thy very breath to drink--

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To Emma

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Far away, where darkness reigneth,
All my dreams of bliss are flown;
Yet with love my gaze remaineth
Fixed on one fair star alone.
But, alas! that star so bright
Sheds no lustre save by night.

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To Astronomers

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Prate not to me so much of suns and of nebulous bodies;
Think ye Nature but great, in that she gives thee to count?
Though your object may be the sublimest that space holds within it,
Yet, my good friends, the sublime dwells not in the regions of space.

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To A World-Reformer

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

"I Have sacrificed all," thou sayest, "that man I might succor;
Vain the attempt; my reward was persecution and hate."
Shall I tell thee, my friend, how I to humor him manage?
Trust the proverb! I ne'er have been deceived by it yet.

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To A Moralist

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Are the sports of our youth so displeasing?
Is love but the folly you say?
Benumbed with the winter, and freezing,
You scold at the revels of May.

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Thekla - A Spirit Voice

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Whither was it that my spirit wended
When from thee my fleeting shadow moved?
Is not now each earthly conflict ended?
Say,--have I not lived,--have I not loved?

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The Youth By The Brook

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Beside the brook the boy reclined
And wove his flowery wreath,
And to the waves the wreath consigned--
The waves that danced beneath.

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The Words Of Error

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Three errors there are, that forever are found
On the lips of the good, on the lips of the best;
But empty their meaning and hollow their sound--
And slight is the comfort they bring to the breast.
The fruits of existence escape from the clasp
Of the seeker who strives but those shadows to grasp--

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The Words Of Belief

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Three words will I name thee--around and about,
From the lip to the lip, full of meaning, they flee;
But they had not their birth in the being without,
And the heart, not the lip, must their oracle be!
And all worth in the man shall forever be o'er
When in those three words he believes no more.

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The Walk

© Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

Hail to thee, mountain beloved, with thy glittering purple-dyed summit!
Hail to thee also, fair sun, looking so lovingly on!
Thee, too, I hail, thou smiling plain, and ye murmuring lindens,
Ay, and the chorus so glad, cradled on yonder high boughs;