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© C. K. Williams

The first morning of Three Mile Island: those first disquieting, uncertain,
mystifying hours.
All morning a crew of workmen have been tearing the old decrepit roof
off our building,

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In A Bed Of Baked Beans (Part Two)

© R.George

a soft wind through an LA window
a goddess of a promised life
transparent on the other side
begs me to follow her

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Waterfalls of Jack and a soft shoe shuffle

© R.George

people searching their Gmail
flirting in chats, forums, MSN;
service changes, east coast raiders
just acquired
101,001 websites.

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The Swan At Edgewater Park

© Ruth L. Schwartz

Isn't one of your prissy richpeoples' swans
Wouldn't be at home on some pristine pond
Chooses the whole stinking shoreline, candy wrappers, condoms
in its tidal fringe

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The Jackfruit

© Ho Xuan Huong

I am like a jackfruit on the tree.
To taste you must plug me quick, while fresh:
the skin rough, the pulp thick, yes,
but oh, I warn you against touching --
the rich juice will gush and stain your hands

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The Violet

© Jane Taylor

Yet thus it was content to bloom,
In modest tints arrayed;
And there diffused a sweet perfume,
Within the silent shade.

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The Village Green

© Jane Taylor

On the cheerful village green,
Skirted round with houses small,
All the boys and girls are seen,
Playing there with hoop and ball.

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The Spider

© Jane Taylor

"Oh, look at that great ugly spider!" said Ann;
And screaming, she brush'd it away with her fan;
"'Tis a frightful black creature as ever can be,
I wish that it would not come crawling on me. "

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The Orphan

© Jane Taylor

My father and mother are dead,
Nor friend, nor relation I know;
And now the cold earth is their bed,
And daisies will over them grow.

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The Holidays

© Jane Taylor

"Ah! don't you remember, 'tis almost December,
And soon will the holidays come;
Oh, 'twill be so funny, I've plenty of money,
I'll buy me a sword and a drum. "

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The Good-Natured Girls

© Jane Taylor

Two good little children, named Mary and Ann,
Both happily live, as good girls always can;
And though they are not either sullen or mute,
They seldom or never are heard to dispute.

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The Disappointment

© Jane Taylor

In tears to her mother poor Harriet came,
Let us listen to hear what she says:
"O see, dear mamma, it is pouring with rain,
We cannot go out in the chaise.

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The Apple-Tree

© Jane Taylor

Old John had an apple-tree, healthy and green,
Which bore the best codlins that ever were seen,
So juicy, so mellow, and red;
And when they were ripe, he disposed of his store,
To children or any who pass'd by his door,
To buy him a morsel of bread.

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Sleepy Harry

© Jane Taylor

"I do not like to go to bed,"
Sleepy little Harry said;
"Go, naughty Betty, go away,
I will not come at all, I say! "

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© Jane Taylor

Let those who're fond of idle tricks,
Of throwing stones, and hurling bricks,
And all that sort of fun,
Now hear a tale of idle Jim,
That warning they may take by him,
Nor do as he has done.

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Little Girls Must Not Fret

© Jane Taylor

What is it that makes little Emily cry?
Come then, let mamma wipe the tear from her eye:
There­ -- lay down your head on my bosom­ -- that's right,
And now tell mamma what's the matter to-night.

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Greedy Richard

© Jane Taylor

"I think I want some pies this morning,"
Said Dick, stretching himself and yawning;
So down he threw his slate and books,
And saunter'd to the pastry-cook's.

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© Jane Taylor

In an elegant frock, trimm'd with beautiful lace,
And hair nicely curl'd, hanging over her face,
Young Fanny went out to the house of a friend,
With a large little party the evening to spend.

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Come and Play in the Garden

© Jane Taylor

Little sister, come away,
And let us in the garden play,
For it is a pleasant day.

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It Nods and Curtseys and Recovers

© Alfred Edward Housman

It nods and curtseys and recovers
When the wind blows above,
The nettle on the graves of lovers
That hanged themselves for love.