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The Death of Prince Leopold

© William Topaz McGonagall

Alas! noble Prince Leopold, he is dead!
Who often has his lustre shed:
Especially by singing for the benefit of Esher School,
Which proves he was a wise prince. and no conceited fool.

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The Trailing Arbutus

© John Greenleaf Whittier

I wandered lonely where the pine-trees made
Against the bitter East their barricade,
And, guided by its sweet
Perfume, I found, within a narrow dell,
The trailing spring flower tinted like a shell
Amid dry leaves and mosses at my feet.

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The Death of Lord and Lady Dalhousie

© William Topaz McGonagall

Alas! Lord and Lady Dalhousie are dead, and buried at last,
Which causes many people to feel a little downcast;
And both lie side by side in one grave,
But I hope God in His goodness their souls will save.

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Of A Ministry Pitiful, Angry, Mean

© Jane Austen

Of a Ministry pitiful, angry, mean,

A gallant commander the victim is seen.

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The Death of Fred Marsden, the American Playwright

© William Topaz McGonagall

A pathetic tragedy I will relate,
Concerning poor Fred. Marsden's fate,
Who suffocated himself by the fumes of gas,
On the 18th of May, and in the year of 1888, alas!

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Winter Festival

© Arthur Rimbaud

The cascade resounds behind operetta huts.
Fireworks prolong, through the orchards
and avenues near the Meander,--
the greens and reds of the setting sun.
Horace nymphs with First Empire headdresses,--
Siberian rounds and Boucher's Chinese ladies.

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The Death of Captain Ward

© William Topaz McGonagall

'Twas about the beginning of the past century
Billy Bowls was pressed into the British Navy,
And conveyed on board the "Waterwitch" without delay,
Scarce getting time to bid farewell to the villagers of Fairway.

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Another Weeping Woman

© Wallace Stevens

  Pour the unhappiness out
  From your too bitter heart,
  Which grieving will not sweeten.

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The Crucifixion of Christ

© William Topaz McGonagall

Then Pilate, the Roman Governor, took Jesus and scourged Him,
And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and thought it no sin
To put it on His head, while meekly Jesus stands;
They put on Him a purple robe, and smote Him with their hands.

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Sonnet 9

© Richard Barnfield

Diana (on a time) walking the wood,

To sport herselfe, of her faire traine forlorne,

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The Convict's Return

© William Topaz McGonagall

Ye mountains and glens of fair Scotland I'm with ye once again,
During my absence from ye my heart was like to break in twain;
Oh! How I longed to see you and the old folks at home,
And with my lovely Jeannie once more in the green woods to roam.

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Love's Exchange

© John Donne

LOVE, any devil else but you

Would for a given soul give something too.

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The Collision in the English Channel

© William Topaz McGonagall

'Twas on a Sunday morning, and in the year of 1888,
The steamer "Saxmundham," laden with coal and coke for freight,
Was run into amidships by the Norwegian barque "Nor,"
And sunk in the English Channel, while the storm fiend did roar.

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The Clepington Catastrophe

© William Topaz McGonagall

'Twas on a Monday morning, and in the year of 1884,
That a fire broke out in Bailie Bradford's store,
Which contained bales of jute and large quantities of waste,
Which the brave firemen ran to extinguish in great haste.

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The City of Perth

© William Topaz McGonagall

Beautiful City of Perth, along the river Tay,
I must conclude ms lay,
And to write in praise of thee my heart does not gainsay,
To tell the world fearlessly, without the least dismay -
With your stately mansions and the beautiful river Tay,
You're one of the fairest Cities of the present day.

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The Christmas Goose

© William Topaz McGonagall

Mr. Smiggs was a gentleman,
And he lived in London town;
His wife she was a good kind soul,
And seldom known to frown.

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The Castle of Mains

© William Topaz McGonagall

Ancient Castle of the Mains,
With your romantic scenery and surrounding plains,
Which seem most beautiful to the eye,
And the little rivulet running by,

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Epitaph For Fire And Flower

© Sylvia Plath

You might as well haul up
This wave's green peak on wire
To prevent fall, or anchor the fluent air
In quartz, as crack your skull to keep

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The Capture of Lucknow

© William Topaz McGonagall

'Twas near the Begum Kothie the battle began,
Where innocent blood as plentiful as water ran;
The Begum Kothie was a place of honour given to the 93rd,
Which heroically to a man they soon did begird.

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The Capture of Havana

© William Topaz McGonagall

'Twas in the year 1762 that France and Spain
Resolved, allied together, to crush Britain;
But the British Army sailed from England in May,
And arrived off Havana without any delay.