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Oscar Hummel

© Edgar Lee Masters

I staggered on through darkness,

There was a hazy sky, a few stars

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The Law Of The Jungle

© Rudyard Kipling

Now this is the Law of the Jungle - as old and as true as the sky; And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk the Law runneth forward and back -
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

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The Choice (The American Spirit Speaks)

© Rudyard Kipling

To the Judge of Right and Wrong
 With Whom fulfillment lies
Our purpose and our power belong,
 Our faith and sacrifice.

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Laughter And Tears IX

© Khalil Gibran

As the Sun withdrew his rays from the garden, and the moon threw cushioned beams upon the flowers, I sat under the trees pondering upon the phenomena of the atmosphere, looking through the branches at the strewn stars which glittered like chips of silver upon a blue carpet; and I could hear from a distance the agitated murmur of the rivulet singing its way briskly into the valley.

When the birds took shelter among the boughs, and the flowers folded their petals, and tremendous silence descended, I heard a rustle of feet though the grass. I took heed and saw a young couple approaching my arbor. The say under a tree where I could see them without being seen.

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The City's Love

© Claude McKay

For one brief golden moment rare like wine,

The gracious city swept across the line;

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© Gwen Harwood

To Rex Hobcroft

Wind crosshatches shallow water.

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© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

Each time I see the Upside-Down Man

Standing in the water,

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Heart And Mind

© Dame Edith Sitwell

Said the Skeleton lying upon the sands of Time-
'The great gold planet that is the mourning heat of the Sun
Is greater than all gold, more powerful
Than the tawny body of a Lion that fire consumes
Like all that grows or is the heart

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If This Were All

© Edgar Albert Guest

If this were all of life we'll know,

 If this brief space of breath

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© Sylvia Plath

Mayday: two came to field in such wise :
`A daisied mead', each said to each,
So were they one; so sought they couch,
Across barbed stile, through flocked brown cows.

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Ultima Thule: From My Arm-Chair

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Am I a king, that I should call my own
  This splendid ebon throne?
Or by what reason, or what right divine,
  Can I proclaim it mine?

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© Philip Larkin

Strange to know nothing, never to be sure
Of what is true or right or real,
But forced to qualify or so I feel,
Or Well, it does seem so:
Someone must know.

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Crossing The Border

© Ogden Nash

Senescence begins
And middle age ends
The day your descendents
Outnumber your friends.

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Common Cold

© Ogden Nash

Go hang yourself, you old M.D.!
You shall not sneer at me.
Pick up your hat and stethoscope,
Go wash your mouth with laundry soap;

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Come On In, The Senility Is Fine

© Ogden Nash

People live forever in Jacksonville and St. Petersburg and Tampa,
But you don't have to live forever to become a grampa.
The entrance requirements for grampahood are comparatively mild,
You only have to live until your child has a child.

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© Ogden Nash

Once upon a time there was an Italian,
And some people thought he was a rapscallion,
But he wasn't offended,
Because other people thought he was splendid,

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Children's Party

© Ogden Nash

May I join you in the doghouse, Rover?
I wish to retire till the party's over.
Since three o'clock I've done my best
To entertain each tiny guest. My conscience now I've left behind me,

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© Ogden Nash

Celery, raw
Develops the jaw,
But celery, stewed,
Is more quietly chewed.

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Biological Reflection

© Ogden Nash

A girl whose cheeks are covered with paint
Has an advantage with me over one whose ain't.