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/ page 2667 of 3210 /Balbus
© Marriott Edgar
I'll tell you the story of Balbus,
You know, him as builded a wall;
I'll tell you the reason he built it,
And the place where it happened an' all.
© Marriott Edgar
Mr. Ramsbottom went to the races,
A thing as he'd ne'er done before,
And as luck always follers beginners,
Won five pounds, no-less and no-more.
Albert's Return
© Marriott Edgar
You've `eard `ow young Albert Ramsbottom
At the zoo up at Blackpool one year
With a stick with an `orse's `ead `andle
Gave a lion a poke in the ear?
Albert Down Under
© Marriott Edgar
Albert were what you'd call thwarted.
He had long had an ambition, which...
Were to save up and go to Australia,
The saving up that were the hitch.
Albert and the Lion
© Marriott Edgar
There's a famous seaside place called Blackpool,
That's noted for fresh air and fun,
And Mr and Mrs Ramsbottom
Went there with young Albert, their son.
Albert and the 'Eadsman
© Marriott Edgar
On young Albert Ramsbottom's birthday
His parents asked what he'd like most;
He said to see t' Tower of London
And gaze upon Anne Boleyn's ghost.
Albert and His Savings
© Marriott Edgar
One day, little Albert Ramsbottom
To see 'ow much money 'e'd got
Stuck a knife in 'is money-box slot 'ole
And fiddled and fished out the lot.
Ghazal of the Better-Unbegun
© Heather McHugh
Too volatile, am I?too voluble?too much a word-person?
I blame the soup:I'm a primordially
stirred person.
© Heather McHugh
What gives? What looks
a stripe a hundred million
miles away from here
The Father of the Predicaments
© Heather McHugh
With the things they knew.Nor did I feel myself
Drawn back through Circulation into Reference,
Until I saw how blue I had become, by virtue
Of its five TVs, their monitors abuzz with is's
Etymological Dirge
© Heather McHugh
Calm comes from burning.
Tall comes from fast.
Comely doesn't come from come.
Person comes from mask.
© Heather McHugh
my shocked senses flocked to the window's reference
where now all backyard attitudes were deep
in memory: the landscapes I had known too well-
the picnic table and the hoe, the tricycle, the stubborn
shrub-the homegrown syllables
of shapely living-all
What He Thought
© Heather McHugh
were due to leave
tomorrow. For our parting evening then
our host chose something in a family restaurant,
and there we sat and chatted, sat and chewed, till,
sensible it was our last big chance to be Poetic, make
our mark, one of us asked
With Due Respect To Thor
© Heather McHugh
The dog has shrunk between the brake and clutch.
His shaking shakes a two-ton truck. From a Godso furious, he cannot hide his hide. Outside,
in the world at large, black hours are beingpearled and shafted. A tree stands out
spectacularly branched; the mind's eyegrows alert. This thing can hurt.
© Heather McHugh
The gh comes from rough, the o from women's,
and the ti from unmentionables--presto:
there's the perfect English instance of
The Minimal
© Theodore Roethke
I study the lives on a leaf: the little
Sleepers, numb nudgers in cold dimensions,
Beetles in caves, newts, stone-deaf fishes,
Lice tethered to long limp subterranean weeds,
The Saginaw Song
© Theodore Roethke
In Saginaw, in Saginaw,
The wind blows up your feet,
When the ladies' guild puts on a feed,
There's beans on every plate,
And if you eat more than you should,
Destruction is complete.
Epidermal Macabre
© Theodore Roethke
Indelicate is he who loathes
The aspect of his fleshy clothes, --
The flying fabric stitched on bone,
The vesture of the skeleton,
The Reckoning
© Theodore Roethke
All profits disappear: the gain
Of ease, the hoarded, secret sum;
And now grim digits of old pain
Return to litter up our home.
Pickle Belt
© Theodore Roethke
The fruit rolled by all day.
They prayed the cogs would creep;
They thought about Saturday pay,
And Sunday sleep.