
written by

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Sweet Be'mi'ster, that bist a-bound
  By green an' woody hills all round,
  Wi' hedges, reachèn up between
  A thousan' vields o' zummer green,
  Where elems' lofty heads do drow
  Their sheädes vor haÿ-meakers below,
  An' wild hedge-flow'rs do charm the souls
  O' maïdens in their evenèn strolls.

  When I o' Zunday nights wi' Jeäne
  Do saunter drough a vield or leäne,
  Where elder-blossoms be a-spread
  Above the eltrot's milk-white head,
  An' flow'rs o' blackberries do blow
  Upon the brembles, white as snow,
  To be outdone avore my zight
  By Jeän's gaÿ frock o' dazzlèn white;

  Oh! then there's nothèn that's 'ithout
  Thy hills that I do ho about,--
  Noo bigger pleäce, noo gaÿer town,
  Beyond thy sweet bells' dyèn soun',
  As they do ring, or strike the hour,
  At evenèn vrom thy wold red tow'r.
  No: shelter still my head, an' keep
  My bwones when I do vall asleep.

© William Barnes