Walter Savage Landor
Born in January 30, 1775 / Died in September 17, 1864 / United Kingdom / English
Other info : Furtherreading
- The Poems of Walter Savage Landor (London: Printed for T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1795).
- Moral Epistle, Respectfully dedicated to Earl Stanhope (London: Printed for Cadell & W. Davies, 1795).
- To the Burgesses of Warwick (Warwick, 1797); edited by R. H. Super (Oxford: Printed for the Luttrell Society by B. Blackwell, 1949).
- Gebir; A Poem in Seven Books (London: Sold by Rivingtons, 1798; enlarged and corrected edition, Oxford: Printed by & for Slatter & Munday & sold by R. S. Kirby, London, 1803); translated by Landor as Gebirus, Poema (Oxford: Printed & sold by Slatter & Munday & sold by R. S. Kirby, London, 1803).
- Poems from the Arabic and Persian (Warwick: Printed by H. Sharpe & sold by Rivingtons, London, 1800).
- Iambi (Oxford: Privately printed, circa 1802).
- Poetry by the Author of Gebir (London: Sold by F. & C. Rivington, 1802).
- Simonidea (Bath: Printed by W. Meyler & sold by G. Robinson, London, 1806).
- Three Letters, Written in Spain, to D. Francisco Riguelme Commanding the Third Division of the Gallician Army (Bath: Printed by W. Meyler & sold by J. Robinson and J. Harding, London, 1809).
- Ode ad Gustavum Regem. Ode ad Gustavum Exulem (London: Printed by A. J. Valpy, 1810).
- Count Julian: A Tragedy (London: Printed for John Murray by James Moyes, 1812).
- Commentary on Memoirs of Mr. Fox [printed but suppressed] (London: Printed for the author by T. Davison & sold by J. Murray, 1812); edited by Stephen Wheeler as Charles James Fox, A Commentary on his Life and Character (New York: Putnam's, 1907; London: J. Murray, 1907).
- Letter from Mr. Landor to Mr. Jervis (Bath, 1814).
- Letters addressed to Lord Liverpool, and The Parliament, on the Preliminaries of Peace, by Calvus (London: Printed for Henry Colburn & sold by George Goldie, Edinburgh, 1814).
- Idyllia Nova Quinque Heroum atque Heroidum (Oxford: Sold by Slatter & Munday & by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, London, 1815).
- Sponsalia Polyxenae (Pistoia, 1819).
- Idyllia Heroica Decem (Pisa: S. Nistri, 1820).
- Poche Osservazioni (Naples, 1821).
- Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen, volumes 1 and 2 (London: Printed for Taylor & Hessey, 1824; corrected and enlarged edition, London: H. Colburn, 1826).
- Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen, volume 3 (London: Henry Colburn, 1828).
- Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen ... Second Series, 2 volumes (London: James Duncan, 1829).
- Gebir, Count Julian, and Other Poems (London: E. Moxon, 1831).
- Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare (London: Saunders & Otley, 1834; Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1888).
- Pericles and Aspasia (2 volumes, London: Saunders & Otley, 1836; abridged, unauthorized edition, Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1839; complete edition, 1 volume, Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1871).
- The Letters of a Conservative (London: Saunders & Otley, 1836).
- A Satire on Satirists, and Admonition to Detractors (London: Saunders & Otley, 1836).
- Terry Hogan: An Eclogue (London: Printed by J. Wertheimer, 1836).
- The Pentameron and Pentalogia (London: Saunders & Otley, 1837); republished in The Pentameron etc. (Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1888).
- Andrea of Hungary, and Giovanna of Naples (London: R. Bentley, 1839).
- Fra Rupert, The last part of a Trilogy (London: Saunders & Otley, 1840).
- The Works of Walter Savage Landor, 2 volumes (London: E. Moxon, 1846).
- The Hellenics of Walter Savage Landor, Enlarged and Completed (London: E. Moxon, 1847); enlarged as The Hellenics of Walter Savage Landor; comprising Heroic Idyls, &c. (Edinburgh: J. Nichol/London: R. Griffin, 1859).
- Poemata et Inscriptiones (London: E. Moxon, 1847).
- The Italics of Walter Savage Landor (London: Reynell & Weight, 1848).
- Imaginary Conversation of King Carlo-Alberto and the Duchess Belgioioso, on the Affairs and Prospects of Italy (London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1848).
- Statement of Occurrences at Llanbedr (Bath: Printed by Meyler & Son, 1849).
- Popery: British and Foreign (London: Chapman & Hall, 1851).
- Tyrannicide (N.p., 1851).
- Imaginary Conversations of Greeks and Romans (London: E. Moxon, 1853).
- The Last Fruit off an Old Tree (London: E. Moxon, 1853).
- Letters of an American, mainly on Russia and Revolution (London: Chapman & Hall, 1854).
- Antony and Octavius. Scenes for the Study (London: Bradbury & Evans, 1856).
- Letter from W. S. Landor to R. W. Emerson (Bath: E. Williams, 1856).
- Selections from the Writings of Walter Savage Landor, edited by George Stillman Hillard (Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1856).
- Walter Savage Landor and the Honourable Mrs. Yescombe (Bath, 1857).
- Mr. Landor Threatened (Bath, 1857).
- Dry Sticks, Fagoted by Walter Savage Landor (Edinburgh: J. Nichol/London: J. Nisbet, 1858).
- Mr. Landor's Remarks On a Suit Preferred against him, at the Summer Assizes at Taunton, 1858 (London: Holyoake, 1859).
- Savonarola e il Priore di San Marco (Florence, 1860).
- Heroic Idyls, with additional poems (London: T. C. Newby, 1863).
- Imaginary Conversations, 5 volumes (Boston: Roberts, 1876-1877).
- Imaginary Conversations, 6 volumes; Poems Dialogues in Verse and Epigrams, 2 volumes; and The Longer Prose Works, 2 volumes, edited by Charles G. Crump (London: Dent, 1891-1893).
- The Complete Works of Walter Savage Landor, 16 volumes: volumes 1-12 [prose] edited by T. Earle Welby, volumes 13-16 edited by Stephen Wheeler (London: Chapman & Hall, 1927-1936); volumes 13-16 republished as The Poetical Works of Walter Savage Landor, 3 volumes (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1937).
- Landor as Critic, edited by Charles L. Proudfit (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979).
- Walter Savage Landor. Selected Poetry and Prose, edited by Keith Hanley (Manchester: Carcanet Press, 1981).
- The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Blessington, 3 volumes, edited by R. R. Madden (London: T. C. Newby, 1855), II: 361-395.
- The Blessington Papers, in The Collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents Formed by Alfred Morrison, second series, 1882-1893 (London: Printed for private circulation, 1895).
- Letters and Other Unpublished Writings of Walter Savage Landor, edited by Stephen Wheeler (London: Bentley, 1897).
- Letters of Walter Savage Landor, Private and Public, edited by Wheeler (London: Duckworth, 1899).
- George Somes Layard, Mrs. Lynn Linton, Her Life, Letters, and Opinions (London: Methuen, 1901).
- Edward H. R. Tatham, "Some Unpublished Letters of W. S. Landor," Fortnightly Review, 93 (February 1910): 361-373.
- Baylor University Browning Interests, fifth series, edited by A. Joseph Armstrong (Waco, Tex.: Baylor University, 1932).
- H. C. Minchin, Walter Savage Landor: Last Days, Letters and Conversations (London: Methuen, 1934).
- R. H. Super, "Landor's `Dear Daughter,' Eliza Lynn Linton," PMLA, 59 (December 1944): 1059-1085.
- Super, "Landor's Letters to Wordsworth and Coleridge," Modern Philology, 55 (November 1957): 73-83.
- A. Lavonne Ruoff and Edwin Burton Levine, "Landor's Letters to the Reverend Walter Birch," Bulletin of John Rylands Library, 51 (1968): 200-261.
- Ruoff, "Landor's Letters to his Family: 1802-25," Bulletin of John Rylands Library, 53 (1971): 465-500.
- Ruoff, "Landor's Letters to his Family: 1826-29," Bulletin of John Rylands Library, 54 (1972): 398-433.
- John F. Mariani, "The Letters of Walter Savage Landor to Marguerite Countess of Blessington," Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1973.
- Ruoff, "Walter Savage Landor's Letters to His Family, 1830-1832," Bulletin of John Rylands Library, 58 (1976): 467-507.
Various British and American libraries hold important Landor materials. The only major poetic manuscript to survive-that of "Count Julian"--is in the Forster Collection at the Library of the Victoria and Albert Museum, together with letters from Landor to Forster (mostly published in Forster's Walter Savage Landor. A Biography). The British Library has various manuscripts for prose and verse compositions, including the sonnet "To Robert Browning," and letters to a variety of correspondents, including Charles Lamb, Swinburne, and the countess of Blessington. The Bodleian Library, Oxford; Edinburgh University Library; and John Rylands University Library of Manchester also have significant manuscript collections of correspondence. The Henry E. Huntington Library holds many items, including literary manuscripts, correspondence, and private papers. The Baylor University Browning Collection has many letters from Landor to Browning (unreliable texts of these letters are published in Minchin's Walter Savage Landor: Last Days, Letters and Conversations). Arkansas University Library has correspondence with Elizabeth Barrett Browning; the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale holds a collection of mostly unpublished letters to Kenneth Robert Henderson Mackenzie; the University of Chicago Library holds letters, including some to John Forster on literary topics; the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin has correspondence with Dickens. Other items are in the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection, New York Public Library; the Houghton Library, Harvard University; Iowa University Library; Knox College Archives; the Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, New York; the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York; and the University of Virginia Library.