Other info : Career | Bibliography
- Alvarez, A., Stewards of Excellence: Studies in Modern English and American Poets, Scribner, 1958.
- Baird, James, The Dome and the Rock: Structure in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1968.
- Bates, Milton J., Wallace Stevens: A Mythology of Self, University of California Press, 1985.
- Beckett, Lucy, Wallace Stevens, Cambridge University Press, 1974.
- Benarnou, Michel, Wallace Stevens and the Symbolist Imagination, Princeton University Press, 1972.
- Berry, S. L., Wallace Stevens, Creative Education (Mankato, MN), 1997.
- Blackmur, R. P., The Double Agent: Essays in Craft and Elucidation, Peter Smith, 1962.
- Blessing, Richard Allen, Wallace Stevens' "Whole Harmonium," Syracuse University Press, 1970.
- Bloom, Harold, Figures of Capable Imagination, Seabury, 1976.
- Bloom, Wallace Stevens: The Poems of Our Climate, Cornell University Press, 1976.
- Bornstein, George, Transformations of Romanticism in Yeats, Eliot, and Stevens, University of Chicago Press, 1976.
- Boroff, Marie, Language and the Poet: Verbal Artistry in Frost, Stevens, and Moore, University of Chicago Press, 1979.
- Boroff, editor, Wallace Stevens: A Collection of Critical Essays, Prentice-Hall, 1963.
- Brazeau, Peter, Parts of a World: Wallace Stevens Remembered, Random House, 1983.
- Brown, Ashley, and Robert S. Haller, editors, The Achievement of Wallace Stevens, Lippincott, 1962.
- Brown, Merle E., Wallace Stevens: The Poem as Act, Wayne State University Press, 1970.
- Burney, William, Wallace Stevens, Twayne, 1968.
- Buttel, Robert, Wallace Stevens: The Making of "Harmonium," Princeton University Press, 1967.
- Buttel and Frank Doggett, editors, Wallace Stevens: A Celebration, Princeton University Press, 1980.
- Doggett, Stevens' Poetry of Thought, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1966.
- Doggett, Wallace Stevens: The Making of the Poem, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980.
- Donaghue, Denis, Connoisseurs of Chaos: Ideas of Order in Modern American Poetry, Faber, 1965.
- Donaghue, The Ordinary Universe: Soundings in Modern Literature, Faber, 1968.
- Ehrenpreis, Irvin, editor, Wallace Stevens: A Critical Anthology, Penguin, 1973.
- Enck, John J., Wallace Stevens: Images and Judgments, Southern Illinois University Press, 1964.
- Filreis, Alan, Modernism from Right to Left: Wallace Stevens, the Thirties & Literary Radicalism, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1994.
- Hines, Thomas J., The Later Poetry of Wallace Stevens: Phenomenological Parallels With Husserl and Heidegger, Bucknell University Press, 1976.
- Kenner, Hugh, A Homemade World: The American Modernist Writers, Knopf, 1975.
- Kermode, Frank, Wallace Stevens, Oliver & Boyd, 1960.
- Kessler, Edward, Images of Wallace Stevens, Rutgers University Press, 1972.
- LaGuardia, David M., Advance on Chaos: The Sanctifying Imagination of Wallace Stevens, University Press of New England, 1983.
- Lentricchia, Frank, The Gaiety of Language: An Essay on the Radical Poetics of W. B. Yeats and Wallace Stevens, University of California Press, 1968.
- Lentricchia, Frank, Modernist Quartet, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1994.
- Litz, A. Walton, Introspective Voyager: The Poetic Development of Wallace Stevens, Oxford University Press, 1972.
- Lombardi, Thomas F., Wallace Stevens and the Pennsylvania Keystone: The Influence of Origins on his Life and Poetry, Susquehanna University Press (Selinsgrove, PA), 1996.
- McCann, Janet, Wallace Stevens Revisited: "The Celestial Possible", Twayne (New York), 1995.
- McNamara, Peter L., editor, Critics on Wallace Stevens, University of Miami Press, 1972.
- Morris, Adalaide Kirby, Wallace Stevens: Imagination and Faith, Princeton University Press, 1974.
- Morse, Samuel French, Wallace Stevens: Poetry as Life, Pegasus, 1970.
- Murphy, Charles, M., Wallace Stevens: A Spiritual Poet in a Secular Age, Paulist Press (New York, NY), 1997.
- Nasser, Eugene Paul, Wallace Stevens: An Anatomy of Figuration, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1965.
- O'Connor, William Van, The Shaping Spirit: A Study of Wallace Stevens, Regnery, 1950.
- Pack, Robert, Wallace Stevens: An Approach to His Poetry and Thought, Rutgers University Press, 1958.
- Perlis, Alan, Wallace Stevens: A World of Transforming Shapes, Bucknell University Press, 1976.
- Rae, Patricia, The Practical Muse: Pragmatist Poetics in Hulme, Pound, and Stevens, Associated University Presses, 1997.
- Richardson, Joan, Wallace Stevens: The Early Years, Morrow, 1986.
- Riddel, Joseph N., The Clairvoyant Eye: The Poetry and Poetics of Wallace Stevens, Louisiana State University Press, 1965.
- Rosu, Anca, The Metaphysics of Sound in Wallace Stevens, University of Alabama Press (Tuscaloosa), 1995.
- Schulze, Robin G., The Web of Friendship: Marianne Moore and Wallace Stevens, University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor), 1995.
- Serio, John N., Wallace Sevens: An Annotated Secondary Bibliography, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1994.
- Serio, John N., Teaching Wallace Stevens: Practical Essays, University of Tennessee Press (Knoxville), 1994.
- Sexson, Michael, The Quest of Self in the Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens, Edwin Mellen, 1981.
- Stern, Herbert J., Wallace Stevens: Art of Uncertainty, University of Michigan Press, 1966.
- Stevens, Holly, Souvenirs and Prophecies: The Young Wallace Stevens, Knopf, 1977.
- Sukenick, Ronald, Wallace Stevens: Musing the Obscure, New York University Press, 1967.
- Tindall, William York, Wallace Stevens, University of Minnesota Press, 1961.
- Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Gale, Volume 3, 1980, Volume 12, 1984.
- Vendler, Helen Hennessy, On Extended Wings: Wallace Stevens' Longer Poems, Harvard University Press, 1969.
- Vendler, Wallace Stevens, Harvard University Press, 1986.
- Voros, Gyorgyi, Notations of the Wild: Ecology in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens, University of Iowa Press, 1997.
- Wells, Henry W., Introduction to Wallace Stevens, Indiana University Press, 1964.
- Weston, Susan B., Wallace Stevens: An Introduction to the Poetry, Columbia University Press, 1977.
- Whiting, Anthony, The Never-Resting Mind: Wallace Stevens' Romantic Irony, University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor), 1996.
- Woodman, Leonora, Stanza My Stone: Wallace Stevens and the Hermetic Tradition, Purdue University Press, 1983.
- Woodward, Kathleen, At Last, the Real Distinguished Thing: The Later Poems of Eliot, Pound, Stevens, and Williams, Ohio State University Press, 1980.
- American Poetry Review, September-October, 1978.
- Arizona Quarterly, autumn, 1955.
- Catholic World, July-August, 1995, p. 154.
- Colorado Quarterly, summer, 1960.
- Commonweal, September 23, 1955.
- Comparative Literature, winter, 1959.
- Contemporary Literature, autumn, 1975.
- Critical Quarterly, autumn, 1960.
- Criticism, winter, 1960, summer, 1965.
- Encounter, November, 1979.
- English Journal, October, 1959.
- Georgia Review, spring, 1976, summer, 1976.
- Hudson Review, autumn, 1957.
- Journal of Modern Literature, May, 1982.
- Kenyon Review, winter, 1957, winter, 1964.
- Literary Review, autumn, 1963.
- Modern Language Quarterly, September, 1969.
- Nation, April 5, 1947.
- New England Quarterly, December, 1971.
- New York Times Magazine, August 28, 1994, p. 72.
- New Yorker, October 28, 1950.
- Poetry, March, 1924, December, 1931, February, 1937, January, 1956.
- Sewanee Review, autumn, 1945, spring, 1952, winter, 1957.
- Southern Review, July, 1971, July, 1976, October, 1979, January, 1982.
- Studies in Romanticism, spring, 1982.
- Western Review, autumn, 1955.
- Yale Review, spring, 1955, spring, 1967, winter, 1982.