Uncaged. Run from it,go ahead, try. Wherever you areit's there. Cousin to zero
with none of the zip, winkingfrom vanishing points as thoughinnocent, a party trick. Face it
with no illusions. That sucking soundis the centre of the universevoided from its nest
in the mind. Even Aristotleturned a blind eye, afraid of disprovingGod. Shameless modern mortals
and the games they play, spurning blissfor the oil-slickened handof calculus, lifespans spun
into Spirographs, giddypaths to nowhere. The chill comesat the never-end of forever, tingle
in your fingers a surefire tell.Eternity is devil's work, justlook at its mark--double coil of
a serpent eating its tail.There's no way of unknowingwhat we know.