The Pastime of Pleasure: Of dysposycyon the II. parte of rethoryke - (til the end)

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How he made oblacyon to the goddes Pallas & sayled ouer the tempestous flode. ca. xxxvj.

4921 So longe we rode ouer hyll and valey
4922 Tyll that we came in to a wyldernes
4923 On euery syde there wylde bestes lay
4924 Ryght straunge and fyerse in sundry lykenes
4925 It was a place of dyssolate derkenes
4926 The ladyes and I were in fere and doubte
4927 Tyll at the last that we were goten oute
4928 Of the grete wood vpon a craggy roche
4929 Whan clere Dyana in the scorpyon
4930 Agaynst fayre Phebus began to approche
4931 For to be at her hole opposycyon
4932 We sawe frome ferre a goodly regyon
4933 Where stode a palays hye and precyous
4934 Beyonde an hauen full tempestyous
4935 Than sayd perseueraunce beholde ye and se
4936 Yonder is the palays gay and gloryous
4937 Of labelle pucelles grete humylyte
4938 A place of pleasure moost solacyous
4939 But then we spyed a fende fallacyous
4940 Beyonde the hauen at the sure entres
4941 Blowynge out fyre by meruaylous wydnes
4942 The fyre was grete it made the ylonde lyght
4943 He rored loude it semed lyke the thonder
4944 But as me thought he was of grete myght
4945 To knowe his lykenes we were ferre asonder
4946 But of the fyre we dyde often wonder
4947 We axed perceueraunce what that it myght be
4948 Alas quod she with fraude and subtylte
4949 Of dame straungenes and of dame dysdayne
4950 Whan la belle pucell dyde them so abiecte
4951 Bycause that they myght not reuerte agayne
4952 With mortall enuy they dyde then coniecte
4953 To make a fende in lykewyse to deiecte
4954 Syr graunde amour with the feruent fyre
4955 Of euyll treason to lette his desyre
4956 For dame dysdayne the crafty sorceres
4957 With arte magyke hath wrought full craftely
4958 Of the .vij. metalles a dragon doubtles
4959 And dame straungenes by her nygromancy
4960 Hath closed therin a fende ryght subtylly
4961 That the fyre encenseth by grete outrage
4962 But graunde amoure shall it well aswage
4963 Benethe this roche there is well fortefyed
4964 An olde temple to the laude and glory
4965 Of wyse dame Pallas it was so edyfyed
4966 We wyll ryde vnto it full lyghtly
4967 And do oblacyon vnto her truely
4968 She wyll vs tell by good experyence
4969 How we may scape the brennynge vyolence
4970 So to the temple of dame Pallas
4971 Anone we rode and dyde lyght adowne
4972 Of depured crystall her hole ymage was
4973 The temple walles were ryght olde and browne
4974 And than ryght soone before her hygh renowne
4975 Prostrate we fell mekely to the grounde
4976 And sodaynly we were caste in a swounde
4977 Thus as we lay in a deedly chaunce
4978 We thought to her we made petycyon
4979 And all in englysshe with longe cyrcumstaunce
4980 She shewed vs all the hole condycyon
4981 Of the meruaylous serpentes operacyon
4982 And dyde shewe vs a perfyte remedy
4983 To withstande all the craft of sorcery
4984 And in lykewyse as the maner foloweth
4985 In depured verses of crafty eloquence
4986 Euery thynge vnto vs she sheweth
4987 And fyrst of all with all our dylygence
4988 These verses we sayd vnto her excellence
4989 But she with crafty verses eloquent
4990 Gaue vs an answere full expedyent
4991 Whan golden Phebus in the fyrst houre
4992 Of his owne day began for to domyne
4993 The sorceres the falce rote of doloure
4994 All of golde that was so pure and fyne
4995 Of the best made the hede serpentyne
4996 And eke therof she dyde make his face
4997 Full lyke a mayde it was a wonders cace
4998 And euery oure as the planettes reyned
4999 She made the serpente of theyr metalles seuen
5000 Tyll she her purpose had fully attayned
5001 And whan fyue bodyes aboue on the heuen
5002 Wente retrograde meruaylously to neuen
5003 With dyuers quartyls and the moone combust
5004 In the dragons tayle to lette a louers lust
5005 These cursed wytches dysdayne and straungenes
5006 Made the monster of a subtyll kynde
5007 To let my purpose and all my gladnes
5008 But that dame pallas of her gentyll mynde
5009 Of meruaylous herbes a remedy dyde fynde
5010 And anone a boxe of meruaylous oyntemente
5011 She toke to me to withstonde the serpente
5012 Thus all esmeruayled we dyde than awake
5013 And in my hande I had the oyntemente
5014 Closed in a boxe of whiche I sholde take
5015 To anoynte my harneys for the serpente
5016 Whiche shall deuoyde his fyre so feruente
5017 And my swerde also to cause to departe
5018 Astroth the fende so sette with Magyckes arte.

5019 Than whan the sonne with his bemes mery
5020 Began to ryse in the fayre morowe graye
5021 All about lyghtynge our emyspery
5022 Exylynge mystes and derke cloudes awaye
5023 And whan we sawe that it was bryght daye
5024 Nere by the ryuage at the last we spyed
5025 A goodly shyppe whiche vnto vs fast hyed
5026 And ryght anone by the ryuage syde
5027 She kest an anker and dyde vs than hayle
5028 With a pele of gonnes at the morowe tyde
5029 Her bonet she valed and gan to stryke sayle
5030 She was ryght large of thre toppes withoute fayle
5031 Her bote she made oute / and sente to the lande
5032 What that we were to knowe and vnderstande
5033 That so dyde walke by the ryuer cost
5034 And with two ladyes we sodaynly met
5035 So whan that they were come to vs almost
5036 Frome theyr shyp bote curyously counterfet
5037 Hayle knyghte they sayd now frome a lady gret
5038 Called dame pacyence we are hyther sente
5039 To knowe your name / and all the hole entente
5040 What you make here and the ladyes all
5041 Truely quod I ouer this stormy flode
5042 We wolde haue passage now in specyall
5043 Tary she sayde / it were to you not good
5044 There is a serpente eull ryght fyerse and wode
5045 On the other syde / whiche wyll you deuoure
5046 Nay then quod I my name is graunde amoure
5047 I haue dyscomfyted the gyauntes terryble
5048 For la belle pucell the moost fayre lady
5049 And for her sake shall be inuyncyble
5050 Of this grete monster to haue the vyctory
5051 You haue quod they demeaned you nobly
5052 And we anone to our lady pacyence
5053 Wyll gyue of you perfyte Intellygence
5054 Thus they departed and to theyr bote they wente
5055 And the ryall shyppe yclypped perfytnes
5056 They dyde a borde and than incontynente
5057 Vnto dame pacyence they gan to expres
5058 My name / myn actes / and all my prowes
5059 Ha ha quod she how gladde may I now be
5060 Whiche in this place may hym bothe here and se
5061 And in grete hast she made them rowe agayne
5062 Towarde the lande with all due reuerence
5063 For to receyue me and the ladyes certayne
5064 And so we than with all our dylygence
5065 Entred the bote without resystence
5066 And dyde aborde than perfytnes so sure
5067 Whiche the grete wawes myght ryght well endure
5068 And pacyence with grete solempnyte
5069 Dyde me receyue and the ladyes also
5070 Welcome she sayd by hye auctoryte
5071 I am ryght gladde that it hath happed so
5072 That la belle pucell must redresse your wo
5073 And on your selfe with your worthy dedes
5074 Of fame and her hath wonne ryghte hye medes
5075 And then theyr anker they weyed in hast
5076 And hoyst theyr sayle / whan many a claryon
5077 Began to blowe / the mornynge was past
5078 But Afrycus Auster made surreccyon
5079 Blowynge his belowes by grete occasyon
5080 So forthe we sayled ryght playne southwest
5081 On the other syde where the serpente dyde rest.

How graunde amoure dyscomfyted the wonder full monster of the seuen metalles made by enchauntemente. Ca. xxxvij.

5082 And at the lande we aryued than
5083 With all the ladyes in my company
5084 Whiche to praye for me sodaynly began
5085 To the god Mars lodesterre of chyualry
5086 I toke my leue of them full gentylly
5087 And ryght anone to fynde oute my fo
5088 This mortall dragon / I wente to and fro
5089 Tyll at the last besyde n craggy roche
5090 I sawe the dragon whiche dyde me aspye
5091 And nere and nere as I gan to approche
5092 I behelde his heed with his grete body
5093 Whiche was mysshaped full ryght wonderly
5094 Of golde so shene was bothe his hede and face
5095 Full lyke a mayden it was a meruaylous cace
5096 His necke syluer and thycke lyke a bull
5097 His brest stele and lyke an olyphante
5098 His forlegges latyn and of feders full
5099 Ryght lyke a Grype was euery tallaunt
5100 And as of strength he nothynge dyde want
5101 His backe afore lyke brystles of a swyne
5102 Of the fyne coper dyde moost clerely shyne
5103 His hynder legges was lyke to a catte
5104 All of tynne / and lyke a scorpyon
5105 He had a tayle with a heed theratte
5106 All of lede of plyaunte facyon
5107 His herte stele without menyssyon
5108 Towarde me he came rorynge lyke the thonder
5109 Spyttynge oute fyre for to se grete wonder
5110 In his forhede with letters all of grewe
5111 Was wryten my name is malyce preuy
5112 That olde debate can full sone remewe
5113 Bytwene true louers with coloure crafty
5114 Agaynst graunde amoure I shall so fortefy
5115 My euyll subtyll power and cursed courage
5116 To let hym truly of his hye passage
5117 I toke my boxe as Pallas commaunded
5118 And my swerde and shelde with all my armure
5119 In euery place I ryght well anoynted
5120 To hardynes I toke my herte in cure
5121 Makynge me redy / and whan I thought me sure
5122 I toke my swerde and with an hardy herte
5123 Towarde the dragon I began to sterte
5124 And as I gan my grete stroke to charge
5125 He blewe out so moche fyre innumerable
5126 That on the grounde I dyde my myght dyscharge
5127 The smoke was derke full gretly domageable
5128 And the hote fyre was so intollerable
5129 Aboue me fleynge that vnneth I myght
5130 Through my vysure cast a brode my syght
5131 But the swete oyntemente had suche a vertue
5132 That the wylde fyre myght nothynge endomage
5133 Me through hete / for it dyde extue
5134 The magykkes arte with grete aduauntage
5135 Causynge the fyre ryght well to a swage
5136 And with my swerde as nothynge a gast
5137 Vpon the serpente I dyde stryke full fast
5138 His body was grete as ony tonne
5139 The deuyll aboute dyde his body bere
5140 He was as egre as grype or lyon
5141 So with his tallantes he dyde my harneys tere
5142 That ofte he put me in a mortall fere
5143 Tyll at the last I dyde his body perce
5144 With my good swerde he myght not it reuerce
5145 Ryght ther withall the dragon to brast
5146 And out ther flewe ryght blacke and tedyous
5147 A foule ethyope whiche suche smoke dyde cast
5148 That all the ylonde was full tenebrous
5149 It thondred loude with clappes tempestyous
5150 Then all the ladyes were full sore adred
5151 They thought none other but that I was deed
5152 The spyryte vanysshed the ayre wexed clere
5153 Then dyde I loke and beholde aboute
5154 Where was the toure of my lady so dere
5155 Tyll at the last I had espyed it oute
5156 Set on a rokke ryghte hye without doubte
5157 And all the ladyes with perseueraunce
5158 To me dyde come with Ioye and pleasaunce
5159 Forsothe quod they you are moche fortunate
5160 So to subdue the serpente venymous
5161 Whiche by forcery was surely ordenate
5162 You for to sle with fyre so vycyous
5163 Blyssed tbe Pallas the goddes gloryous
5164 Whiche that thou taught a perfyte remedy
5165 For to deuoyde the crafte of sorcery
5166 It was no wonder thoughe that I was glad
5167 After the payne and trybulacyon
5168 That in many places I ryght often had
5169 For to attayne the hye promocyon
5170 Of la belle pucelles domynacyon
5171 Consyderynge in my passage daungerous
5172 All I subdued to me contraryous
5173 And than ryght sone with grete solempnyte
5174 So forth we rode to the solempne mancyon
5175 Of la belle pucelles worthy dygnyte
5176 Whiche was a toure of meruaylous facyon
5177 Replete with Ioye without suggestyon
5178 Walled with syluer and many a story
5179 Vpon the wall enameled ryally
5180 So at the last we came vnto the gate
5181 Whiche all of syluer was knotted proprely
5182 Where was a lady of ryght hye estate
5183 Whiche vs receyued well and nobly
5184 And than perseueraunce went full shortly
5185 To la belle pucell shewynge euery thynge
5186 Of myne aduenture and sodayne comynge

How graūde amoure was receyued of la bell pucell. Ca. xxxviij.

5187 Whan she it knewe than ryght incontynent
5188 She called to her peace and dame mercy
5189 With Iustyce and reason y&supere; lady excellent
5190 Pleasaunce grace w&supert; good dame memory
5191 To weyte vpon her full ententyfly
5192 Me to receyue with all solempne Ioye
5193 A downe her chambre she wente on her waye
5194 And in meane whyle the gentyll porteres
5195 Called countenaunce on my way then me lede
5196 In to the basse courte of grete wydnes
5197 Where all of golde there was a conduyte hede
5198 With many dragons enameled with reed
5199 Whiche dyde spoute oute the dulcet lycoure
5200 Lyke crystall clere with aromatyke odoure
5201 Aloste the basse toure foure ymages stode
5202 Whiche blewe the claryons well and wonderly
5203 Alofte the toures the golden fanes gode
5204 Dyde with the wynde make full swete armony
5205 Them for to here it was grete melody
5206 The golden toures with crystall clarefyed
5207 Aboute were glased moost clerely purefyed
5208 And the grauell where vpon we wente
5209 Full lyke the golde that is moost pure and fyne
5210 Withouten spotte of blacke encombremente
5211 Aboute our fete it dyde ryghte clerely shyne
5212 It semed more lyke a place celestyne
5213 Than an erthely mansyon whiche shall away
5214 By longe tyme and proces an other day
5215 And towarde me I dyde se than comynge
5216 La belle pucell the moost fayre creature
5217 Of ony fayre erthely persone lyuynge
5218 Whiche with me mette with chere so demure
5219 Of the shynynge golde was all her vesture
5220 I dyde me duty / and ones or twyes ywys
5221 Her lyppes softe I dyde full swetely kys
5222 Aha quod she that I am very fayne
5223 That you are come / for I haue thought longe
5224 Sythen the tyme that we parted in twayne
5225 And for my sake you haue had often wronge
5226 But your courage so hardy and stronge
5227 Hath caused you for to be vyctoryous
5228 Of your enmyes so moche contraryous
5229 With her fayre hande whyte as ony lyly
5230 She dyde me lede into a ryall hall
5231 With knottes kerued full ryght craftely
5232 The wyndowes fayre glased with crystall
5233 And all aboute vpon the golden wall
5234 There was enameled with fygures curyous
5235 The syege of Troye so harde and dolorous
5236 The flore was paued with precyous stones
5237 And the rofe of meruaylous geometry
5238 Of the swete sypres wrought for the nones
5239 Encensynge oute the yll odours mysty
5240 Amyddes the rofe there shone full wonderly
5241 A poynted dyamonde of meruaylous bygnes
5242 With many other grete stones of ryches
5243 So vp we wente to a chambre fayre
5244 A place of pleasure and delectacyon
5245 Strowed with floures flagraunte of ayre
5246 Without ony spotte of perturbacyon
5247 I behelde ryght well the operacyon
5248 Of the meruaylous rofe set full of rubyes
5249 And tynst with saphers and many turkeys
5250 The walles were hanged with golden aras
5251 Whiche treated well of the syege of Thebes
5252 And yet all aboute vs depured was
5253 The crystallyne wyndowes of grete bryghtnes
5254 I can nothynge extende the goodlynes
5255 Of this palays / for it is impossyble
5256 To shewe all that vnto me vysyble
5257 But la bell pucell full ryght gentylly
5258 Dyde syt adowne by a wyndowes syde
5259 And caused me also full swetely
5260 By her to sytte at that gentyll tyde
5261 Whlcome she sayde ye shall with me abyde
5262 After your sorowe to lyue in Ioye and blysse
5263 You shall haue that ye haue desrued ywys
5264 Her redolente wordes of swete influence
5265 Degouted vapoure moost aromatyke
5266 And made conuersyon of my complacence
5267 Her depured and her lusty rethoryke
5268 My courage reformed that was so lunatyke
5269 My sorowe defeted and my mynde dyde modefy
5270 And my dolourous herte began to pacyfy
5271 All thus my loue we gan to deuyse
5272 For eche of other were ryght Ioyous
5273 Than at the last in a meruaylous wyse
5274 Full sodaynly there came vnto vs
5275 Lytell Cupyde with his moder Venus
5276 Whiche was well cladde in a fayre mantyll blewe
5277 With golden hertes that were perst a newe
5278 And rounde aboute vs she her mantyll cast
5279 Sayenge that she and her sone Cupyde
5280 Wolde vs conioyne in maryage in hast
5281 And to lete knowe all your courte so wyde
5282 Sende you perseueraunce before to prouyde
5283 To warne your ladyes for to be redy
5284 To morowe be tyme ryght well and solemply
5285 We answered bothe our hertes were in one
5286 Sayenge that we dyde ryght well agre
5287 For all our foes were added and gone
5288 Ryght gladde I was that Ioyfull day to se
5289 And than anone with grete humylyte
5290 La bell pucell to a fayre chambre bryght
5291 Dyde me than brynge for to rest all nyght
5292 And she toke her leue I kyst her louely
5293 I wente to bedde but I coude not slepe
5294 For I thought so moche vpon her inwardly
5295 Her moost swete lokes in to my herte dyde crepe
5296 Percynge it through with a wounde so depe
5297 For nature thought euery houre a daye
5298 Tyll to my lady I sholde my dette well paye

Of the grete maryage bytwene graunde amoure & La belle pucell. Ca. xxix.

5299 Than perseueraunce in all goodly hast
5300 Vnto the stuarde called lyberalyte
5301 Gaue warnynge for to make redy fast
5302 Agaynst this tyme of grete solempnyte
5303 That on the morowe halowed sholde be
5304 She warned the coke called temperaunce
5305 And after that the ewres obseruaunce
5306 With pleasaunce the panter / and dame curteysy
5307 The gentyll butler with the ladyes all
5308 Eche in her offyce was prepayred shortly
5309 Agaynst this feest so moche tryumphall
5310 And la belle pucell thenne in specyall
5311 Was vp be tyme in the morowe graye
5312 Ryght so was I whan I sawe the daye
5313 And ryght anone la belle pucell me sente
5314 Agaynst my weddynge of the satyn fyne
5315 Whyte as the mylke a goodly garmente
5316 Brandred with perle that clerely dyde shyne
5317 And so the maryage for to determyne
5318 Venus me broughte to a ryall chapell
5319 Whiche of fyne golde was wrought euerydell
5320 And after that the gay and gloryous
5321 La bell pucell to the chapell was ledde
5322 In a whyte vesture fayre and precyous
5323 With a golden chaplet on her yalowe hede
5324 And lex ecclesie dyde me to her wedde
5325 After wiche weddynge there was a grete fest
5326 Nothynge we lacked but had of the best
5327 What sholde I tary by longe contynuaunce
5328 Of the feest for of my Ioye and pleasure
5329 Wysdome can Iuge withouten varyaunce
5330 That nought I lacked as ye may be sure
5331 Payenge the swete due det of nature
5332 Thus with my lady that was fayre and clere
5333 In Ioye I lyued full ryght many a yere
5334 O lusty youth and yonge tender herte
5335 The trewe companyon of my lady bryght
5336 God let vs neuer frome other asterte
5337 But all in Ioye to lyue bothe day and nyght
5338 Thus after sorow Ioye aryueth aryght
5339 After my payne I had sporte and playe
5340 Full lytell thought I that it sholde dekaye
5341 Tyll that dame nature naturynge had made
5342 All thynges to growe vnto theyr fortytude
5343 And nature naturynge waxte retrograde
5344 By strength my youthe so for to exclude
5345 As was euer her olde consuetude
5346 Fyrst to augmente and than to abate
5347 This is the custome of her hye estate.

How Whan graunde Amour had lyued longe w&supert; labell pucell was arested by aege that brought vnto h&ybar;polycy and auaryce. Ca. xl.

5348 Thus as I lyued in suche pleasure gladde
5349 In to the chaumbre came full pryuely
5350 A fayre olde man and in his hande he hadde
5351 A croked staffe he wente full wekely
5352 Vnto me than he came full softly
5353 And with his staffe he toke me on the breste
5354 Obey he sayd I must you nedes a reste
5355 My name is age whiche haue often sene
5356 The lusty youthe perysshe vnhappely
5357 Through the deserte of the selfe I wene
5358 And euermore I do thynke inwardly
5359 That my dedes of youthe were of grete foly
5360 And thou thy selfe ryght Ioyous may be
5361 To lyue so longe for to be lyke to me
5362 Happy is the that may well ouer passe
5363 The narowe brydge ouer fragylyte
5364 Of his wanton youthe brytle as the glasse
5365 For the youthe is open to all fraylte
5366 Redy to fall in to grete iniquyte
5367 Full well is he that is brydled fast
5368 With fayre dame reason tyll this youth be past
5369 I obeyed his reest there was no remedy
5370 My youthe was past and all my lustynes
5371 And ryght anone to vs came polyzy
5372 With auaryce bryngynge grete ryches
5373 My hole pleasure and delyte doubtles
5374 Was sette vpon treasure insacyate
5375 It to beholde and for to agregate
5376 The flesshely pleasure I had cast asyde
5377 Lytell I loued for to playe or daunce
5378 But euer I thought how I myght prouyde
5379 To spare my treasure londe and substaunce
5380 This was my mynde / and all my purueyaunce
5381 As vpon dethe I thought lytell or neuer
5382 But gadred ryches as I sholde lyue euer.

How he was arested by dethe. Ca. xli.

5383 But whā I thoughte lōgest to endure
5384 Dethe w&supert; his darte a rest me soda&ybar;ly
5385 Obey he sayd as ye may be sure
5386 You can resyste nothynge the contrary
5387 But that you must obey me naturally
5388 What you auayleth suche treasure to take
5389 Sythens by force ye must it now forsake
5390 Alas quod I nothynge can me ayde
5391 This worldly treasure I must leue behynde
5392 For erth of erthe wyll haue his dette now payde
5393 What it this worlde but a blast of wynde
5394 I must nedes dye / it is my natyf kynde
5395 And as I was at this conclusyon
5396 To me dyde come dame confessyon
5397 With dame contrycyon whiche gan to bewayle
5398 My synnes grete with hole repentaunce
5399 And satysfaccyon without ony fayle
5400 With dame conscyence dyde wey in balaunce
5401 How that they myght than without doubtaunce
5402 My treasure and good so goten wronfully
5403 To restore agayne to the ryghtfull party
5404 Of holy chyrche with all humylyte
5405 My ryghtes I toke and than incontynent
5406 Nature auayled in so lowe degre
5407 That dethe was come / and all my lyfe was spent
5408 Out of my body my soule than it went
5409 To purgatory for to be puryfyed
5410 That after that it myght be gloryfyed

How remembraūce made his epytaphy on his graue. Ca. xlij.

5411 The good dame mercy with dame charyte
5412 My body buryed full ryght humbly
5413 In a fayre temple of olde antyquyte
5414 Where was for me a dyryge deuoutely
5415 And with many a masse full ryght solempnely
5416 And ouer my graue to be in memory
5417 Remembraunce made this lytell epytaphy
5418 O erthe on erthe it is a wonders cace
5419 That thou arte blynde and wyll not the knowe
5420 Though vpon erthe thou hast thy dwellynge place
5421 Yet erthe at laste must nedes the ouerthrowe
5422 Thou thynkest the do be none erthe I trowe
5423 For yf thou dydest thou woldest than apply
5424 To forsake pleasure and to lerne to dy

5425 O erthe of erthe why arte thou so proude
5426 Now what thou arte call to remembraunce
5427 Open thrn eres vnto my songe aloude
5428 Is not thy beaute strength and puyssaunce
5429 Though be cladde with clothes of pleasaunce
5430 Very erthe and also wormes fode
5431 Whan erthe to erthe shall to tourne the blode

5432 And erthe with erthe why arte thou so wrothe
5433 Remembre the that it vayleth ryght nought
5434 For thou mayst thynke of a perfyte trothe
5435 Yf with the erthe thou hast a quarell sought
5436 Amyddes the erthe there is a place ywrought
5437 Whan erthe to erthe is torned proprely
5438 The for thy synne to punysshe wonderly

5439 And erthe for erthe why hast thou enuy
5440 And the erthe vpon erthe to be more prosperous
5441 Than thou thy selfe fretynge the inwardly
5442 It is a synne ryght foule and vycyous
5443 And vnto god also full odyous
5444 Thou thynkest I trowe there is no punysshemente
5445 Ordeyned for synne by egall Iugemente

5446 Towarde heuen to folowe on the way
5447 Thou arte full slowe and thynkest nothynge
5448 That thy nature dooth full sore dekay
5449 And dethe ryght fast is to the comynge
5450 God graunte the mercy / but no tyme enlongynge
5451 Whan thou hast tyme / take tyme and space
5452 Whan tyme is past / lost is the tyme of grace

5453 And whan erthe to erthe is nexte to reuerte
5454 And nature lowe in the laste aege
5455 Of erthely treasure erthe doth set his herte
5456 In sacyatly vpon couetyse to rage
5457 He thynketh not his lyfe shall aswage
5458 His good is his god with his grete ryches
5459 He thynketh not for to leue it doutles

5460 The pomped clerkes with fode delycyous
5461 Erthe often fedeth with corrupte glotouy
5462 And nothynge with werkes vertuous
5463 The soule doth fede ryght well ententyfly
5464 But without mesure full inordynatly
5465 The body lyueth and wyll not remembre
5466 How erthe to erthe must his strength surrendre

5467 The vyle carkes set vpon a fyre
5468 Dooth often haunte the synne of lechery
5469 Fulfyllynge the foule carnall desyre
5470 Thus erthe with erthe is corrupte meruaylously
5471 And erthe on erthe wyll nothynge purfye
5472 Tyll erthe to erthe be nere subuerted
5473 For erthe with erthe is so peruerted
5474 O mortall folke / you may beholde and se
5475 How I lye here / somtyme a myghty knyght
5476 The ende of Ioye / and all prosperyte
5477 Is dethe at last / through his course and myght
5478 After the day there cometh the derke nyght
5479 For though the day be neuer so longe
5480 At last the belles ryngeth to euensonge
5481 And my selfe called la graunde amoure
5482 Sekynge aduenture in the worldly glory
5483 For to attayne the ryches and honoure
5484 Dyde thynke full lytell that I sholde here ly
5485 Tyll dethe dyde marke me full ryght pryuely
5486 Lo what I am and where to you must
5487 Lyke as I am / so shall you be all dust
5488 Than in your mynde inwardely dyspyse
5489 The bryttle worlde so full of doublenes
5490 With the vyle flesshe / and ryght soone aryse
5491 Out of your slepe / of mortall heuynes
5492 Subdue the deuyll with grace and mekenes
5493 That after your lyfe / frayle and transytory
5494 You may than lyue in Ioye perdurably.

How fame came in to the temple with burn&ybar;ge tonges / and other prayse. Ca. xlij.

5495 And as remembraunce myn epytaphy set
5496 Ouer my graue in came dame fame
5497 With brennynge tongues withoute ony let
5498 Sayenge that she wolde sprede aboute my name
5499 To lyue in honoure withoute ony shame
5500 Though that adeed were my erthely body
5501 Yet my renowne sholde reygne eternally
5502 The power estate and ryall dygnyte
5503 Of dame fame in euery regyon
5504 Is for to sprede by hy auctoryte
5505 The noble dedes of many a champyon
5506 As they are worthy in myne opynyon
5507 For though his body be deed and mortall
5508 His fame shall dure / and be memoryall
5509 Dyde not graunde amoure with his ryall dedes
5510 Wynne la belle pucell the moost fayre lady
5511 And of hyghe honoure attayned the medes
5512 In the demeanynge hym so worthely
5513 Sleynge the grete terryble gyauntes vgly
5514 And also the fyry monster vyolente
5515 Of the seuen metalles made by enchauntemente
5516 Aboute the worlde in euery nacyon
5517 That euermore he shall abyde alyue
5518 Of his grete actes to make relacyon
5519 In bokes many I shall of hym contryue
5520 Frome one to other I shall his name so dryue
5521 That euermore withoute extyngysshemente
5522 In brennynge tongues he shall be parmanente

Ector of troy.
5523 Vnto this day reygneth the hye renowne
5524 Of the worthy Ector prynce vyctoryous
5525 Aboute his spredde in euery regyon and towne
5526 His noble actes and courage chyualrous
5527 In full many bokes ryght delycyous
5528 Vnto the reders who lyst gyue audyence
5529 To here reporte of his grete excellence

5530 And in lyke wyse duke Iosue the grete
5531 Whiche was ryght stronge and fyerse in batayle
5532 Whose noble feates hygh and excellente
5533 I haue caused with dylygent trauayle
5534 To abyde in bokes without ony fayle
5535 Who lyst his story for to se or here
5536 In the byble it dooth ryght well appere

Iudas machabeus.
5537 Also the noble and hardy feates of warre
5538 Of Iudas machabeus I about haue cast
5539 In euery nacyon for to reygne aferre
5540 Thoughe that his lyfe out of this worlde be past
5541 His fame shall prospere and shall neuer wast
5542 Thus with my power of euery worthy
5543 I spred his dedes in tonges of memory

5544 Dyde not kynge Dauyd a lyons Iawes tere
5545 In his tender youthe he so hardy was
5546 The lyons cruelte myght nothynge hym fere
5547 And after that he slewe grete Golyas
5548 All in his tyme he dyde in honoure pas
5549 And I dame fame without ony doute
5550 Haue spredde his name in all the worlde aboute

5551 Also kynge Alexander the noble conqueroure
5552 Whose grete power in all the worlde was knowen
5553 Of me dame fame he wanne the honoure
5554 As I my trompe after his dethe haue blowen
5555 Whose sounde aloude can not be ouerthrowen
5556 Thus in flamynge tonges all about I fly
5557 Through the worlde with my wynges swyftly

Iulius sezar.
5558 And of the worthy sezar Iulius
5559 All about with golden beames bryght
5560 His name shall dure and be full gloryous
5561 In all the worlde with ardaunt tonges lyght
5562 His fame shall reygne he hath it wonne by ryght
5563 For to abyde / and euer to augment
5564 Withouten lette or yet impedyment

5565 Also yet Arthur the good kynge of Brytayne
5566 With all his knyghtes of the rounde table
5567 I now dame fame shall make to remayne
5568 Theyr worthy actes hygh and honorable
5569 Perpetually for to be commendable
5570 In ryall bokes and Iestes hystoryall
5571 Theyr fame is knowen ryght hye tryumphall

5572 And than Charles the grete kynge of Fraunce
5573 With all his noble douse pers also
5574 As Roulande and Olyuer of his alyaunce
5575 With all the resydue and many other mo
5576 Theyr fame encreaseth rennynge to and fro
5577 The hardy dedes dyde them magnyfy
5578 Vnto me fame theyr names to notyfy

Godfrey of Boleyn.
5579 And Godfrey of Boleyn of hardy courage
5580 That of the paynyms wanne the vyctory
5581 His worthy actes dyde theyr strength aswage
5582 Whose same renowmed is full openly
5583 About the worlde reygnynge so ryally
5584 In flamynge tongues to be intellygyble
5585 His moost hye actes so moche inuyncyble
5586 And in lykewyse without abatement
5587 I shall cause for to be memoryall
5588 The famous actes so hygh benouolent
5589 Of graunde amoure my knyght in specyall
5590 His name shall dure and be eternall
5591 For though his body be wrapte in claye
5592 Yet his good fame shall remayne alwaye
5593 And ryght anone she called remembraunce
5594 Commaundynge her ryght truely for to wryte
5595 Bothe of myn actes and my gouernaunce
5596 Whiche than ryght sone began to endyte
5597 Of my feates of armes / in a shorte respyte
5598 Whose goodly storyes in tongues seuerall
5599 Aboute were sente for to be perpetuall
5600 And thus I fame am euer magnyfyed
5601 Whan erth in erthe hath tane his estate
5602 Thus after dethe I am all gloryfyed
5603 What is he nowe that can my power abate
5604 Infenyte I am nothynge can me mate
5605 The sprynge of honoure / and of famous clerkes
5606 My selfe I am to renowne theyr werkes

How tyme came in to the temple in meruaylous semylytude / and of his replycacyon. Ca. xliiij.

5607 And as dame fame was in laudacyon
5608 In to the temple with meruaylous lykenes
5609 Sodaynly came tyme in breuyacyon
5610 Whose symylytude I shall anone expres
5611 Aged he was with a berde doubtles
5612 Of swalowes feders his wynges were longe
5613 His body fedred he was hye and stronge
5614 In his lefte hande he had an horology
5615 And in his ryght hande a fyre brennynge
5616 A swerde aboute hym gyrte full surely
5617 His legges armed clerely shynynge
5618 And on his noddle derkely flamynge
5619 Was sette Saturne pale as ony leed
5620 And Iupyter a myddes his forhed
5621 In the mouthe Mars / and in his ryght wynge
5622 Was splendent Phebus with his golden beames
5623 And in his brest there was resplendysshynge
5624 The shynynge Venus with depured streames
5625 That all about dyde cast her fyry leames
5626 In his left wynge Mercury / and aboue his wast
5627 Was horned Dyane / her opposycyon past
5628 My name quod he / is in dyuysyon
5629 As tyme was tyme is / and the tyme future
5630 I meruayle moche of the presumpcyon
5631 Of the dame fame / so puttynge in vre
5632 Thy grete prayse / saynge it shall endure
5633 For to be infynyte / euermore in preace
5634 Seynge that I shall all thy honour seace
5635 Shall not I tyme dystroye bothe se and lande
5636 The sonne and mone / and the sterres all
5637 By veray reason thou shalte vnderstande
5638 At last shall lese theyr course in generall
5639 On tyme past / it vayleth not to call
5640 Now by this horologe / it dooth well appere
5641 That my laste name dooth euermore drawe nere
5642 In my ryght hande / the grete fyre so feruent
5643 Shall brenne the tyme / and also mynysshe
5644 The fatall tongues / for it is accydent
5645 Vnto me tyme / all thynges to perysshe
5646 Whan my last ende I shall accomplysshe
5647 And thus in vayne thou hast thy laboure spente
5648 Whan by me tyme thou shalte be so brente
5649 In eternyte before the creacyon
5650 Of aungell and man all thynge was vysyble
5651 In goddes syght as due probacyon
5652 Of his godhede whiche is intellygyble
5653 To whome nothynge can be impossyble
5654 For in my selfe / a hye and suffycyente
5655 Before all thynges he was refulgente
5656 Vnto whome onely is apparaunce
5657 Of my last ende / as myne orygynall
5658 Was in his syght withoute doubtaunce
5659 For onely of hym it is especyall
5660 The hye power and godhede infynall
5661 The future tence to knowe dyrectly
5662 Vnto whome it appereth openly
5663 I am the lode sterre to dame eternyte
5664 Whan man of erthe hath his creacyon
5665 After the mynute of his natyuyte
5666 He taketh than his operacyon
5667 Vpon me tyme at euery season
5668 In the same houre the worlde was create
5669 Orgynally I toke myn estate
5670 Coude the .ix. worthyes se vyctoryous
5671 Do all theyr actes withoute tyme or space
5672 Tyme is a thynge bothe gay and gloryous
5673 Whan it passeth with vertue and grace
5674 Man in this worlde hath a dwellynge place
5675 Eyther hell or heuen without lesynge
5676 Alwaye he geteth in his tyme spendynge
5677 Withouten tyme is no erthely thynge
5678 Nature / fortune / or yet dame sapyence
5679 Hardynes / clergy or yet lernynge
5680 Past / future / or yet in presence
5681 Wherfore I am of more hye preemynence
5682 As cause of fame / honoure and clergy
5683 They can nothynge without hym magnyfy
5684 Do not I tyme / cause nature to augment
5685 Do not I tyme / cause nature to decay
5686 Do not I tyme cause man to be present
5687 Do not I tyme / take his lyfe away
5688 Do not I tyme / cause dethe take his say
5689 Do not I tyme / passe his youth and age
5690 Do not I tyme / euery thynge aswage
5691 In tyme Troye the cyte was edefyed
5692 By tyme also was the dystruccyon
5693 Nothynge without tyme can be fortefyed
5694 No erthely Ioye nor trybulacyon
5695 Without tyme is for to suffre passyon
5696 The tyme of erthe was our dystruccyon
5697 And the tyme of erthe was our redempcyon
5698 Adam of erthe sone of vyrgynyte
5699 And Eue by god of adam create
5700 These two the worlde dampned in certaynte
5701 By dyscobedyence so foule and vycyate
5702 And all other than frome them generate
5703 Tyll peace and mercy made ryght to enclyne
5704 Out the lyon to entre the vyrgyne
5705 Lyke as the worlde was dystroyed totally
5706 By the vyrgyns sone / so it semed well
5707 A vyrgyns sone to redeme it pyteously
5708 Whose hye godheed / in the chosen vessell
5709 Forty wekes / naturally dyde dwell
5710 Nature wekes / naturally dyde god of kynde
5711 In the vyrgyn he dyde suche nature fynde
5712 Thus without nature / nature wonderly
5713 In a vyrgyn pure openly hath wrought
5714 To the god of nature nothynge truely
5715 Impossyble is / for he made of nought
5716 Nature fyrst / whiche naturynge hath tought
5717 Naturately / ryght naturate to make
5718 Why may not he than the pure nature take
5719 By his godhede of the vyrgyn Mary
5720 His electe moder and arke of testament
5721 Of holy chyrche the blessyd lumynary
5722 After the byrthe of her sone excellent
5723 Vyrgyn she was yet alway permanent
5724 Dysnullynge the sectes of false ydolatry
5725 And castynge downe the fatall heresy
5726 Thus whan I tyme in euery nacyon
5727 Reygne in rest and also in peace
5728 And Octauyan in his domynacyon
5729 Thorough the worlde and the peopled preace
5730 Lettres had sent his honoure to encreace
5731 Of all the nombre for to be certayne
5732 For to obey hym as theyr souerayne
5733 In whose tyme god toke his natyuyte
5734 For to redeme vs with his precyous blode
5735 Frome the deuylles bonde of grete iniquyte
5736 His herte was perst / hangynge on the rood
5737 Was not this tyme / vnto man ryght good
5738 Shall not I tyme euermore abyde
5739 Tyll that in libra at the dredefull tyde
5740 Of the day of dome than in the balaunce
5741 Almyghty god shall be Iust and egall
5742 To euery persone withouten doubtaunce
5743 Eche as they dyde deserue in generall
5744 Some to haue Ioye / some payne eternall
5745 Than I am past I may no lenger be
5746 And after me is dame eternyte.

How eternyte came in to the temple / and of her vertuous exortacyon. Ca. xlv.

5747 And thus as tyme made his conclusyon
5748 Eternyte in a fayre whyte vesture
5749 To the temple came with hole affeccyon
5750 And on her hede a dyademe ryght pure
5751 With thre crownes of precyous treasure
5752 Eterne she sayde I am nowe doubtles
5753 Of heuen quene / and of hell empres
5754 Fyrst god made heuen his propre habytacle
5755 Though that his power be in euery place
5756 In eterne heuen is his tabernacle
5757 Tyme is there in no maner of cace
5758 Tyme renneth alwaye his ende to enbrace
5759 Now I my selfe shall haue none endynge
5760 And my maker had no begynnynge
5761 In heuen and hell I am contynually
5762 Withouten ende to be in extynguyssyble
5763 As euermore to reygne full ryally
5764 Of euery thynge I am inuyncyble
5765 Man of my power shall be intellygyble
5766 Whan the soule shall ryse agaynst the body
5767 To haue Iugemente to lyue eternally
5768 In heuen or hell as he dothe deserue
5769 Who that loueth god aboue euery thynge
5770 All his commaundementes he wyll then obserue
5771 And spende his tyme in vertuous lyuynge
5772 Ydlenes wyll euermore eschewynge
5773 Eternall Ioye he shall then attayne
5774 After his laboure and his besy payne
5775 O mortall folke reuolue in your mynde
5776 That worldly Ioye and frayle prosperyte
5777 What is it lyke but a blaste of wynde
5778 For you therof can haue no certaynte
5779 It is now so full / of mutabylyte
5780 Set not your mynde vpon worldly welthe
5781 But euermore regarde your soules hetlhe
5782 Whan erthe in erth hath tane his corrupte taste
5783 Than to repente it is for you to late
5784 Whan you haue tyme spende it nothynge in waste
5785 Tyme past with vertue must entre the gate
5786 Of Ioye and blysse with myn hye estate
5787 Withoute tyme for to be euerlastynge
5788 Whiche god graunte vs at our last endynge
5789 Now blyssed lady of the helthe eternall
5790 The quene of comforte and of heuenly glorye
5791 Pray to thy swete sone / whiche is infynall
5792 To gyue mè grace to wynne the vyctory
5793 Of the deuyll / the worlde and of my body
5794 And that I may my selfe well apply
5795 Thy sone and the to laude and magnyfy.

Explicit. The pastyme of pleasure

The excusacyon of the auctore. Ca. xlvj.

5796 Vnto all poetes I do me excuse
5797 Yf that I offende for lacke of scyence
5798 This lytell boke yet do ye not refuse
5799 Though it be deuoyde of famous eloquence
5800 Adde or detray by your hye sapyence
5801 And pardon me of my hye enterpryse
5802 Whiche of late this fable dyde fayne and deuyse
5803 Go lytell boke I pray god the saue
5804 Frome mysse metrynge / by wronge Impressyon
5805 And who that euer lyst the for to haue
5806 That he perceyue well thyn entencyon
5807 For to be grounded withoute presumpcyon
5808 As for to eschewe the synne of ydlenes
5809 To make suche bokes I apply my besynes
5810 Besechynge god for to gyue me grace
5811 Bokes to compyle of morall vertue
5812 Of my mayster lydgate to folowe the trace
5813 His noble fame for to laude and remeue
5814 Whiche in his lyfe the slouthe dyde eschewe
5815 Makynge grete bokes to be in memory
5816 On whose soule I pray god haue mercy
Here endeth the pastyme of pleasure.

© Stephen Hawes