Astrophel and Stella: 63

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O Grammer rules, O now your vertues show;So children still reade you with awfull eyes,As my young Doue may in your precepts wiseHer graunt to me, by her owne vertue know.For late with heart most high, with eyes most low,I crau'd the thing which euer she denies;She lightning Loue, displaying Venus skies,Least once should not be heard, twise said, No, No.Sing then my Muse, now Io Pæan sing,Heau'ns enuy not at my high triumphing:But Grammers force with sweet successe confirme:For Grammer sayes (O this deare Stella way)For Grammer sayes (to Grammer who says nay)That in one speech two Negatiues affirme.

© Sir Philip Sidney