Astrophel and Stella: 105

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Vnhappie sight, and hath she vanisht bySo neere, in so good time so free a place?Dead glasse doest thou thy object so imbrace,As what my heart still sees thou canst not spie?I sweare by her I loue and lacke, that IWas not in fault, who bent thy dazling raceOnely vnto the heau'n of Stellas face,Counting but dust what in the way did lie.But cease mine eyes, your teares do witnesse well,That you guiltlesse thereof, your Nectar mist:Curst be the page from whence the bad torch fell,Curst be the night which did your strife resist,Curst be the Couchman which did driue so fast,With no worse curse then absence makes me tast.

© Sir Philip Sidney