Other info : Career | Bibliography
- Anderson, Margaret, Robert Frost and John Bartlett: The Record of a Friendship, Holt, 1963.
- Barry, Elaine, compiler, Robert Frost on Writing, Rutgers University Press, 1973.
- Barry, Elaine, Robert Frost, Ungar, 1973.
- Bloom, Harold, ed., Robert Frost, Chelsea House Publishers, 1998.
- Breit, Harvey, The Writer Observed, World Publishing, 1956.
- Concise Dictionary of American Literary Biography: The Twenties, 1917-1929, Gale, 1989.
- Contemporary Literary Criticism, Gale, Volume 1, 1973, Volume 3, 1975, Volume 4, 1975, Volume 9, 1978, Volume 10, 1979, Volume 13, 1980, Volume 15, 1980, Volume 26, 1983, Volume 34, 1985, Volume 44, 1987.
- Cook, Reginald L., The Dimensions of Robert Frost, Rinehart, 1958.
- Cook, Reginald L., Robert Frost: A Living Voice, University of Massachusetts Press, 1974.
- Cox, James M., Robert Frost: A Collection of Critical Essays, Prentice-Hall, 1962.
- Cox, Sidney, Swinger of Birches: A Portrait of Robert Frost, New York University Press, 1957.
- Cramer, Jefferey S., Robert Frost among His Poems: A Literary Companion to the Poet's Own Biographical Contexts and Associations, McFarland (Jefferson, NC), 1996.
- Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 54: American Poets, 1880-1945, Third Series, Gale, 1987.
- Dodd, Loring Holmes, Celebrities at Our Hearthside, Dresser, 1959.
- Doyle, John R., Jr., Poetry of Robert Frost: An Analysis, Hallier, 1965.
- Evans, William R., editor, Robert Frost and Sidney Cox: Forty Years of Friendship, University Press of New England, 1981.
- Faggen, Robert, Robert Frost and the Challenge of Darwin, University of Michigan Press, 1997.
- Fleissner, Robert F., Frost's Road Taken, Peter Lang (New York), 1996.
- Francis, Lesley Lee, The Frost Family's Adventure in Poetry: Sheer Morning Gladness at the Brim, University of Missouri Press (Columbia), 1994.
- Francis, Robert, recorder, A Time to Talk: Conversations and Indiscretions, University of Massachusetts Press, 1972.
- Frost, Lesley, New Hampshire's Child: Derry Journals of Lesley Frost, State University of New York Press, 1969.
- Gerber, Philip L., Robert Frost, Twayne, 1966.
- Gould, Jean, Robert Frost: The Aim Was Song, Dodd, 1964.
- Grade, Arnold, editor, Family Letters of Robert and Elinor Frost, State University of New York Press, 1972.
- Greiner, Donald J., Checklist of Robert Frost, Charles E. Merrill, 1969.
- Greiner, Donald J. and Charles Sanders, Robert Frost: The Poet and His Critics, American Library Association, 1974.
- Hall, Donald, Remembering Poets, Hater, 1977.
- Ingebretsen, Ed, Robert Frost: Star and a Stone Boat: Aspects of a Grammar of Belief, International Scholars Publications (San Francisco), 1994.
- Isaacs, Emily Elizabeth, Introduction to Robert Frost, A. Swallow, 1962, reprinted, Haskell House, 1972.
- Jarrell, Randall, Poetry and the Age, Vintage, 1955.
- Jennings, Elizabeth, Frost, Barnes & Noble, 1966.
- Kearns, Katherine, Robert Frost and a Poetics of Appetite, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, England), 1994.
- Kilcup, Karen L., Robert Frost and Feminine Literary Tradition, University of Michigan Press, 1998.
- Lathem, Edward C. and Lawrence Thompson, editors, Robert Frost: Farm Poultryman; The Story of Robert Frost's Career As a Breeder and Fancier of Hens, Dartmouth Publishers, 1963.
- Lathem, Edward C., editor, Interviews with Robert Frost, Rinehart, 1966.
- Lathem, Edward C., editor, A Concordance to the Poetry of Robert Frost, Holt Information Systems, 1971.
- Lentriccia, Frank, Robert Frost: Modern Poetics and the Landscapes of Self, Duke University Press, 1975.
- Lowell, Amy, Tendencies in Modern American Poetry, Macmillan, 1917.
- Maxson, H.A., On the Sonnets of Robert Frost, McFarland and Co., 1997.
- Mertins, Marshall Louis and Esther Mertins, Intervals of Robert Frost: A Critical Bibliography, University of California Press, 1947, reprinted, Russell, 1975.
- Mertins, Marshall Louis, Robert Frost: Life and Talks— Walking, University of Oklahoma Press, 1965.
- Meyers, Jeffrey, Robert Frost: A Biography, Houghton Mifflin (Boston, MA), 1996.
- Muir, Helen, Frost in Florida: A Memoir, Valiant Press (Miami), 1995.
- Munson, Gorham B., Robert Frost: A Study in Sensibility and Good Sense, G. H. Doran, 1927, reprinted, Haskell House, 1969.
- Newdick, Robert Spangler, Newdick's Season of Frost: An Interrupted Biography of Robert Frost, edited by William A. Sutton, State University of New York Press, 1976.
- Orton, Vrest, Vermont Afternoons with Robert Frost, Tuttle, 1971.
- Pearce, Roy Harvey, The Continuity of American Poetry, Princeton, 1961.
- Poirier, Richard, Robert Frost, Oxford University Press, 1977.
- Pound, Ezra, The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound, New Directions, 1954.
- Pritchard, William H., Frost: A Literary Life Reconsidered, Oxford University Press, 1984.
- Reeve, Franklin D., Robert Frost in Russia, Little, Brown, 1964.
- Richardson, Mark, The Ordeal of Robert Frost: The Poet and His Poetics, University of Illinois Press, 1997.
- Rosenthal, M. L., The Modern Poets, Oxford University Press, 1965.
- Shepley, Elizabeth, Robert Frost: The Trial by Existence, Holt, 1960.
- Sohn, David A. and Richard Tyre, Frost: The Poet and His Poetry, Holt, 1967.
- Spiller, Robert E. and others, Literary History of the United States, 4th revised edition, Macmillan, 1974.
- Squires, Radcliffe, Major Themes of Robert Frost, University of Michigan Press, 1969.
- Tharpe, Jac, editor, Frost: Centennial Essays II, University Press of Mississippi, 1976.
- Thompson, Lawrence, Fire and Ice: The Art and Thought of Robert Frost, Holt, 1942, reprinted, Russell, 1975.
- Thompson, Lawrence, Robert Frost, University of Minnesota Press, 1959.
- Thompson, Lawrence, editor, Selected Letters of Robert Frost, Holt, 1964.
- Thompson, Lawrence, Robert Frost: The Early Years, 1874-1915, Holt, 1966.
- Thompson, Lawrence, Robert Frost: The Years of Triumph, 1915-1938, Holt, 1970.
- Thompson, Lawrence and R. H. Winnick, Robert Frost: The Later Years, 1938-1963, Holt, 1976.
- Tutein, David W., Robert Frost's Reading: An Annotated Bibliography, Edwin Mellen, 1997.
- Unger, Leonard and William Van O'Connor, Poems for Study, Holt, 1953.
- Untermeyer, Louis, Makers of the Modern World, Simon & Schuster, 1955.
- Untermeyer, Louis, Lives of the Poets, Simon & Schuster, 1959.
- Untermeyer, Louis, Robert Frost: A Backward Look, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964.
- Van Egmond, Peter, The Critical Reception of Robert Frost, G. K. Hall, 1974.
- Waggoner, Hyatt H., American Poetry from the Puritans to the Present, Houghton, 1968.
- Wagner, Linda Welshimer, editor, Robert Frost: The Critical Reception, B. Franklin, 1977.
- West, Herbert Faulkner, Mind on the Wing, Coward, 1947.
- Wilcox, Earl J., His "Incalculable" Influence on Others: Essays on Robert Frost in Our Time, English Literary Studies, University of Victoria (Victoria, British Columbia), 1994.
- Winters, Yvor, The Function of Criticism, A. Swallow, 1957.
- America, December 24, 1977.
- American Literature, January, 1948.
- Atlantic, February, 1964, November, 1966.
- Bookman, January, 1924.
- Books, May 10, 1942.
- Boston Transcript, December 2, 1916.
- Commonweal, May 4, 1962, April 1, 1977.
- New Republic, February 20, 1915.
- New York Herald Tribune, November 18, 1928.
- New York Times, October 19, 1986.
- New York Times Book Review, July 17, 1988.
- New York Times Magazine, June 11, 1972; August 18, 1974.
- Poetry, May, 1913.
- Saturday Review of Literature, May 30, 1936; April 25, 1942.
- South Atlantic Quarterly, summer, 1958.
- Times Literary Supplement, December 14, 1967.
- Virginia Quarterly Review, summer, 1957.
- Wisconsin Library Bulletin, July, 1962.
- Yale Review, spring, 1934, summer, 1948.
- Current Biography, March, 1963.
- Illustrated London News, February 9, 1963.
- Newsweek, February 11, 1963.
- New York Times, January 30, 1963.
- Publishers Weekly, February 11, 1963.