(for matt 15)
in the first seven years you choose your howdah
having by then bare inklings of a journey
but where or why - confusion there to cloud a
judgement no more ready than a sore knee
to enter the lists of a whole lifes tourney -
but after this howdah-do (this introduction)
whats to carry you where - from muddy fluxion
and glimpsing that a howdah does for two
(from seven years on the stirrings can be frantic)
you start to map the high ride (define the view)
and long for gilt and pomp (a touch of tantric)
relationships at best quite sycophantic
you dream of elephants clad in rich brocades
ideas to match your own fanfaronades
at fifteen then youre really setting out
the suns dressed up to let you think lifes bright
your flags up front to give you extra clout
the chores are borne below (and out of sight)
youve made a noon of every slinking midnight
the continent is yours (let no one mock it)
yours the wheel to which all else a sprocket
in sri lanka in the kandy perahera
every august in a festival procession
an elephant richly dressed (the stately bearer)
carries on its back in howdah-fashion
a casket (such the grandeur of its mission))
in which the buddhas sacred tooths enshrined
an image that your journey brings to mind
that tooths the root of all deep human struggle
and life for each proceeds by that shrined truth
which (clearly seen) yet causes thought to boggle
in what dimension lies the total proof
that that enamelled shard is all-wise tooth
and not a figment of the brains rash wish
to puff dull want as in a cloud of hashish
old tooth (your truth) lifes slow (but rushing) voyage
that lonely cavalcade that buzzing dreams spell out
towards elusive man but keep you in your boy-age
a noble sense of self impugned by doubt
and yet (inside you caged) a regal shout
pomp should be there to honour your advancement
and you are right to sip from that entrancement
then be that casket the buddhas tooth ennobles
have that howdahs view of how dah world grows
choose your elephant well to ride your troubles
(let flag and rich brocade shine through such woes)
what others think cant hurt what your heart knows
its a bumpy business this festive spirits trek
a well-sprung joy best cushion for your neck