Quotes by Rg Gregory
they fed her on pity / and stayed till she choked
writers are wry turds
any truth lives in its afterbirth / which the honest scavengers burn
the periwinkle's seen for what it is / compulsive creep - with wisdom in cahoots
living's at best a gamble / so fuck it - fol-de-rol
the sun's usual mouth has turned right down
when the dungeon we're in is so cosy / crimes-to-come put the boot in for eden
wonder seeded in a phone ringing
woodpeckers (poets) are the lucky ones
of course i love you love you love you / it's just that now i'd sooner be a gatepost
sunflowers have dark hearts
manana manana is my gardening dream
into the green breasts of dorset / its white wisdom of hills
paradise was golden but / maturer was the fall
when the mists are lethal some- / thing good goads the nerve to grow
galileo's gone lame
my father died amongst elephants
the sun breaks eggs on my eyes
this is truly the big boy blair age - what a whizz / all style no substance (a bucket-load of fizz)
the male stands back from it all / singing of birth in the third person
explosions too can breed roses
muck is master / vision's the tramp
birds bring messages back / saying keep going keep going
a short nipped sound from the earwig night
the impossible want we pivot on