Quotes by Rg Gregory
herbs (shy herberts almost every one)
love without smell is a sweet kind of hate
the world is full of / puffballs with their thin ideas
i have grown gold flowers / no one in the market's seen them
her stroke had lodged a twig in her mouth
red within greenery's the symbol of our tussle
the mind is stuck with the body's blubberings
being's the buzz that in the end lets be
o piggy-bank sodden / with the remains / of my once rich blood
grasping what's real is so much sand through fingers
the future's begging with its open hands
it's an exact day to go walking / in the company of thousands
solitude has windows for its skin
keep walking / the faint mountain calls
the grasshopper (whisker of the wind)
the earth lies down to die / round the walls of fort knox
there is this fear that what breathes out / in panic will not breathe in
i feel the sheer delight / the right to breathing gives
penelope seemed to have been good material / for the greek tabloids
three lilies bring the word of death / like three wise women standing by
the lake is drying / and fish no longer free
time makes tracks to where its deepest clock is
facts stick out like old bones / that long ago sold their flesh
and impulse after / impulse lied /about the smell
bits of ideas / get there first / crawling with fingers