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Other info : Furtherreading


  • Leben und Lieder: Bilder und Tagebuchblaetter (poems; main title means "Life and Songs"), Kattentidt, 1894.
  • Larenopfer (poems; title means "Offering to the Lares"), Dominicus (Prague), 1896.
  • Todtentaenze: Zwielicht-Skizzen aus unseren Tagen, Loewit & Lamberg (Prague), 1896.
  • Traumgekroent: Neue Gedichte (title means "Crowned with Dreams: New Poems"), Friesenhahn (Leipzig), 1896.
  • Wegwarten (poems), Selbstverlag (Prague), 1896.
  • In Fruehfrost: Ein Stueck Daemmerung, Drei Vorgaenge (play), Theaterverlag O. R. Eirich (Vienna), 1897.
  • Advent (poems), Friesenhahn, 1898.
  • Ohne Gegenwart: Drama in zwei Akten, Entsch (Berlin), 1898.
  • Am Leben hin: Novellen und Skizzen, Bonz (Stuttgart), 1898.
  • Zwei Prager Geschichten, Bonz, 1899, translation by Angela Esterhammer published as Two Stories of Prague, University Press of New England, 1994.
  • Mir zur Feier: Gedichte (poems), Meyer (Berlin), 1899, reprinted as Die fruehen Gedichte, Insel (Germany), 1909, Ungar, 1943.
  • Vom lieben Gott und Anderes: An Grosse für Kinder erzaehlt (short stories), Schuster & Loeffler, 1900, published as Geschichten vom lieben Gott, Insel, 1904, Ungar, 1942, translation by Nora Purtscher-Wydenbruck and M. D. Herter Norton published as Stories of God, Norton, 1932, revised edition, 1963.
  • Das taegliche Leben: Drama in zwei Akten (play; first produced in Berlin at the Residenz Theater, December, 1901), Langen (Munich), 1902.
  • Zur Einweihung der Kunsthalle am 15. Februar 1902: Festspielszene, [Bremen], 1902.
  • Buch der Bilder (poems), Juncker (Berlin), 1902, enlarged edition, 1906, Ungar, 1943.
  • Die Letzten, Juncker, 1902.
  • Worpswede: Fritz Mackenses, Otto Modersohn, Fritz Overbeck, Hans am Ende, Heinrich Vogeler, Velhagen & Klasing, 1903.
  • Auguste Rodin (biography), Bard (Berlin), 1903, translation by Jesse Lemont and Hans Trausil published as Auguste Rodin, Sunwise Turn (New York City), 1919, published as Rodin, Haskell Booksellers, 1974.
  • Das Stundenbuch enthaltend die drei Bücher: Vom mönchischen Leben; Von der Pilgerschaft; Von der Armuth und vom Tode (poems), Insel, 1905, translation by Babette Deutsch published as Poems from the Book of Hours, New Directions, 1941, reprinted, 1975, translation by A. L. Peck published as The Book of Hours; Comprising the Three Books: Of the Monastic Life, Of Pilgrimage, Of Poverty and Death, Hogarth, 1961, published as Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God, Riverhead Books, 1996.
  • Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke (prose poem), Juncker, 1906, translation by B. J. Morse published as The Story of the Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke, Osnabrueck, 1927, translation by Herter Norton published as The Tale of the Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke, Norton, 1932, translation by Stephen Mitchell published as The Lay of the Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke, Arion, 1983, new edition, Graywolf Press, 1985.
  • 1907-08 Neue Gedichte (poems), two volumes, Insel, translation by J. B. Leishman published as New Poems, New Directions, 1964 , translation by Edward Snow, North Point Press, Volume 1: New Poems (1907), 1984, Volume 2: New Poems: The Other Part (1908), 1987.
  • Requiem (poems), Insel, 1909.
  • Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge (novel), Insel, 1910, translation by John Linton published as The Journal of My Other Self, Norton, 1930, translation by Norton published as The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, Norton, 1964, translation by Mitchell published as The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, Random House, 1983.
  • Erste Gedichten, Insel, 1913, Ungar, 1947.
  • Das Marien-Leben, Insel, 1913, translation by R. G. L. Barrett published as The Life of the Virgin Mary, Triltsch (Würzburg), 1921, translation by Stephen Spender published as The Life of the Virgin Mary, Philosophical Library, 1951.
  • Poems, translation by Lemont, Wright, 1918.
  • Aus der Fruehzeit Rainer Maria Rilke: Vers, Prosa, Drama (1894-1899), edited by Fritz Adolf Huenich, Bibliophilenabend (Leipzig), 1921.
  • Mitsou: Quarante images par Baltusz, Rotapfel, 1921.
  • Puppen, Hyperion (Munich), 1921.
  • Duineser Elegien (poems; also see below), Insel, 1923, Ungar, 1944, translation by V. Sackville-West and Edward Sackville-West published as Duineser Elegien: Elegies from the Castle of Duino, Hogarth, 1931, translation by Leishman and Spender published as Duino Elegies, Norton, 1939, translation by Robert Hunter and Gary Miranda published as Duino Elegies, Breitenbush, 1981, translated by Stephen Cohn, preface by Peter Porter, Northwestern University Press (Evanston, IL), 1998, translated by John Waterfield, E. Mellen Press (Lewiston, NY), 1999.
  • Die Sonette an Orpheus: Geschrieben als ein Grab-Mal fuer Wera Ouckama Knoop (poems; also see below), Insel, 1923, Ungar, 1945, translation by Leishman published as Sonnets to Orpheus, Written as a Monument for Wera Ouckama Knoop, Hogarth, 1936, translation by Norton published as Sonnets to Orpheus, Norton, 1942, translation by Mitchell published as The Sonnets to Orpheus, Simon & Schuster, 1986, published as Os Sonetos a Orfeu, Quetzal Editores, 1994.
  • Vergers suivi des Quatrains Valaisans, Editions de la Nouvelle Revue Francaise (Paris), 1926, translation by Alfred Poulin, Jr., published as Orchards, Graywolf Press (Port Townsend, Wash.), 1982.
  • Gesammelte Werke, six volumes, Insel, 1927.
  • Les Fenetres: Dix Poemes, Officina Sanctandreana (Paris), 1927, translation by Poulin published as The Windows in The Roses and the Windows, Graywolf Press, 1979.
  • Les Roses, Stols (Bussum, Netherlands), 1927, translation by Poulin published as The Roses in The Roses and the Windows, Graywolf Press, 1979.
  • Erzaehlungen und Skizzen aus der Fruehzeit, Insel, 1928.
  • Ewald Tragy: Erzaehlung, Heller (Munich), 1929, Johannespresse (New York City), 1944, translation by Lola Gruenthal published as Ewald Tragy, Twayne, 1958.
  • Verse und Prosa aus dem Nachlass, Gesellschaft der Freunde der Deutschen Buecherei (Leipzig), 1929.
  • 1930-33 Gesammelte Gedichte, four volumes, Insel.
  • Ueber den jungen Dichter, [Hamburg], 1931.
  • Gedichte, edited by Katharina Kippenberg, Insel, 1931, Ungar, 1947.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke auf Capri: Gespraeche, edited by Leopold von Schloezer, Jess (Dresden), 1931.
  • Spaete Gedichte, Insel, 1934.
  • Bücher, Theater, Kunst, edited by Richard von Mises, Jahoda & Siegel (Vienna), 1934.
  • Der ausgewaehlten Gedichten anderer Teil, edited by Kippenberg, Insel, 1935.
  • Ausgewaehlte Werke, two volumes, edited by Ruth Sieber-Rilke, Carl Sieber, and Ernst Zinn, Insel, 1938.
  • Translations from the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, translation by Norton, Norton, 1938, reprinted, 1962.
  • Fifty Selected Poems with English Translations, translation by C. F. MacIntyre, University of California Press, 1940.
  • Selected Poems, translation by Leishman, Hogarth, 1941.
  • Tagebücher aus der Fruehzeit, edited by Sieber-Rilke, Insel, 1942, translation by Snow and Michael Winkler published as Diaries of a Young Poet, Norton, 1997.
  • Briefe, Verse und Prosa aus dem Jahre 1896, two volumes, Johannespresse, 1946.
  • Thirty-one Poems, translation by Ludwig Lewisohn, Ackerman, 1946.
  • Freundschaft mit Rainer Maria Rilke: Begegnungen, Gespraeche, Briefe und Aufzeichnungen mitgeteilt durch Elga Maria Nevar, Zuest (Buempliz), 1946.
  • Five Prose Pieces, translation by Carl Niemeyer, Cummington Press (Cummington, MA), 1947.
  • Gedichte, edited by Hermann Kunisch, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Goettingen), 1947.
  • Gedichte in franzoesicher Sprache, edited by Thankmar von Muenchhausen, Insel, 1949.
  • Aus Rainer Maria Rilkes Nachlass, four volumes, Insel, 1950, Volume 1: Aus dem Nachlass des Grafen C. W., translation by Leishman as From the Remains of Count C. W., Hogarth, 1952.
  • Werke: Auswahl in zwei Baenden, two volumes, Insel, 1953.
  • Gedichte, 1909-26: Sammlung der verstreuten und nachgelassenen Gedichte aus den mittleren und spaeteren Jahren, translation, with additions, by Leishman published as Poems 1906 to 1926, Laughlin (Norfolk, CT), 1953, reprinted, Knopf, 1996.
  • Selected Works, two volumes, translation by G. Craig Houston and Leishman, Hogarth, 1954, New Directions, 1960.
  • 1955-66 Saemtliche Werke, six volumes, edited by Zinn, Insel.
  • Angel Songs/ Engellieder (bilingual), translation by Rhoda Coghill, Dolmen Press (Dublin), 1958.
  • Die Turnstunde und andere Novellen (novella collection), edited by Fritz Froehling, Hyperion, 1959.
  • Selected Works: Prose and Poetry, two volumes, 1960.
  • Poems, edited by G. W. McKay, Oxford University Press, 1965.
  • Werke in drei Baenden, three volumes, Insel, 1966.
  • Gedichte: Eine Auswahl, Reclam (Stuttgart), 1966.
  • Visions of Christ: A Posthumous Cycle of Poems, translation by Aaron Kramer, edited by Siegfried Mandel, University of Colorado Press, 1967.
  • Das Testament, edited by Zinn, Insel, 1975.
  • Holding Out: Poems, translation by Rika Lesser, Abbatoir Editions (Omaha, NE), 1975.
  • Possibility of Being: A Selection of Poems, translation by Leishman, New Directions, 1977.
  • The Voices, translation by Robert Bly, Ally Press, 1977.
  • Duino Elegies [and] The Sonnets to Orpheus, translation by Poulin, Houghton Mifflin, 1977.
  • Werke: In 3 Baenden, three volumes, edited by Horst Nalewski, Insel, 1978.
  • Where Silence Reigns: Selected Prose, New Directions, 1978.
  • Nine Plays, translation by Klaus Phillips and John Locke, Ungar, 1979.
  • I Am Too Alone in the World: Ten Poems, translation by Bly, Silver Hands Press, 1980.
  • Selected Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke, translation by Bly, Harper, 1980.
  • Requiem for a Woman, and Selected Lyric Poems, translation by Andy Gaus, Threshold Books (Putney, Vt.), 1981.
  • An Unofficial Rilke: Poems 1912-1926, edited and with translation by Michael Hamburger, Anvil Press, 1981.
  • Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, edited and with translation by Mitchell, Random House, 1982.
  • The Astonishment of Origins: French Sequences, translation from the French by Poulin, Graywolf Press, 1982.
  • Selected Poems, translation by A. E. Flemming, Golden Smith (St. Petersburg, Fla.), 1983.
  • The Unknown Rilke: Selected Poems, translation by Franz Wright, Oberlin College, 1983.
  • The Migration of Powers: French Poems, translation by Poulin, Graywolf Press, 1984.
  • Between Roots: Selected Poems, translation by Lesser, Princeton University Press, 1986.
  • The Complete French Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke, translation by Poulin, Graywolf Press, 1986.
  • Die Briefe en Karl und Elisabeth von der Heydt (letters), Insel, 1986.
  • Rodin and Other Prose Pieces, translation by G. Craig Houston, Salem House, 1987.
  • Shadows on the Sundial (selected poems), edited by Stanley H. Barkan, translation by Norbert Krapf, Cross-Cultural Communications, 1989.
  • The Best of Rilke, translation by Walter Arndt, University Press of New England, 1989.
  • The Book of Images (selected poems), translation by Snow, North Point, 1991.
  • Rilke: Poisia-Coisa, edited by Augusto de Campos, Imago, 1994.
  • Selected Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke: The Book of Fresh Beginnings, translated by David Young, Oberlin College, 1994.
  • Two Stories of Prague: "King Bohush" and "The Siblings," translation by Angela Estherhammer, University Press of New England, 1994.
  • Uncollected Poems, translated by Snow, North Point Press, 1995.
  • Ahead of All Parting: The Selected Poetry and Prose of Rainer Maria Rilke, edited by Mitchell, Modern Library, 1995.
  • The Duino Elegies: A Critical Presentation, introduction, translation, and commentary by Jeno Platthy, Federation of International Poetry Associatons (Evansville, IN), 1999.
  • The Essential Rilke, selected and translated by Galway Kinnell and Hannah Liebmann, Ecco Press (Hopewell, NJ), 1999.
  • The Duino Elegies: Bilingual Edition, translated by Snow, North Point Press, 2000.
  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sonette nach dem Portugiesischen, Insel, 1908.
  • Maurice de Guerin, Der Kentaur, Insel, 1911.
  • Die Liebe der Magdalena: Ein franzoesischer Sermon, gezogen durch den Abbe Joseph Bonnet aus dem Ms. Q I 14 der Kaiserlichen Bibliothek zu St. Petersburg, Insel, 1912.
  • Marianna Alcoforado, Portugiesische Briefe, Insel, 1913.
  • Andre Gide, Die Rueckkehr des verlorenen Sohnes, Insel, 1914.
  • Die vierundzwanzig Sonette der Louise Labe, Lyoneserin, 1555, Insel, 1918.
  • Paul Valery, Gedichte, Insel, 1925.
  • Valery, Eupalinos oder Ueber die Architektur, Insel, 1927.
  • Uebertragungen, Insel, 1927.
  • Dichtungen des Michelangelo, Insel, 1936.
  • Gedichte aus fremden Sprachen, Ungar, 1947.
  • Maurice Maeterlinck, Die sieben Jungfrauen von Orlamuende, Dynamo (Liege), 1967.
  • Briefe an Auguste Rodin, Insel, 1928.
  • Briefe aus den Jahren 1902 bis 1906, edited by Sieber-Rilke and Sieber, Insel, 1929.
  • Briefe an einen jungen Dichter, Insel, 1929, translation by Norton published as Letters to a Young Poet, Norton, 1934, translation by K. W. Maurer published as Letters to a Young Poet, Langley (London), 1943, revised edition, Norton, 1963, translation by Mitchell, Random House, 1984, translation by Joan J. Burnham, foreword by Kent Nerburn, New World Library (Novato, CA), 2000.
  • Briefe an eine junge Frau, Insel, 1930, translation by Maurer published as Letters to a Young Woman, Langley, 1945.
  • Briefe aus den Jahren 1906 bis 1907, edited by Sieber-Rilke and Sieber, Insel, 1930.
  • Briefe und Tagebuecher aus der Fruehzeit, edited by Sieber-Rilke and Sieber, Insel, 1931.
  • Briefe aus den Jahren 1907 bis 1914, edited by Sieber-Rilke and Sieber, Insel, 1933.
  • Ueber Gott: Zwei Briefe, Insel, 1933.
  • Briefe an seinen Verleger 1906 bis 1926, edited by Sieber-Rilke and Sieber, Insel, 1934.
  • Briefe aus Muzot 1921 bis 1926, edited by Sieber-Rilke and Sieber, Insel, 1935.
  • 1936-39 Gesammelte Briefe, six volumes, edited by Sieber-Rilke and Sieber, Insel.
  • Lettres a une Amie Venitienne, Asmus, 1941.
  • Briefe an eine Freundin, edited by Herbert Steiner, Wells College Press, 1944.
  • Briefe, Oltener Buecherfreunde (Olten), 1945.
  • Briefe an Baronesse von Oe, edited by von Mises, Johannespresse, 1945.
  • Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, translation by Jane Bannard Greene and Norton, Norton, Volume 1: 1892-1910, 1945, reprinted, 1969, Volume 2: 1910-1926, 1948, reprinted, 1969.
  • Briefe an eine Reisegefaehrtin: Eine Begegnung mit Rainer Maria Rilke, Ibach (Vienna), 1947.
  • Briefe an das Ehepaar S. Fischer, edited by Hedwig Fischer, Classen (Zurich), 1947.
  • La derniere amitie de Rainer Maria Rilke: Lettres inedites de Rilke a Madame Eloui Bey, edited by Edmond Jaloux, Laffont (Paris), 1949, translation by William H. Kennedy published as Rainer Maria Rilke: His Last Friendship; Unpublished Letters to Mrs. Eloui Bey, Philosophical Library, 1952.
  • "So lass ich mich zu traeumen gehen," Mader, 1949, translation by Heinz Norden published as Letters to Benvenuta, Philosophical Library, 1951.
  • Briefe an seinen Verleger, two volumes, edited by Sieber-Rilke and Sieber, Insel, 1949.
  • Briefe, two volumes, edited by Sieber-Rilke and Karl Altheim, Insel, 1950.
  • Die Briefe an Graefin Sizzo, 1921 bis 1926, Insel, 1950, enlarged edition, edited by Ingeborg Schnack, Insel, 1977.
  • Briefwechsel in Gedichten mit Erika Mitterer 1924 bis 1926, Insel, 1950, translation by N. K. Cruickshank published as Correspondence in Verse with Erika Mitterer, Hogarth, 1953.
  • Lettres francaise a Merline 1919-1922, du Seuil (Paris), 1950, translation by Violet M. Macdonald published as Letters to Merline, 1919-1922, Methuen, 1951.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke/Marie von Thurn und Taxis: Briefwechsel, two volumes, edited by Zinn, Niehans & Rokitansky (Zurich), 1951 , translation by Nora Wydenbruck published as The Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke and Princess Marie von Thurn and Taxis, New Directions, 1958.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke/Lou Andreas-Salome, Briefwechsel, edited by Ernst Pfeiffer, Insel, 1952, revised and enlarged edition, 1975.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke/Andre Gide: Correspondance 1909-1926, edited by Renee Lang, Correa (Paris), 1952.
  • Briefe über Cezanne, edited by Clara Rilke, Insel, 1952, translation by Joel Agee published as Letters on Cezanne, Fromm, 1985.
  • Die Briefe an Frau Gudi Noelke aus Rilkes Schweizer Jahren, edited by Paul Obermueller, Insel, 1953, translation by Macdonald published as Letters to Frau Gudi Noelke during His Life in Switzerland, Hogarth, 1955.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke/ Katharina Kippenberg: Briefwechsel, edited by Bettina von Bomhard, Insel, 1954.
  • Briefwechsel mit Benvenuta, edited by Kurt Leonhard, Bechtle (Esslingen), 1954, translation by Agee published as Rilke and Benvenuta: An Intimate Correspondence, Fromm, 1987.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke et Merline: Correspondance 1920-1926, edited by Dieter Basserman, Niehans (Zurich), 1954, reprinted, Paragon House, 1988.
  • Lettres milanaises 1921-1926, edited by Lang, Plon (Paris), 1956.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke/Inge Junghanns: Briefwechsel, edited by Wolfgang Herwig, Insel, 1959.
  • Selected Letters, edited by Harry T. Moore, Doubleday, 1960.
  • Wartime Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1914-1921, translation by Norton, Norton, 1964.
  • Briefe an Sidonie Nadherny von Borutin, edited by Bernhard Blume, Insel, 1973.
  • Über Dichtung und Kunst, edited by Hartmut Engelhardt, Suhrkamp (Frankfurt), 1974.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations, edited by John J. L. Mood, Norton, 1975.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke/Helene von Nostitz: Briefwechsel, edited by Oswalt von Nostitz, Insel, 1976.
  • Briefe an Nanny Wunderly-Volkart, two volumes, edited by Niklaus Bigler and Raetus Luck, Insel, 1977.
  • Lettres autour d'un jardin, La Delirante (Paris), 1977.
  • Hugo von Hofmannsthal/ Rainer Maria Rilke: Briefwechsel, edited by Rudolph Hirsch and Schnack, Suhrkamp, 1978.
  • Briefe an Axel Juncker, edited by Renate Scharffenberg, Insel, 1979.
  • Briefwechsel mit Rolf Freiherrn von Ungern-Sternberg, edited by Knorad Kratzsch, Insel Verlag Anton Kippenberg (Leipzig), 1980.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke/Anita Forrer: Briefwechsel, edited by Magda Kerenyi, Leipzig (Frankfurt am Main), 1982.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke/Marina Zwetajewa/Boris Pasternak: Briefwechsel, edited by Jewgenij Pasternak, Jelena Pasternak, and Konstantin M. Asadowski, Insel, 1983, translation by Margaret Wettlin and Walter Arndt published as Letters Summer 1926, Harcourt, 1985.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke: Briefe an Ernst Norlind, edited by Paul Astroem, Paul Astroems Forlag (Partille), 1986.
  • Rilke und Russland: Briefe, Erinnerungen, Gedichte, edited by Asadowski, Russian text translation by Ulrike Hirschberg, Insel, 1986.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke: Briefwechsel mit Regina Ullman und Ellen Delp, edited by Walter Simon, Insel, 1987.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke/Stefan Zweig: Briefe und Dokumente, edited by Donald Prater, Insel, 1987.
  • Briefe an Schweizer Freunde, Insel, 1994.
  • Briefwechsel mit Anton Kippenberg 1906 bis 1926, edited by Ingeorg Schnack and Renate Scharffenberg, Insel, 1995.