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Born in July 12, 1904 / Died in September 23, 1973 / Chile / Spanish


Other info : Career | Furtherreading

  • La Canción de la fiesta (poetry), Federacion de Estudiantes de Chile (Santiago, Chile), 1921.
  • Crepusculario (poetry), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1923, 4th edition, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1971.
  • Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada, Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1924, definitive edition, 1932, 16th edition, Losada (Buenos Aires, Aregentina), 1972, translation by W. S. Merwin published as Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, J. Cape (London, England), 1969, reprinted, Penguin (New York, NY), 2004.
  • El Habitante y su esperanza (prose; also see below), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1925, 2nd edition, Ercilla (Santiago, Chile), 1939.
  • (With Tomas Lago) Anillos (prose poems; also see below), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1926.
  • Tentativa del hombre infinito (poem; also see below), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1926, new edition, Orbe (Santiago, Chile), 1964.
  • Prosas de Pablo Neruda (prose), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1926.
  • El Hondero entusiasta, 1923-1924 (poetry; also see below), Ercilla (Santiago, Chile), 1933, 3rd edition, 1938.
  • Residencia en la tierra (poetry and prose), Arbol (Madrid, Spain), Volume I (1925-31), 1933, Volume II (1931-35), 1935, published in one volume, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1944, 3rd edition, 1969, portions translated by Angel Flores as Selected Poems, privately printed, 1944, Volumes I and II translated by Flores as Residence on Earth and Other Poems, New Directions (New York, NY), 1946, revised edition, translated by Donald D. Walsh, 2004.
  • Poesías de Yillamediana presentadas por Pablo Neruda, Cruz y Raya (Madrid, Spain), 1935.
  • Homenaje a Pablo Neruda de los poetas españoles: Tres cantos materiales (poetry), Plutarco (Madrid, Spain), 1935, translation by Angel Flores published as Tres cantos materiales: Three Material Songs, East River Editions (New York, NY), 1948.
  • Sonetos de la muerte de Quevedo, presentados por Pablo Neruda, Cruz y Raya (Madrid, Spain), 1935.
  • España en el corazon: Himno a las glorias del pueblo en la guerra (poetry; first printed by Spanish Republican soldiers on the battlefront; also see below), Ercilla (Santiago, Chile), 1937, 2nd edition, 1938, translation by Richard Schaaf published as Spain in the Heart: Hymn to the Glories of the People at War, Azul Editions (Paris, France), 1993.
  • Las Furias y las penas (poetry), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1939.
  • (With Emilio Oribe and Juan Marinello) Neruda entre nosotros (prose), A.I.A.P.E. (Montevideo, Uruguay), 1939.
  • Homenaje a García Lorca (prose), A.I.A.P.E. (Montevideo, Uruguay), 1939.
  • Chile os acoge (prose), [Paris, France], 1939.
  • Un Canto para Bolivar (poetry), Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (Mexico City, Mexico), 1941.
  • (Contributor of poetry) Presencia de García Lorca, Darro (Mexico), 1943.
  • Nuevo canto de amor a Stalingrado (poem), Comité de ayuda a Rusia en guerra (Mexico), 1943.
  • Canto general de Chile (poem), privately printed, 1943, portions published as El Mal y el malo, P. Alcantara y V. Amaya (Peterborough, NH), 1974.
  • Cantos de Pablo Neruda (poetry), Hora del Hombre (Lima, Peru), 1943.
  • Cantico, La Gran Colombia (Bogota, Colombia), 1943.
  • Pablo Neruda: Sus mejores versos, La Grand Colombia (Bogota, Colombia), 1943.
  • Saludo al norte y Stalingrado, privately printed, 1945.
  • Carta a México, Fondo de Cultura Popular (Mexico City, Mexico), 1947.
  • Tercera residencia, 1935-1945 (poetry; includes España en el corazon), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1947, 5th edition, 1971.
  • Viajes al corazon de Quevedo y por las costas del mundo (prose), Sociedad de Escritores de Chile (Santiago, Chile), 1947.
  • 28 de Enero, Partido Comunista de Chile (Chile), 1947.
  • Los Heroes de carcon encarnan los ideales de democracia e independencia nacional, El Tranviario (Santiago, Chile), 1947.
  • La Verdad sobre las ruputuras (prose), Principios (Santiago, Chile), 1947.
  • La Crisis democratica de Chile, Hora del Hombre (Lima, Peru), 1947, translation published as The Democratic Crisis of Chile, Committee for Friendship in the Americas (New York, NY), 1948.
  • Dura elegia, Cruz del Sur (Santiago, Chile), 1948.
  • Himno y regreso, Cruz del Sur (Santiago, Chile), 1948.
  • Que despierte el leñador! (poetry), Coleccion Yagruma (Havanna, Cuba), 1948, translation published as Peace for Twilights to Come!, Jayant Bhatt for People's Publishing House (Bombay, India), 1950.
  • Alturas de Macchu-Picchu (poetry), Libreria Neira (Santiago, Chile), 1948, definitive edition, Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1954, translation by Nathaniel Tarn published as The Heights of Macchu Picchu, J. Cape (London, England), 1966, Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 1967.
  • Coral de año nuevo para mi patria en tinieblas, privately printed, 1948.
  • Pablo Neruda acusa, Pueblos Unidos (Montevideo, Uruguay), 1948.
  • Y ha llegado el monento en que debemos elegir, privately printed, 1949.
  • Gonzalez Videla, el laval de America Latina: Breve biografia de un traidor, Fondo de Cultura Popular (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1949.
  • Dulce patria, Pacifico (Santiago, Chile), 1949.
  • Neruda en Guatemala (prose), Saker-Ti (Guatemala), 1950.
  • Patria prisionera, Hora del Hombre (Lima, Peru), 1951.
  • A la memoria de Ricardo Fonseca, Amistad (Santiago, Chile), 1951.
  • Cuando de Chile, Austral (Santiago, Chile), 1952.
  • Poemas, Fundamentos (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1952.
  • Los Versos del capitán: Poemas de amor (anonymously published until 3rd edition, 1963), privately printed (Naples, Italy), 1952, 7th edition, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1972, translation by Donald D. Walsh published as The Captain's Verses, New Directions (New York, NY), 1972, reprinted, 2004.
  • Todo el amor (poetry), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1953.
  • En su muerte, Partido Comunista Argentino (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1953.
  • Poesía politica: Discursos politicos, two volumes, Austral (Santiago, Chile), 1953.
  • Las Uvas y el viento (poetry), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1954.
  • Odas elementales (first volume of "Elementary Odes"; also see below), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1954, 3rd edition, 1970.
  • Discurso inauguracion fundación Pablo Neruda, Universidad de Chile (Santiago, Chile), 1954.
  • Alli murio la muerte, Centro de Amigos de Polonia (Santiago, Chile), 1954.
  • Regreso la sirena (poetry), Centro de Amigos de Polonia, 1954.
  • Viaies (prose), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1955.
  • Nuevas odas elementales (second volume of "Elementary Odes"; also see below), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1956, 3rd edition, 1971.
  • Oda a la tipografía (poetry), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1956.
  • Dos odas elementales, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1957.
  • Estravagario (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1958, 3rd edition, 1971, translation by Alastair Reid published as Extravagaria, J. Cape (London, England), 1972, Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 1974.
  • Tercer libro de las odas (third volume of "Elementary Odes"), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1959.
  • Algunas odas (poetry), Edicion del 55 (Santiago, Chile), 1959.
  • Cien sonetos de amor (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1959, 6th edition, 1971, translation by Stephen J. Tapscott published as One Hundred Love Sonnets, University of Texas Press (Austin, TX), 1986.
  • Odas: Al libro, a las Americas, a la luz (poetry), Homenaje de la Asociacion de Escritores Venezolanos (Caracas, Venezuela), 1959.
  • Todo lleva tu nombre (poetry), Ministerio de Educacion (Caracas, Venezuela), 1959.
  • Navegaciones y regresos (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1959.
  • (With Federico García Lorca) Discurso al Alimon sobre Ruben Dario, Semana Dariana (Nicaragua), 1959.
  • (With Pablo Picasso) Toros: 15 lavis inedits, Au Vent d'Arles (Paris, France), 1960.
  • Canción de gesta (poetry), Imprenta Nacional de Cuba (Havana, Cuba), 1960, 3rd edition, Siglo (Montevideo, Uruguay), 1968.
  • Oceana (poem), La Tertulia (Havana, Cuba), 1960, 2nd edition, 1962.
  • Los Primeros versos de amor (poetry), Austral (Santiago, Chile), 1961.
  • Las Piedras de Chile (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1961, translation by Dennis Maloney published as The Stones of Chile, White Pine (Buffalo, NY), 1987.
  • Primer dia de la Sebastiana, privately printed, 1961.
  • Cantos ceremoniales (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1961, 2nd edition 1972, published as Ceremonial Songs, Latin American Literary Review (Pittsburgh, PA), 1996.
  • Plenos poderes (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1962, 2nd edition, 1971, translation by Alastair Reid published as Fully Empowered: Plenos poderes, Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 1975, reprinted, New Directions (New York, NY), 1995.
  • (With Mario Toral) Poema con grabado (poetry), Isla Negra (Santiago, Chile), 1962.
  • La Insepulta de Paita (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1962.
  • Con los catolicos hacía la paz, [Santiago, Chile], 1962, published as Cuba: Los Obispos, Paz y Soberania (Lima, Peru), 1962.
  • (With Nicanor Parra) Discursos (prose), Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1962.
  • Mensaje de paz y unidad, Internacionalismo proletario, [and] El poeta de la revolucion (addresses), Esclarecimiento (Lima, Peru), 1963.
  • (With Gustavo Hernan and Guillermo Atias) Presencia de Ramon Lopez Yelarde en Chile, Universitaria (Santiago, Chile), 1963.
  • Memorial de Isla Negra (poetry), Volume 1: Donde nace la lluvia, Volume 2: La Luna en el laberinto, Volume 3: El Fuego cruél, Volume 4: El Cazador de raices, Volume 5: Sonata critica, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1964, translation by Alastair Reid published as Isla Negra: A Notebook, bilingual edition, Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 1980.
  • Arte de párjaros, Sociedad de Amigos del Arte Contemporaneo (Santiago, Chile), 1966, translation by Jack Schmitt published as The Art of Birds, University of Texas Press (Austin, TX), 1985.
  • Una Casa en la arena (poetry and prose), Lumen (Barcelona, Spain), 1966, 2nd edition, 1969.
  • La Barcarola (poem), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1967.
  • Fulgor y muerte de Joaquin Murieta: Bandido chileno injusticiado en California el 23 de julio de 1853 (play), Zig-Zag (Santiago, Chile), 1967, translation by Ben Belitt published as Splendor and Death of Joaquin Murieta, Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 1972.
  • (With Miguel Angel Asturias) Comiendo en Hungria (poetry and prose), Lumen (Barcelona, Spain), 1968.
  • Las Manos del dia (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1968, 2nd edition, 1970.
  • Aún: Poema, Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1969.
  • Fin de mundo (poem), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1969.
  • La Copa de sangre (poetry and prose), privately printed, 1969.
  • La Espada encendida, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1970, 2nd edition, 1972.
  • Las Piedras del cielo, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1970, translation by James Nolan published as Stones of the Sky, Copper Canyon Press (Port Townsend, WA), 1987.
  • Discurso pronunciado con occasion de la entrega del premio Nobel de literatura, 1971, Centre de recherches hispaniques (Paris, France), 1972, translation published as Toward the Splendid City: Nobel Lecture, Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 1974.
  • Cantos de amor y de combate (poetry), Austral (Santiago, Chile), 1971.
  • Geografia infructuosa (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1972.
  • Cuatros poemas escritos en Francia, Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1972.
  • Libro de las odas, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1972.
  • El Mar y las campanas: Poemas, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1973, translation by William O'Daly published as The Sea and the Bells, Copper Canyon Press (Port Townsend, WA), 1988.
  • La Rosa separada (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1973, translation by William O'Daly as A Separate Rose, Copper Canyon Press (Port Townsend, WA), 1985.
  • El Corazon amarillo (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1974, translation by William O'Daly published as The Yellow Heart, Copper Canyon Press (Port Townsend, WA), 1990.
  • Elegia (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1974, published as Elegia: Obra postuma, Seix Barral (Barcelona, Spain), 1976.
  • Incitacion al Nixonicidio y alabanza de la revolucion chilena (poetry), Grijalbo (Barcelona, Spain), 1974, translation by Steve Kowit published as Incitement to Nixonicide and Praise for the Chilean Revolution, Quixote (Houston, TX), 1974, 2nd edition, 1980.
  • Defectos escogidos (poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1974.
  • Oda a la lagartija (poem), P. R. Martorell (Camp Rico de Canovanas, Puerto Rico), 1974.
  • Jardin de invierno, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1974, published as Jardin de invierno: Obras postuma, Seix Barral (Barcelona, Spain), 1977, translation by William O'Daly published as Winter Garden, Copper Canyon Press (Port Townsend, WA), 1986.
  • Libro de las preguntas, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1974, translation by William O'Daly published as The Book of Questions, Copper Canyon Press (Port Townsend, WA), 1991.
  • Cartas de amor de Pablo Neruda (correspondence), compiled by Sergio Lorrain, Rodas (Madrid, Spain), 1974.
  • Confieso que he vivido: Memorias, Seix Barral (Barcelona, Spain), 1974, translation by Hardie St. Martin published as Memoirs, Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 1977.


  • Seleccion (poetry), compiled by Arturo Aldunate, Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1943.
  • 1947-1948 Coleccion residencia en la tierra: Obra poética, ten volumes, Cruz del Sur (Santiago, Chile).
  • Canto general (poetry), Comite Auspiciador (Mexico), 1950, 5th edition in two volumes, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1971.
  • Poesías completas, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1951.
  • Los Versos mas populares (poetry), Austral (Santiago, Chile), 1954.
  • Los Mejores versos de Pablo Neruda (poetry), [Buenos Aires], 1956.
  • Obras completas, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1957, 3rd edition published in two volumes, 1968.
  • El Habitante y su esperanza, El hondero entusiasta, Tentativa del hombre infinito, [and] Anillos, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1957, 4th edition, 1971.
  • Antología, Nascimento (Santiago, Chile), 1957, 4th enlarged edition, 1970.
  • The Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda, edited and translated by Ben Belitt, Grove (New York, NY), 1961.
  • Poesías, selected by Roberto Retamar, Casa de las Americas (Havana, Cuba), 1965.
  • Antología esencial, selected by Hernan Loyola, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1971.
  • Poemas immortales, selected by Jaime Concha, Quimantu (Santiago, Chile), 1971.
  • Obras escogidas (poetry), selected by Francisco Coloane, A. Bello (Santiago, Chile), 1972.
  • Antología popular 1972, [Santiago, Chile], 1972.
  • Pablo Neruda (includes poems, Nobel prize acceptance speech, interview, and chronologies), Noroeste (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1973.
  • Poesía, two volumes, Noguer (Barcelona, Spain), 1974.
  • Neruda's Garden: An Anthology of Odes, Latin American Literary Review (Pittsburgh, PA), 1995.
  • Full Woman, Fleshly Apple, Hot Moon: Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda, translated by Stephen Mitchell, Harper (New York, NY), 1997.
  • The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems, edited by Mark Eisner, translation by Forrest Gander, City Light Books (San Francisco, CA), 2004.


  • Let the Splitter Awake and Other Poems (selected from Que despierte el leñador!, and Canto général; also see below), translated by Waldeen, Masses & Mainstream (New York, NY), 1950, reprinted, International Publishing (New York, NY, 1989, portions published as Let the Rail-Splitter Awake, 1951.
  • Twenty Love Poems: A Disdaining Song, translated by W. S. Merwin, Grossman (New York, NY), 1961.
  • Elementary Odes, translated by Carlos Lozano, G. Massa (New York, NY), 1961.
  • Bestiary/Bestiario: A Poem, translated by Elsa Neuberger, Harcourt (New York, NY), 1965.
  • Nocturnal Collection: A Poem, translated by Angel Flores, [Madison, WI], 1966.
  • We Are Many (poem), translated by Alastair Reid, Cape Goliard Press, 1967, Grossman (New York, NY), 1968.
  • Twenty Poems (selected from Residencia en la tierra, Canto général, and Odas elementales), translated by James Wright and Robert Bly, Sixties Press (Madison, WI), 1967.
  • Ben Belitt, editor, A New Decade: Poems, 1958-1967, translated by Belitt and Alastair Reid, Grove (New York, NY), 1969.
  • Pablo Neruda: The Early Poems, translated by David Ossman and Carlos B. Hagen, New Rivers Press (New York, NY), 1969.
  • Nathaniel Tarn, editor, Selected Poems, translated by Anthony Kerrigan and others, J. Cape (London, England), 1970, Delacorte (New York, NY), 1972.
  • New Poems, 1968-1970, edited and translated by Ben Belitt, Grove (New York, NY), 1972.
  • Residence on Earth (includes Residencia en la tierra, Volumes I and II, and Tercera residencia), translated by Donald D. Walsh, New Directions (New York, NY), 1973.
  • Five Decades: A Selection (Poems 1925-1970), edited and translated by Ben Belitt, Grove (New York, NY), 1974.
  • Passions and Impressions, translated by Margaret Sayers Peden, Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 1982.
  • Windows That Open Inward: Images of Chile, translated by Alastair Reid and others, White Pine (Buffalo, NY), 1984.
  • Still Another Day, translated by William O'Daly, Copper Canyon Press (Port Townsend, WA), 1984.
  • The House at Isla Negra, translated by Dennis Maloney and Clark Zlotchew, White Pine (Buffalo, NY), 1988.
  • Late and Posthumous Poems, 1968-1974, edited and translated by Ben Belitt, Grove (New York, NY), 1989.
  • Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda, translated by Margaret Sayers Peden, University of California Press (Berkeley, CA), 1990.
  • 2000, translated by Schaaf, Azul Editions (Paris, France), 1993.
  • Seaquake-Maremoto, translated by Dennis Maloney and Maria Giacchetti, White Pine (Buffalo, NY), 1993.
  • Pablo Neruda: An Anthology of Odes, edited by Yvette E. Miller, translated by Maria Giacchetti, Latin American Literary Review Press (Pittsburgh, PA), 1994.
  • Ferris Cook, editor, Odes to Common Things, translated by Ken Krabbenhoft, Little, Brown (Boston, MA), 1994.
  • Ferris Cook, editor, Odes to Opposites, translated by Ken Krabbenhoft, Little, Brown (Boston, MA), 1995.
  • En el corazón de un poeta (selección), introduction and notes by Esteban Llorach Ramos, Gente Nueva (Havana, Cuba), 1999.
  • Prólogos, Sudamericana (Santiago, Chile), 2000.
  • Oda a las flores de Datitla, (reproductions of pages of leaves and wildflowers, pressed and arranged by Matilde Neruda with handwritten verses by author), Sintesys (Santiago, Chile), c. 2002.
  • The Poetry of Pablo Neruda, edited and with an introduction by Ilan Stavans, Farrar, Straus (New York, NY), 2003.
  • On the Blue Shore of Silence : Poems of the Sea/ A la orilla azul del silencio, translations by Alastair Reid, paintings by Mary Heebner, Rayo (New York, NY), 2004.


  • (Translator into Spanish) William Blake, Visiones de las hijas de Albion y el viajero mental, Cruz y Raya (Madrid, Spain), 1935.
  • (Translator into Spanish) William Shakespeare, Romeo y Julieta, Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1964.
  • (Translator into Spanish) Cuarenta y cuatro (Rumanian poetry), Losada (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1967.
  • Pablo Neruda and Nicanor Parra Face to Face (speeches), E. Mellen Press (Lewsiton, NY), 1997.
  • Neruda at Isla Negra (prose poems), translations by Dennis Maloney and Clark M. Zlotchew, photographs by Milton Rogovin, foreword by Marjorie Agosin, afterword by Ariel Dorfman, White Pines Press (Freedonia, NY), 1998.
  • Pablo Neruda en Breve (poems), prologue by Nelson Osorio T., Universidad de Santiago (Santiago, Chile), 2001.

Also author of Cartas de amor, edited by Sergio Larrain, 1974; Cartas a Laura, edited by Hugo Montes, 1978; Para nacer he nacido, 1980; (with Hector Eandi) Correspondancia, edited by Margarita Aguirre, 1980; and Poemas, Horizonte. Also editor and translator of Paginas escogidas de Anatole France, 1924. Work represented in anthologies, including Anthology of Contemporary Latin American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts, New Directions (New York, NY), 1942; and Modern European Poetry, edited by Willis Barnstone, Bantam (New York, NY), 1966. Contributor to books, including Neruda and Vallejo: Selected Poems, compiled by Robert Bly, translated by Bly and others, Beacon Press (Boston, MA), 1971; For Neruda, for Chile: An International Anthology, edited by Walter Lowenfels, Beacon Press, 1975; Three Spanish American Poets: Pellicer, Neruda, Andrade, edited by Lloyd Mallan, translated by Mary Wicker, Gordon Press (New York, NY), 1977; and Macchu Picchu, photographs by Barry Brukoff, translated by Stephen Kessler, prologue by Isabel Allende, Little, Brown (Boston, MA), 2001. Contributor of poems and articles to periodicals, including Selva austral, Poetry, Nation, Commonweal, Canadian Forum, and California Quarterly.