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Meyer Bruce

Born in April 23, 1957 / Canada / English

Meyer Bruce poet from Canada was born on April 23, 1957 has 67 years. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

Top ten poems Meyer Bruce

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The Ferry to South Baymouth

... My daughter's eyes are blue as Georgian Bayand sparkle with the glint of tiny starsthat define each wave on a summer's day; ...

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... A summer rain falls and dampens the smellof limp brown bok choy draped from boxescollected on the curbside of Spadina Avenueas an old woman turns over a ripe durian,touching its spines with a scientific curiosityand feeling its flesh for soft spots in the green.A streetcar inches on as the light turns green ...

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A Canticle for Canis

... I rise to shut the window but dawn won't let me go back to dreaming, so I watch rain falling on the lawn, and your breath is softly syncopated. The air is soft, too, soft as the skin that crafts your ears and delicate as something you might say when ...

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The Death of Grass

... e green seathat washes over time when a pop fly hangslike a lover's promise in an arc through centre ...

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... I hunger for love and feed you roses, their perfume fills the room with luxury because once a year we can afford the act of generosity spoken from within the heart that hungers for that flavour of lost paradise ...

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The Lighthouse at Honfleur

... lue calm of a single manwho stood watching from the empty strandas if the loneliest beneath blue sky ...

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Liturgy: Visiting P.K.

... There is a woman floating in a windowTransparentChristmas wreaths in passing housesShine now in eye and now in hair, in heart.-- P.K. Page, "Reflection in a Train Window"There is a woman floating in a window,and light through Venetian blindstransforms her into bars of music, ...

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The Lovers' Sestina

... Am Ithis songcelebrating you,each drawnbreath praisingthe world?The world ...

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Mavety Street

... When moonlight stole like guilty cats and summer owned the airI kissed your lips on Mavety Street ...

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My Childhood Garden

... My footprint in the flower bed ...

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