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Born in November 27, 1758 / Died in December 26, 1800 / United Kingdom / English

Poems by Mary Darby Robinson

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Sonnet XVII: Love Steals Unheeded

... Sweet is the thraldom that thou bid'st us prove! ...

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Sonnet XVIII: Why Art Thou Chang'd?

... When, in sweet converse, mingling sigh with sigh, ...

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Sonnet XX: Oh! I Could Toil For Thee

... The thrilling thought, the blissful dream to know, ...

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Sonnet XXI: Why Do I Live

... A brother's frailties, swell'd the tide of woes,- ...

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Sonnet XXII: Wild Is the Foaming Sea

... My storm-drench'd limbs the flinty fragments wound, ...

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Sonnet XXIII: To Aetna's Scorching Sands

... While Sappho's brows with cypress wreaths are drest ...

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Sonnet XXIV: O Thou! Meek Orb

... Thy sweet breath whisp'ring in the moonlight bow'r, ...

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Sonnet XXIX: Farewell, Ye Tow'ring Cedars

... While am'rous insects, humming round me, play'd, ...

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Sonnet XXV: Can'st Thou Forget

... While Hope, slow breathing on the trembling wire, ...

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Sonnet XXVI: Where Antique Woods

... Where antique woods o'er-hang the mountains's crest, ...

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Sonnet XXVII: Oh! Ye Bright Stars

... To flames, less fierce than mine, your lustre yields, ...

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Sonnet XXVIII: Weak Is the Sophistry

... While Hope, with pleasing phantoms, soothes their smart ...

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Sonnet XXX: O'er the Tall Cliff

... That love-lorn minstrels strike with trembling hand, ...

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Sonnet XXXI: Far O'er the Waves

... Love's frequent sighs the flutt'ring sails shall swell, ...

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Sonnet XXXII: Blest As the Gods

... The Bee flies sicken'd from the sweetest flow'r ...