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Born in November 27, 1758 / Died in December 26, 1800 / United Kingdom / English

Poems by Mary Darby Robinson

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Elegy to the Memory of Richard Boyle, Esq.

... Which marks the godlike mind distress'd! Nor was thy mental strength subdu'd, ...

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Elegy to the Memory of Werter

... Where all thy virtues, all thy griefs are laid! Yes, hopeless suff'rer, friendless and forlorn, ...

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Female Fashions for 1799

... And shoes of ragged listing !Cravats like towels, thick and broad, ...

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Golfre, Gothic Swiss Tale

... "The FIENDS--the FIENDS have sent thee!"And now a Goatherd-Boy was heard-- ...

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January, 1795

... Balls, where simp'ring misses languish ...

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Lewin and Gynneth

... Whose freshness sham'd the morn ! Slow steals the life-stream at my heart ...

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... " - YOUNG. LOVE, thou sportive fickle boy, ...

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Lines inscribed to P. de Loutherbourg, Esq. R. A.

... Confess TH' ETERNAL'S pow'r ! and pensively adore! ALL VARYING NATURE! oft the outstretch'd eye ...

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Lines on Hearing it Declared that No Women Were So Handsome as the English

... How far her frolic empire goes ! On ASIA's sands, on ALPINE snow, ...

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Lines to Him Who Will Understand Them

... Those throbbing pulses beat no more! No, ­I will breathe the spicy gale ...

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Lines to the memory of Richard Boyle, Esq.

... And when stern FATE, with ruthless rancour, press'd ...

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Lines Written by the Side of a River

... For 'tis PITY'S drop divine! GENTLE ZEPHYR, softly play, ...

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Lines Written on the Sea-Coast

... Mocks the poor pilot's skill, and braves his sighs ...

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Male Fashions for 1799

... Oh ! wou'd their reign had ne'er begun ! ...

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Mistress Gurton's Cat

... "From poor GRIMALKIN kind, the darling of my heart!"And now DAME GURTON, bath'd in tears, ...