
written by

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_Written of Colossal Cave, Kentucky._

  Aisles and abysses; leagues no man explores,
  Of rock that labyrinths and night that drips;
  Where everlasting silence broods, with lips
  Of adamant, o'er earthquake-builded floors.
  Where forms, such as the Demon-World adores,
  Laborious water carves; whence echo ships
  Wild-tongued o'er pools where petrifaction strips
  Her breasts of crystal from which crystal pours.--
  Here where primordial fear, the Gorgon, sits
  Staring all life to stone in ghastly mirth,
  I seem to tread, with awe no tongue can tell,--
  Beneath vast domes, by torrent-tortured pits,
  'Mid wrecks terrific of the ruined Earth,--
  An ancient causeway of forgotten Hell.

© Madison Julius Cawein