Chinatown Chant

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I go down to Dupont Street See my very good friend:I have something good to eat With my very good friend:Feel damblue and want some fun,Play fantan with Wun Fat Bun,He think me just Number One, He my very good friend.

Yim poi--I no care! Yim poi--you no care,Sometime good time alla time maybe! We no care--yim poi!


Hello, how do, come in, sit down! You my very good friend!You come best place in Chinatown, You my very good friend!Too much cold and rain in street,You look sick, me stand you treat,Fix up something good to eat For my very good friend.

Yim poi--I no care! Yim poi--you no care,Sometime good time alla time maybe! We no care--yim poi!


S'pose you like some extra-dry, You my very good friend:S'pose you like some mo-goo-gai, You my very good friend!Fine chop-suey, guy-see-ming,Bamboo-stick in chicken-wing,Mushroom stew with everything For my very good friend.

Yim poi--I no care! Yim poi--you no care,Sometime good time alla time maybe! We no care--yim poi!


Plenty eat and plenty drink For my very good friend!You stay here all night I think, You my very good friend!I lock fast big outside door,Have best time you had before,Sing-song girlie come some more For my very good friend.

Yim poi--I no care! Yim poi--you no care,Sometime good time alla time maybe! We no care--yim poi!


Sing-song girlie dance for you, Sing, my very good friend!No more now you feel damblue, Sing, my very good friend!Too much drink and too much funJust enough for Number One,You know nothing when you done, O my very good friend!

Yim poi--I no care! Yim poi--you no care,Sometime good time alla time maybe! We no care--yim poi!

© MacInnes Tom