Kevin Prufer poet from United States was born in 1969 has 56 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.
Kevin D. Prufer (born 1969 in Cleveland, Ohio) is an American poet, academic, editor, and essayist. His most recent book is National Anthem (Four Way Books, 2008). He has published poems, essays, and reviews in literary journals and magazines including American Book Review, American Poetry Review, Boulevard, Colorado Review, Shenandoah, Field, Lyric, The New Republic, The Kenyon Review, Boston Review, Georgia Review, The Kenyon Review and in The Best American Poetry (2003 & 2009). His honors include three Pushcart Prizes, and awards from the Poetry Society of America, the Academy of American Poets, and other organizations. His first book, Strange Wood, received the 1997 Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Prize (formerly the Winthrop Prize). Most recently he was awarded a 2007 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship in Poetry.. American poet academic editor and essayist