Other info : Furtherreading
- A Maske Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634 [Comus] (London: Printed for Humphrey Robinson, 1637).
- Epitaphivm Damonis. Argvmentvm (London: Printed by Augustine Mathewes?, 1640?).
- Of Reformation Touching Church-Discipline in England: And the Cavses that hitherto have hindered it (London: Printed for Thomas Underhill, 1641).
- Of Prelatical Episcopacy, and Whether it may be deduc'd from the Apostolical times by vertue of those Testimonies which are alledg'd to that purpose in some late Treatises: One whereof goes under the Name of Iames' Archbishop of Armagh (London: Printed by R. O. & G. D. for Thomas Underhill, 1641).
- Animadversions upon the Remonstrants Defence, against Smectymnvvs (London: Printed for Thomas Underhill, 1641).
- The Reason of Church-governement Urg'd against Prelaty (London: Printed by E. G. for Iohn Rothwell, 1641 [i.e., 1642]).
- An Apology Against a Pamphlet Call'd A Modest Confutation of the Animadversions upon the Remonstrant against Smectymnuus (London: Printed by E. G. for Iohn Rothwell, 1642).
- The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce: Restor'd to the Good of Both Sexes, From the bondage of Canon Law, and other mistakes, to Christian freedom, guided by the Rule of Charity (London: Printed by Thomas Payne & Matthew Simmons, 1643; second edition, "revis'd and much augmented," London, 1644).
- Of Education: To Master Samuel Hartlib (London: Printed for Thomas Johnson, 1644).
- The Ivdgment of Martin Bucer, Concerning Divorce. Writt'n to Edward the sixt, in his second Book of the Kingdom of Christ. And now Englisht (London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1644).
- Areopagitica: A Speech of Mr. John Milton For the Liberty of Vnlicenc'd Printing, To the Parlament of England (London, 1644).
- Colasterion: A Reply to A Nameless Answer Against the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce (London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1645).
- Tetrachordon: Expositions Upon The foure chief places in Scripture, which treat of Mariage, or nullities in Mariage (London: Printed by Thomas Payne & Matthew Simmons, 1645).
- Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, Compos'd at Several Times. Printed by His True Copies. The Songs were Set in Musick by Mr. Henry Lawes (London: Printed by Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Moseley, 1645).
- The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1649; second edition, enlarged, 1650).
- 'EIKONOKLA'TE. in Answer to a Book Intitl'd 'EIK'N BAIAIKE, The Portraiture of his Sacred Majesty in His Solitudes and Sufferings (London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1649; second edition, enlarged, London: Printed by T. N. & sold by Tho. Brewster & G. Moule, 1650).
- Joannis Miltoni Angli Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio Contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii, Defensionem Regiam (Londini: Typis DuGardianis, 1651).
- Joannis Miltoni Angli Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio Secunda. Contra infamen libellum anonymum cui titulus, Regii sanguinis clamor ad cælum adversus parricidas Anglicanos (Londini: Typis Neucomianis, 1654).
- Joannis Miltoni Angli pro se Defensio contra Alexandrum Morum Ecclesiasten, Libelli famosi, cui titulus, Regii sanguinis clamor ad cælum adversuçs Parricidas Anglicanos, authoren recteç dictum (Londini: Typis Neucomianis, 1655).
- Considerations Touching The likeliest means to remove Hirelings out of the church. Wherein is also discourc'd of Tithes, Church-fees, Church-revenues; and whether any maintenance of ministers can be settl'd by law (London: Printed by T. N. for L. Chapman, 1659).
- A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes: Shewing That it is not lawfull for any power on earth to compell in matters of Religion (London: Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1659).
- The Readie & Easie Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth, and the Excellence thereof Compar'd with The inconveniences and dangers of readmitting kingship in this nation (London: Printed by T. N. & sold by Livewell Chapman, 1660; second edition, "revis'd and augmented," London: Printed for the author, 1660).
- Brief Notes Upon a late Sermon, titl'd, The Fear of God and the King; Preachd, and since Publishd, By Matthew Griffith, D. D. And Chaplain to the late King (London, 1660).
- Paradise lost. A Poem Written in Ten Books by John Milton (London: Printed & sold by Peter Parker, Robert Boulter, and Matthias Walker, 1667).
- Accedence Commenc't Grammar, Supply'd with Sufficient Rules, For the use of such as, Younger or Elder, are desirous, without more trouble then needs, to attain the Latin Tongue; the elder sort especially, with little teaching, and their own industry (London: Printed by S. Simmons, 1669).
- The History of Britain, That part especially now call'd England. From the first Traditional Beginning, continu'd to the Norman Conquest (London: Printed by J. M. for James Allestry, 1670).
- Paradise Regain'd. A Poem In IV Books. To Which Is Added Samson Agonistes. The Author John Milton (London: Printed by J. M. for John Starkey, 1671).
- Joannis Miltoni Angli, Artis Logicæ Plenior Institutio, Ad Petri Rami Methodum concinnata (Londini: Impensis Spencer Hickman, 1672).
- Of True Religion, Hæresie, Schism, Toleration, and what best means may be us'd against the growth of Popery (London, 1673).
- Poems, &c. upon Several Occasions. By Mr. John Milton: Both English and Latin, &c. Composed at several times. With a small Tractate of Education To Mr. Hartlib (London: Printed for Tho. Dring, 1673).
- Joannis Miltoni Angli, Epistolarum Familiarum Liber Unus: Quibus Accesserunt, Ejusdem, jam olim in Collegio Adolescentis, Prolusiones Quædam Oratoriae (Londini: Impensis Brabazoni Aylmeri, 1674).
- A Declaration, or Letters Patents of the Election of this present King of Poland John the Third, Elected on the 22d of May last past, Anno Dom. 1674, translated by Milton (London: Printed for Brabazon Aylmer, 1674).
- Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. The Second Edition Revised and Augmented by the Same Author (London: Printed by S. Simmons, 1674).
- Literæ Pseudo-Senatûs Anglicani, Cromwellii, Reliquorumque Perduellium nomine ac jussu conscriptæ (Amsterdam: Printed by Peter & John Blaeu, 1676).
- A Brief History of Moscovia: and of Other Less-Known Countries Lying Eastward of Russia as far as Cathay. Gather'd from the Writings of Several Eye-witnesses (London: Printed by M. Flesher for Brabazon Aylmer, 1682).
- Letters of State, Written by Mr. John Milton, to most of the Sovereign Princes and Republicks of Europe. From the Year 1649. Till the Year 1659. To Which Is Added, an Account of His Life. Together with Several of His Poems (London, 1694).
- Joannis Miltoni Angli De Doctrina Christiana libri duo posthumi, quos ex schedis mauscripts deprompsit et typis mandari primus curavit C. R. Sumner (Cantabrigiae: Typis Academicis excudit Joannes Smith, 1825).
- A Common-place Book of John Milton, and a Latin Essay and Latin Verses Presumed To Be by Milton, edited by A. J. Horwood, Camden Society Publications, new series 16 (Westminster: Printed for the Camden Society, 1876; revised, 1877).
- A Common-Place Book of John Milton. Reproduced by the Autotype Process from the Original Manuscript in the Possession of Sir Frederick J. U. Graham.... With an Introduction by A. J. Horwood (London: Privately printed at the Chiswick Press, 1876).
- The Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton. Containing Paradise Lost, Paradise Regain'd, Sampson Agonistes, and His Poems on Several Occasions. Together with Explanatory Notes on Each Book of the Paradise Lost and a Table Never before Printed, with notes to Paradise Lost by David Hume (London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1695).
- The Works of Mr. John Milton (London, 1697).
- A Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works of John Milton, both English and Latin; with som Papers Never Before Publish'd, 3 volumes (Amsterdam [i.e. London], 1698).
- The Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton, 2 volumes (London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1705).
- Paradise Regain'd. A Poem in Four Books. To Which is Added Samson Agonistes: and Poems on Several Occasions.... From the text of Thomas Newton, D.D. (Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville for J. & R. Tonson, London, 1758).
- Paradise Lost. A Poem, in Twelve Books.... From the Text of Thomas Newton D.D. (Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville for J. & R. Tonson, London, 1758).
- Poems upon Several Occasions, English, Italian and Latin, With Translations by John Milton.... With Notes Critical and Explanatory and Other Illustrations, edited by Thomas Warton (London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1785).
- The Poetical Works of John Milton. With a Life of the Author, by William Hayley, 3 volumes (London: Printed by W. Bulmer for John & Josiah Boydell & George Nicol, 1794-1797).
- Latin and Italian Poems of Milton Translated into English Verse, and a Fragment of a Commentary on Paradise Lost, translated by William Cowper, edited by William Hayley (London: Printed by J. Seagrave for J. Johnson & R. H. Evans, 1808).
- The Poetical Works of John Milton, with Notes of Various Authors. To Which are added Illustrations, and Some Account of the Life and Writings of Milton.... Second edition, with considerable additions and with a Verbal Index to the whole of Milton's poetry, 7 volumes, edited by H. J. Todd (London: Printed for J. Johnson by Law & Gilbert, 1809).
- Milton's Life and Poetical Works with Notes by William Cowper.... With Adam, a Sacred Drama, 4 volumes, edited by Hayley (Chichester: Printed by W. Mason for J. Johnson, London, 1810).
- The Poetical Works of John Milton.... with Imaginative Illustrations by J. M. W. Turner, 6 volumes, edited by Sir Egerton Brydges (London: J. Macrone, 1835).
- The Prose Works of John Milton, 5 volumes, edited by J. A. St. John, Bohn's Standard Library (London: Bell, 1848-1881).
- The Works of John Milton in Verse and Prose, Printed from the Original Editions with a Life of the Author, 8 volumes, edited by John Mitford (London: Pickering, 1851).
- The Poems of John Milton, 2 volumes, edited by Thomas Keightley (London: Chapman & Hall, 1859).
- English Poems by John Milton, 2 volumes, edited by R. C. Browne (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1870; revised, 1873).
- The Poetical Works of John Milton, 3 volumes, edited by David Masson (London: Macmillan, 1874; revised, 1890).
- The Cambridge Milton for Schools, 10 volumes, edited by A. Wilson Verity, Pitt Press series (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1891-1896; revised edition of Comus, 1909; revised edition of Paradise Lost, 1910).
- The Poetical Works of John Milton, Edited after the Original Texts, edited by H. C. Beeching (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1900).
- The Poetical Works of John Milton, edited by William Aldis Wright (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1903).
- The Poems of John Milton, 2 volumes, edited by H. J. C. Grierson (London: Chatto & Windus, 1925).
- Milton's Prose, edited by Malcolm W. Wallace (London: Oxford University Press, 1925).
- Areopagitica and Other Prose Works (London: Dent, 1927; New York: Dutton, 1927).
- The Student's Milton, Being the Complete Poems of John Milton, with the Greater Part of His Prose Works, Now Printed in One Volume, Together with New Translations into English of His Italian, Latin and Greek Poems, edited by Frank Allen Patterson (New York: Crofts, 1930; revised, 1933).
- The Works of John Milton, 18 volumes in 21, edited by Patterson (New York: Columbia University Press, 1931-1938).
- Paradise Regained, the Minor Poems and Samson Agonistes, Complete and Arranged Chronologically, edited by Merritt Y. Hughes (New York: Odyssey Press, 1937).
- The English Poems of John Milton, from the Edition of H. C. Beeching Together with an Introduction by Charles Williams, and a Reader's Guide to Milton Compiled by Walter Skeat (London: Oxford University Press, 1940).
- The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton, edited by Harris Francis Fletcher (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1941).
- John Milton's Complete Poetical Works, Reproduced in Photographic Facsimile, 4 volumes, edited by Fletcher (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1943-1948).
- John Milton: Prose Selections, edited by Hughes (New York: Odyssey Press, 1947).
- The Poetical Works of John Milton, 2 volumes, edited by Helen Darbishire (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952-1955); republished with Latin poems edited by H. W. Garrod and Italian poems edited by John Purves (London & New York: Oxford University Press, 1958).
- Complete Prose Works of John Milton, 8 volumes in 10, edited by Don M. Wolfe and others (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953-1982).
- Poems, edited by B. A. Wright (London: Dent / New York: Dutton, 1956).
- Complete Poems and Major Prose, edited by Hughes (New York: Odyssey Press, 1957).
- The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton, edited by Douglas Bush (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965; London: Oxford University Press, 1966).
- The Prose of John Milton, edited by J. Max Patrick (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1967).
- The Poems of John Milton, edited by John Carey and Alastair Fowler (London: Longmans, Green, 1968).
- The Complete Poetry of John Milton, revised edition, edited by John T. Shawcross (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1971).
- Selected Prose of John Milton, edited by C. A. Patrides (Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1974).
- John Milton: The Complete Poems, edited by Wright, with an introduction by Gordon Campbell (London: Dent / New York, Dutton, 1980).
- John Milton, edited by Stephen Orgel and Jonathan Goldberg (Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1991).
- "An Epitaph on the admirable Dramaticke Poet, W. SHAKESPEARE," in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, Second Folio (London: Printed by Tho. Cotes for Robert Allot, 1632).
- "Lycidas," in Justa Edovardo King, naufrago, ab Amicis moerentibus, amoris & eis khai (Cantabrigiæ: Apud Thomam Buck & Rogerum Daniel, 1638); part 2: Obsequies to the Memorie of Mr. Edward King, Anno Dom. 1638 (Cambridge: Printed by Th. Buck & R. Daniel, 1638), pp. 20-25.
- Sonnet to Henry Lawes, in Choice Psalmes, Put into Musick for Three Voices, by Henry and William Lawes (London: Printed by James Young for Humphrey Moseley, 1648).
- "Observations on the Articles of Peace," in Articles of Peace, made and concluded with the Irish Rebels, and Papists, by James Earle of Ormond, for and in behalfe of the late King, and by vertue of his Autoritie (London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1649).
- The Cabinet-Council: Containing the Chief Arts of Empire, and Mysteries of State ... By ... Sir Walter Raleigh, published by Milton from a manuscript (London: Printed by Thomas Newcomb for Thomas Johnson, 1658).
Milton materials are scattered around the world, but most of the important collections of manuscripts and early printed editions are in Britain and the United States. In Britain, the important depositories are the British Library in London, the Bodleian Library in Oxford, and the Trinity College Library in Cambridge. In the United States the important depositories are the New York Public Library, the Folger Shakespeare Library, the Henry E. Huntington Library, the Yale University Libraries, the University of Kentucky Libraries, the Columbia University Library, the Union Theological Seminary Library, the University of Illinois Library, and the Princeton University Library.