Pocula Janus amatet Febrius, algeo clamat;
Martius arva colitAprilis florida prodit
Ros et flos nemorum Maio sunt fames amorum
Dat Junius foenaJulio resecatur avena
Augustus spicasSeptember colligit uvas
Seminat Octoberspoliat virgulta November
Quærit habere cibum porcum mactando December.
January drinketh deepquoth Feb'rary, "I'm cold"
March guideth ploughshareApril doth his struggling buds unfold
May sprinkleth flower and leaf with dew, and maketh lover bold.
June sporteth 'mid his haymeads sweetOats fall in July-weather
August the ripened sheaves doth setSeptember grapes doth gather
October soweth future storeNovember strippeth twig
Decemberhe rejoiceth him to kill his Christmas-pig.