Psalm 66 part 2

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C. M.
Praise to God for hearing prayer.

Now shall my solemn vows be paid
To that Almighty Power,
That heard the long requests I made
In my distressful hour.

My lips and cheerful heart prepare
To make his mercies known;
Come, ye that fear my God, and hear
The wonders he has done.

When on my head huge sorrows fell,
I sought his heav'nly aid;
He saved my sinking soul from hell,
And death's eternal shade.

If sin lay covered in my heart,
While prayer employed my tongue,
The Lord had shown me no regard,
Nor I his praises sung.

But God (his name be ever blest)
Has set my spirit free;
Nor turned from him my poor request,
Nor turned his heart from me.

© Isaac Watts