Hymn 8

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The tree of life

[COME, Jet us join a joyful tune,
To our exalted Lord,
Ye saints on high around his throne,
And we around his board.

While once upon this lower ground
Weary and faint ye stood,
What dear refreshments here ye found
From this immortal food!]

The tree of life, that near the throne
In heav'n's high garden grows,
Laden with grace, bends gently down
Its ever-smiling boughs.

[Hov'ring amongst the leaves there stands
The sweet celestial Dove;
And Jesus on the branches hangs
The banner of his love.]

['Tis a young heav'n of strange delight
While in his shade we sit;
His fruit is pleasing to the sight,
And to the taste as sweet.

New life it spreads through dying hearts,
And cheers the drooping mind;
Vigor and joy the juice imparts,
Without a sting behind.]

Now let the flaming weapon stand,
And guard all Eden's trees
There's ne'er a plant in all that land
That bears such fruits as these.

Infinite grace our souls adore,
Whose wondrous hand has made
This living branch of sovereign power
To raise and heal the dead.

© Isaac Watts