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  And, lo! leading a blessed host comes one
  Who held a warring nation in his heart;
  Who knew love's agony, but had no part
  In love's delight; whose mighty task was done
  Through blood and tears that we might walk in joy,
  And this day's rapture own no sad alloy.
  Around him heirs of bliss, whose bright brows wear
  Palm leaves amid their laurels ever fair.
  Gaily they come, as though the drum
  Beat out the call their glad hearts knew so well;
  Brothers once more, dear as of yore,
  Who in a noble conflict nobly fell.
  Their blood washed pure yon banner in the sky,
  And quenched the brands laid 'neath these arches high--
  The brave who, having fought, can never die.

© Harriet Monroe