Rimas X

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Los invisibles atomos del aire
  En derredor palpitan y se inflaman;
  El cielo se deshace en rayos de oro;
  La tierra se estremece alborozada;
  Oigo flotando en olas de armonia
  Rumor de besos y batir de alas;
  Mis parpados se cierran... ?Que sucede?
  --!Es el amor que pasa!

Mrs. Ward's translation:

  The viewless atoms of the air
  Around me palpitate and burn,
  All heaven dissolves in gold, and earth
  Quivers with new-found joy.
  Floating on waves of harmony I hear
  A stir of kisses, and a sweep of wings;
  Mine eyelids close--"What pageant nears?"
  "'Tis Love that passes by!"

© Gustavo Adolfo Becquer