Are you aware that Shelley has written an elegy on Keats--and accuses the Quarterly of killing him?--
Who killed John Keats? I, says the QuarterlySo savage & Tartarly, 'Twas one of my feats--Who shot the arrow? The poet-priest Milman(So ready to kill man) Or Southey, or Barrow.--
You know very well that I did not approve of Keats's poetry or principles of poetry--or of his abuse of Pope--but as he is dead--omit all that is said about him in any M.S.S. of mine--or publication. --His Hyperion is a fine monument & will keep his name--I do not envy the man--who wrote the article--your review people have no more right to kill than any other foot pads.--However--he who would die of an article in a review--would probably have died of something else equally trivial--the same thing nearly happened to Kirke White--who afterwards died of consumption.