The Farmers Seed

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The farmer lies wide awake at night,

In his heart is filled with a fright.

Tomorrow he will plant his seeds,

And he hopes they will supply his needs.
He doesn’t know where or what to plant,

That will be safe from the heat, birds, or critic’s chant.

Can he nurture the seed he will sow,

And protect it until it begins to grow?
He looks at his field vast and wide,

And knows the enemy is there only to hide.

So silently he begins to sow his seed,

Praying it will be enough to meet his need.
The wind blew some, by the wayside they went,

And the fowls devoured what he had spent.

Some fell on ground that was very hard,

And the sun came up and they were scorch and marred.

Some fell among thorns and weeds,

And the life was choked out of those seeds.

But some fell on very good ground,

And the fruit it produced will long abound.
The farmers fear had gone away,

Not all his seed produced today.

But it didn’t keep him from planting,

And produce enough to silent those who were chanting.

Written 7-08-06

© Gary R. Ferris