Rubber-Stamp Humour

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If couples mated but for love;
  If women all were perfect cooks;
  If Hoosier authors wrote no books;
  If horses always won;
If people in the flat above
  Were silent as the very grave;
  If foreign counts were prone to save;
  If tailors did not dun--

If automobiles always ran
  As advertised in catalogues;
  If tramps were not afraid of dogs;
  If servants never left;
If comic songs would always scan;
  If Alfred Austin were sublime;
  If poetry would always rhyme;
  If authors all were deft--

If office boys were not all cranks
  On base-ball; if the selling price
  Of meat and coal and eggs and ice
  Would stop its mad increase;
If women started saying "Thanks"
  When men gave up their seats in cars;
  If there were none but good cigars,
  And better yet police--

If there were no such thing as booze;
  If wifey's mother never came
  To visit; if a foot-ball game
  Were mild and harmless sport;
If all the Presidential news
  Were colourless; if there were men
  At every mountain, sea-side, glen,
  River and lake resort--

If every girl were fair of face;
  If women did not fear to get
  Their suits for so-called bathing wet--
  If all these things were true,
This earth would be a pleasant place.
  But where would people get their laughs?
  And whence would spring the paragraphs?
  And what would jokers do?

© Franklin Pierce Adams