Torre Nuovo

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The water has flowed forth a year,
  Since, sitting by the fountain's side,
  We looked into the basin clear,
  Where sparkles still the gushing tide,
  And watched the crystal current pour,
  During one bright enchanting hour.
  The sun sloped low upon the plain—
  The mellow southern winter sun—
  And purple rose the mountain chain,
  Which then I first did look upon;
  While o'er its shadowy crests were seen
  Bright, dazzling peaks of snowy sheen.
  The limpid heavens o'er our head
  Were clear as truth, and soft as love;
  The dark-blue tufted pine-trees spread
  Their solemn shade our rest above.
  And, framed between their pillars gray,
  The landscape's magic pictures lay.

  A year that water hath flowed forth;
  A year my golden hours have flowed:
  And towards the regions of the north
  I turn, to leave this blest abode,
  Where I have dwelt in constant joy,
  In peace and rest without alloy.
  Pain has been far from me, and pleasure
  Has kept the record of my days;
  Glory and beauty, without measure,
  Have haunted my familiar ways,
  And made a year's existence seem
  Bright, brief, and wondrous as a dream.
  Now I depart, and bear with me
  The gathered riches of these days;
  No shade the sternest futurity
  Upon their perfect brightness lays;
  Life shall possess them to the last:
  The blackest fate must spare the past.

© Frances Anne Kemble