The Rock Of Cader Idris

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I LAY on that rock where the storms have their dwelling, 
  The birthplace of phantoms, the home of the cloud; 
Around it for ever deep music is swelling, 
  The voice of the mountain-wind, solemn and loud. 
'Twas a midnight of shadows all fitfully streaming,
  Of wild waves and breezes, that mingled their moan;
Of dim shrouded stars, as from gulfs faintly gleaming;
  And I met the dread gloom of its grandeur alone.

I lay there in silence–a spirit came o'er me;
  Man's tongue hath no language to speak what I saw:
Things glorious, unearthly, passed floating before me,
  And my heart almost fainted with rapture and awe.
I viewed the dread beings around us that hover,
  Though veil'd by the mists of mortality's breath;
And I called upon darkness the vision to cover,
  For a strife was within me of madness and death.

I saw them–the powers of the wind and the ocean,
  The rush of whose pinion bears onward the storms;
Like the sweep of the white-rolling wave was their motion,
  I felt their dim presence,–but knew not their forms ! 
I saw them–the mighty of ages departed–
  The dead were around me that night on the hill: 
From their eyes, as they passed, a cold radiance they darted,–
  There was light on my soul, but my heart's blood was chill.

I saw what man looks on, and dies–but my spirit
  Was strong, and triumphantly lived through that hour;
And, as from the grave, I awoke to inherit
  A flame all immortal, a voice, and a power !
Day burst on that rock with the purple cloud crested,
  And high Cader Idris rejoiced in the sun;–
But O ! what new glory all nature invested,
  When the sense which gives soul to her beauty was won !

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans