Unto like StoryTrouble has enticed me
How Kinsmen fell
Brothers and Sisterwho preferred the Glory
And their young will
Bent to the Scaffold, or in Dungeonschanted
Till God's full time
When they let go the ignominysmiling
And Shame went still
Unto guessed Crests, my moaning fancy, leads me,
Worn fair
By Heads rejectedin the lower country
Of honors there
Such spirit makes her perpetual mention,
That Igrown bold
Step martialat my Crucifixion
As Trumpetsrolled
Feet, small as minehave marched in Revolution
Firm to the Drum
Handsnot so stouthoisted themin witness
When Speech went numb
Let me not shame their sublime deportments
Drilled bright
BeckoningEtruscan invitation
Toward Light