It would never be CommonmoreI said
Differencehad begun
Many a bitternesshad been
But that old sortwas done
Orif it sometimeshowedas 'twill
Upon the DowniestMorn
Such blisshad Ifor all the years
'Twould give an Easierpain
I'd so much joyI told itRed
Upon my simple Cheek
I felt it publishin my Eye
'Twas needlessany speak
I walkedas wingsmy body bore
The feetI former used
Unnecessarynow to me
As bootswould beto Birds
I put my pleasure all abroad
I dealth a word of Gold
To every Creaturethat I met
And Doweredall the World
Whensuddenlymy Riches shrank
A Goblindrank my Dew
My Palacesdropped tenantless
Myselfwas beggaredtoo
I clutched at sounds
I groped at shapes
I touched the tops of Films
I felt the Wilderness roll back
Along my Golden lines
The Sackclothhangs upon the nail
The Frock I used to wear
But where my moment of Brocade
Mydropof India?