Edwin Arlington Robinson
Born in December 22, 1869 / Died in April 6, 1935 / United States / English
Other info : Career | Bibliography
- Blumenthal, Anna Sabol, The New England Oblique Style: The Poetry of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emily Dickinson, and Edwin Arlington Robinson, Peter Lang, 1998.
- Barnard, Ellsworth, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Macmillan, 1952.
- Brown, Rollo Walter, Next Door to a Poet, Appleton-Century, 1937.
- Concise Dictionary of American Literary Biography: Realism, Naturalism, and Local Color, 1865-1917, Gale, 1988.
- Coxe, Louis O., Edwin Arlington Robinson: The Life of Poetry, Pegasus, 1969.
- Deutsch, Babette, Poetry of Our Time, Holt, 1952.
- Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 54: American Poets, 1880-1945, Gale, 1987.
- Hagedorn, Hermann, Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Biography, Macmillan, 1936.
- Hogan, Charles Beecher, A Bibliography of Edwin Arlington Robinson, Yale University Press, 1936.
- Joyner, Nancy Carol, Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Reference Guide, G. K. Hall, 1978.
- Lowell, Amy, Tendencies in Modern American Poetry, Macmillan, 1917.
- Murphy, Francis, Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Collection of Critical Essays, Prentice-Hall, 1970.
- Neff, Emery, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Sloane, 1948.
- Robinson, Edwin Arlington, King Jasper, introduction by Robert Frost, Macmillan, 1935.
- Robinson, W. R., Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Poetry of the Act, Press of Western Reserve University, 1967.
- Sanders, Gerald DeWitt, John Herbert Nelson, and M. L. Rosenthal, editors and compilers,Chief Modern Poets of Britain and America, 5th edition, Macmillan, 1970.
- Smith, Chard Powers, Where the Light Falls: A Portrait of Edwin Arlington Robinson, Macmillan, 1965.
- Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Volume 5, Gale, 1981.
- Van Doran, Mark, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Literary Guild of America, 1927.
- White, William, Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Supplementary Bibliography, Kent State University Press, 1971.
- Winters, Yvor, Edwin Arlington Robinson, New Directions, 1946.
- Bookman, February, 1897, March, 1897, May, 1921.
- Boston Evening Transcript, February 26, 1916.
- Boston Sunday Post, March 2, 1913.
- Colophon, December, 1930.
- Critic, March, 1903.
- Dial, October 11, 1917.
- Fortnightly Review, September 1, 1906.
- Nation, June, 1898, May 25, 1927.
- New Republic, May 27, 1916, October 25, 1933.
- New York Times Book Review, September 8, 1912, December 21, 1919.
- New York Times Magazine, April 9, 1916.
- Personalist, January, 1962.
- Poetry, April, 1916, July, 1917.
- Reader, December, 1902.
- Research Studies, June, 1968.