Edna St. Vincent Millay
Born in February 22, 1892 / Died in October 19, 1950 / United States / English
Other info : Career | Furtherreading
- Renascence, and Other Poems (title poem first published under name E. Vincent Millay in The Lyric Year, 1912; collection includes God’s World), M. Kennerley, 1917 , reprinted, Books for Libraries Press, 1972.
- A Few Figs From Thistles: Poems and Four Sonnets, F. Shay, 1920, enlarged edition published as A Few Figs From Thistles: Poems and Sonnets,F. Shay, 1921.
- Second April (poems; includes Spring, Ode to Silence,and The Beanstalk), M. Kennerley, 1921, reprinted, Harper, 1935 (also see below).
- (And director) Aria da capo (one-act play in verse; first produced in Greenwich Village, NY, December 5, 1919), M. Kennerley, 1921 (also see below).
- The Lamp and the Bell (five-act play; first produced June 18, 1921), F. Shay, 1921 (also see below).
- Two Slatterns and a King: A Moral Interlude (play), Stewart Kidd, 1921 (also see below).
- The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver, F. Shay, 1922, reprinted as The Harp-Weaver, in The Harp-Weaver, and Other Poems (includes The Concert, Euclid Alone has Looked on Beauty Bare, and Sonnets from an Ungrafted Tree), Harper, 1923.
- Poems, M. Secker, 1923.
- (Under pseudonym Nancy Boyd) Distressing Dialogues, preface by Edna St. Vincent Millay, Harper, 1924.
- Three Plays (contains Two Slatterns and a King, Aria da capo, and The Lamp and the Bell), Harper, 1926.
- (Author of libretto) The King’s Henchman (three-act play; first produced in New York, February 17, 1927), Harper, 1927.
- The Buck in the Snow, and Other Poems (includes The Buck in the Snow [also see below] and On Hearing a Symphony of Beethoven), Harper, 1928.
- Fatal Interview (sonnets), Harper, 1931.
- The Princess Marries the Page (one-act play), Harper, 1932.
- Wine from These Grapes (poems; includes Epitaph for the Race of Man and In the Grave No Flower), Harper, 1934.
- (Translator with George Dillon; and author of introduction) Charles Baudelaire, Flowers of Evil, Harper, 1936.
- Conversation at Midnight (narrative poem), Harper, 1937.
- Huntsman, What Quarry? (poems), Harper, 1939.
- There Are No Islands, Any More: Lines Written in Passion and in Deep Concern for England, France, and My Own Country, Harper, 1940.
- Make Bright the Arrows: 1940 Notebook (poems), Harper, 1940.
- The Murder of Lidice (poem), Harper, 1942.
- Second April [and] The Buck in the Snow, introduction by William Ross Benet, Harper, 1950.
- Letters of Edna St. Vincent Millay, edited by Allan Ross Macdougall, Harper, 1952.
- Mine the Harvest (poems), edited by Norma Millay, Harper, 1954.
- Take Up the Song, Harper, 1986, reprinted with music by William Albright as Take Up the Song: Soprano Solo, Mixed Chorus, and Piano, Henmar Press, 1994.
- Selected Poems/The Centenary Edition, edited by Colin Falck, Harper Perennial, 1992.
Works also published in various collections, including Collected Poems, edited by Norma Millay, Harper, 1956; Collected Lyrics of Edna St. Vincent Millay, Harper, 1967; Collected Sonnets of Edna St. Vincent Millay, Perennial Library, 1988; andEarly Poems, Penguin Books, 1998; works represented in American Poetry: A Miscellany. Also author of Fear, originally published in Outlook in 1927; Invocation to the Muses; Poem and Prayer for an Invading Army; and of lyrics for songs and operas. Contributor to numerous periodicals, including St. Nicholas, Current Opinion, The Lyric Year, Ainslee’s, Poetry, Reedy’s Mirror, Metropolitan, Forum, The Smart Set, Vanity Fair, Century, Dial, Nation, New Republic, Chapbook, Yale Review, Vassar Miscellany Monthly, Liberator, Harper’s, Saturday Review of Literature, Outlook, Saturday Evening Post, Ladies’ Home Journal, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, New York Herald-Tribune Magazine, and New York Times Magazine.